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File metadata and controls

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A Task is a collection of Steps that you define and arrange in a specific order of execution as part of your continuous integration flow. A Task executes as a Pod on your Kubernetes cluster. A Task is available within a specific namespace, while a ClusterTask is available across the entire cluster.

A Task declaration includes the following elements:

Configuring a Task

A Task definition supports the following fields:

  • Required:
    • apiVersion - Specifies the API version. For example,
    • kind - Identifies this resource object as a Task object.
    • metadata - Specifies metadata that uniquely identifies the Task resource object. For example, a name.
    • spec - Specifies the configuration information for this Task resource object.
    • steps - Specifies one or more container images to run in the Task.
  • Optional:
    • description - An informative description of the Task.
    • params - Specifies execution parameters for the Task.
    • resources - alpha only Specifies PipelineResources needed or created by yourTask.
      • inputs - Specifies the resources ingested by the Task.
      • outputs - Specifies the resources produced by the Task.
    • workspaces - Specifies paths to volumes required by the Task.
    • results - Specifies the file to which the Tasks writes its execution results.
    • volumes - Specifies one or more volumes that will be available available to the Steps in the Task.
    • stepTemplate - Specifies a Container step definition to use as the basis for all Steps in the Task.
    • sidecars - Specifies Sidecar containers to run alongside the Steps in the Task.

The non-functional example below demonstrates the use of most of the above-mentioned fields:

kind: Task
  name: example-task-name
    - name: pathToDockerFile
      type: string
      description: The path to the dockerfile to build
      default: /workspace/workspace/Dockerfile
      - name: workspace
        type: git
      - name: builtImage
        type: image
    - name: ubuntu-example
      image: ubuntu
      args: ["ubuntu-build-example", ""]
    - image:
      command: ["echo"]
      args: ["$(params.pathToDockerFile)"]
    - name: dockerfile-pushexample
      args: ["push", "$(resources.outputs.builtImage.url)"]
        - name: docker-socket-example
          mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
    - name: example-volume
      emptyDir: {}

Task vs. ClusterTask

A ClusterTask is a Task scoped to the entire cluster instead of a single namespace. A ClusterTask behaves identically to a Task and therefore everything in this document applies to both.

Note: When using a ClusterTask, you must explicitly set the kind sub-field in the taskRef field to ClusterTask. If not specified, the kind sub-field defaults to Task.

Below is an example of a Pipeline declaration that uses a ClusterTask:

kind: Pipeline
  name: demo-pipeline
  namespace: default
    - name: build-skaffold-web
        name: build-push
        kind: ClusterTask
      params: ....

Defining Steps

A Step is a reference to a container image that executes a specific tool on a specific input and produces a specific output. To add Steps to a Task you define a steps field (required) containing a list of desired Steps. The order in which the Steps appear in this list is the order in which they will execute.

The following requirements apply to each container image referenced in a steps field:

  • The container image must abide by the container contract.
  • Each container image runs to completion or until the first failure occurs.
  • The CPU, memory, and ephemeral storage resource requests will be set to zero, or, if specified, the minimums set through LimitRanges in that Namespace, if the container image does not have the largest resource request out of all container images in the Task. This ensures that the Pod that executes the Task only requests enough resources to run a single container image in the Task rather than hoard resources for all container images in the Task at once.

Reserved directories

There are several directories that all Tasks run by Tekton will treat as special

Running scripts within Steps

A step can specify a script field, which contains the body of a script. That script is invoked as if it were stored inside the container image, and any args are passed directly to it.

Note: If the script field is present, the step cannot also contain a command field.

Scripts that do not start with a shebang line will have the following default preamble prepended:

set -xe

You can override this default preamble by prepending a shebang that specifies the desired parser. This parser must be present within that Step's container image.

The example below executes a Bash script:

- image: ubuntu  # contains bash
  script: |
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    echo "Hello from Bash!"

The example below executes a Python script:

- image: python  # contains python
  script: |
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    print("Hello from Python!")

The example below executes a Node script:

- image: node  # contains node
  script: |
    #!/usr/bin/env node
    console.log("Hello from Node!")

You can execute scripts directly in the workspace:

- image: ubuntu
  script: |
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    /workspace/  # provided by an input resource

You can also execute scripts within the container image:

- image: my-image  # contains /bin/my-binary
  script: |
    #!/usr/bin/env bash

Specifying Parameters

You can specify parameters, such as compilation flags or artifact names, that you want to supply to the Task at execution time. Parameters are passed to the Task from its corresponding TaskRun.

Parameter names:

  • Must only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
  • Must begin with a letter or an underscore (_).

For example, fooIs-Bar_ is a valid parameter name, but barIsBa$ or 0banana are not.

Each declared parameter has a type field, which can be set to either array or string. array is useful in cases where the number of compilation flags being supplied to a task varies throughout the Task's execution. If not specified, the type field defaults to string. When the actual parameter value is supplied, its parsed type is validated against the type field.

The following example illustrates the use of Parameters in a Task. The Task declares two input parameters named flags (of type array) and someURL (of type string), and uses them in the steps.args list. You can expand parameters of type array inside an existing array using the star operator. In this example, flags contains the star operator: $(params.flags[*]).

Note: Input parameter values can be used as variables throughout the Task by using variable substitution.

kind: Task
  name: task-with-parameters
    - name: flags
      type: array
    - name: someURL
      type: string
    - name: build
      image: my-builder
      args: ["build", "$(params.flags[*])", "url=$(params.someURL)"]

The following TaskRun supplies a dynamic number of strings within the flags parameter:

kind: TaskRun
  name: run-with-parameters
    name: task-with-parameters
    - name: flags
        - "--set"
        - "arg1=foo"
        - "--randomflag"
        - "--someotherflag"
    - name: someURL
      value: ""

Specifying Resources

A Task definition can specify input and output resources supplied by a PipelineResources entity.

Use the input field to supply your Task with the context and/or data it needs to execute. If the output of your Task is also the input of the next Task that executes, you must make that data available to that Task at /workspace/output/resource_name/. For example:

    name: storage-gcs
    type: gcs
  - image: objectuser/run-java-jar #
    command: [jar]
      ["-cvf", "-o", "/workspace/output/storage-gcs/", "projectname.war", "*"]
      - name: "FOO"
        value: "world"

Note: If the Task relies on output resource functionality then the containers in the Task's steps field cannot mount anything in the path /workspace/output.

In the following example, the tar-artifact resource is used as both input and output. Thus, the input resource is copied into the customworkspace directory, as specified in the targetPath field. The untar Step extracts the tarball into the tar-scratch-space directory. The edit-tar Step adds a new file, and the tar-it-up Step creates a new tarball and places it in the /workspace/customworkspace/ directory. When the Task completes execution, it places the resulting tarball in the /workspace/customworkspace directory and uploads it to the bucket defined in the tar-artifact field.

    name: tar-artifact
    targetPath: customworkspace
    name: tar-artifact
 - name: untar
    image: ubuntu
    command: ["/bin/bash"]
    args: ['-c', 'mkdir -p /workspace/tar-scratch-space/ && tar -xvf /workspace/customworkspace/rules_docker-master.tar -C /workspace/tar-scratch-space/']
 - name: edit-tar
    image: ubuntu
    command: ["/bin/bash"]
    args: ['-c', 'echo crazy > /workspace/tar-scratch-space/rules_docker-master/crazy.txt']
 - name: tar-it-up
   image: ubuntu
   command: ["/bin/bash"]
   args: ['-c', 'cd /workspace/tar-scratch-space/ && tar -cvf /workspace/customworkspace/rules_docker-master.tar rules_docker-master']

Specifying Workspaces

Workspaces allow you to specify one or more volumes that your Task requires during execution. It is recommended that Tasks uses at most one writeable Workspace. For example:

  - name: write-message
    image: ubuntu
    script: |
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      set -xe
      echo hello! > $(workspaces.messages.path)/message
  - name: messages
    description: The folder where we write the message to
    mountPath: /custom/path/relative/to/root

For more information, see Using Workspaces in Tasks and the Workspaces in a TaskRun example YAML file.

Emitting results

Use the results field to specify one or more files in which the Task stores its execution results. These files are stored in the /tekton/results directory. This directory is created automatically at execution time if at least one file is specified in the results field. To specify a file, provide its name and description.

In the example below, the Task specifies two files in the results field: current-date-unix-timestamp and current-date-human-readable.

kind: Task
  name: print-date
    description: |
      A simple task that prints the date
    - name: current-date-unix-timestamp
      description: The current date in unix timestamp format
    - name: current-date-human-readable
      description: The current date in human readable format
    - name: print-date-unix-timestamp
      image: bash:latest
      script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        date +%s | tee /tekton/results/current-date-unix-timestamp
    - name: print-date-human-readable
      image: bash:latest
      script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        date | tee /tekton/results/current-date-human-readable

The stored results can be used at the Task level or at the Pipeline level.

Note: The maximum size of a Task's results is limited by the container termination message feature of Kubernetes, as results are passed back to the controller via this mechanism. At present, the limit is "4096 bytes". Results are written to the termination message encoded as JSON objects and Tekton uses those objects to pass additional information to the controller. As such, Task results are best suited for holding small amounts of data, such as commit SHAs, branch names, ephemeral namespaces, and so on.

If your Task writes a large number of small results, you can work around this limitation by writing each result from a separate Step so that each Step has its own termination message. About size limitation, there is validation for it, will raise exception: Termination message is above max allowed size 4096, caused by large task result. Since Tekton also uses the termination message for some internal information, so the real available size will less than 4096 bytes. For results larger than a kilobyte, use a Workspace to shuttle data between Tasks within a Pipeline.

Specifying Volumes

Specifies one or more Volumes that the Steps in your Task require to execute in addition to volumes that are implicitly created for input and output resources.

For example, you can use Volumes to do the following:

  • Mount a Kubernetes Secret.
  • Create an emptyDir persistent Volume that caches data across multiple Steps.
  • Mount a Kubernetes ConfigMap as Volume source.
  • Mount a host's Docker socket to use a Dockerfile for building container images. Note: Building a container image on-cluster using docker build is very unsafe and is mentioned only for the sake of the example. Use kaniko instead.

Specifying a Step template

The stepTemplate field specifies a Container configuration that will be used as the starting point for all of the Steps in your Task. Individual configurations specified within Steps supersede the template wherever overlap occurs.

In the example below, the Task specifies a stepTemplate field with the environment variable FOO set to bar. The first Step in the Task uses that value for FOO, but the second Step overrides the value set in the template with baz.

    - name: "FOO"
      value: "bar"
  - image: ubuntu
    command: [echo]
    args: ["FOO is ${FOO}"]
  - image: ubuntu
    command: [echo]
    args: ["FOO is ${FOO}"]
      - name: "FOO"
        value: "baz"

Specifying Sidecars

The sidecars field specifies a list of Containers to run alongside the Steps in your Task. You can use Sidecars to provide auxiliary functionality, such as Docker in Docker or running a mock API server that your app can hit during testing. Sidecars spin up before your Task executes and are deleted after the Task execution completes. For further information, see Sidecars in TaskRuns.

In the example below, a Step uses a Docker-in-Docker Sidecar to build a Docker image:

  - image: docker
    name: client
    script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        cat > Dockerfile << EOF
        FROM ubuntu
        RUN apt-get update
        ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "hello"]
        docker build -t hello . && docker run hello
        docker images
      - mountPath: /var/run/
        name: dind-socket
  - image: docker:18.05-dind
    name: server
      privileged: true
      - mountPath: /var/lib/docker
        name: dind-storage
      - mountPath: /var/run/
        name: dind-socket
  - name: dind-storage
    emptyDir: {}
  - name: dind-socket
    emptyDir: {}

Sidecars, just like Steps, can also run scripts:

  - image: busybox
    name: hello-sidecar
    script: |
      echo 'Hello from sidecar!'

Note: Tekton's current Sidecar implementation contains a bug. Tekton uses a container image named nop to terminate Sidecars. That image is configured by passing a flag to the Tekton controller. If the configured nop image contains the exact command the Sidecar was executing before receiving a "stop" signal, the Sidecar keeps running, eventually causing the TaskRun to time out with an error. For more information, see issue 1347.

Adding a description

The description field is an optional field that allows you to add an informative description to the Task.

Using variable substitution

Tasks allow you to substitute variable names for the following entities:

Also see the complete list of variable substitutions for Tasks.

Substituting parameters and resources

params and resources attributes can replace variable values as follows:

  • To reference a parameter in a Task, use the following syntax, where <name> is the name of the parameter:
  • To access parameter values from resources, see variable substitution

Substituting Array parameters

You can expand referenced parameters of type array using the star operator. To do so, add the operator ([*]) to the named parameter to insert the array elements in the spot of the reference string.

For example, given a params field with the contents listed below, you can expand command: ["first", "$(params.array-param[*])", "last"] to command: ["first", "some", "array", "elements", "last"]:

  - name: array-param
      - "some"
      - "array"
      - "elements"

You must reference parameters of type array in a completely isolated string within a larger string array. Referencing an array parameter in any other way will result in an error. For example, if build-args is a parameter of type array, then the following example is an invalid Step because the string isn't isolated:

 - name: build-step
      args: ["build", "additionalArg $([*])"]

Similarly, referencing build-args in a non-array field is also invalid:

 - name: build-step
      image: "$([*])"
      args: ["build", "args"]

A valid reference to the build-args parameter is isolated and in an eligible field (args, in this case):

 - name: build-step
      args: ["build", "$([*])", "additionalArg"]

Substituting Workspace paths

You can substitute paths to Workspaces specified within a Task as follows:


Since the Volume name is randomized and only set when the Task executes, you can also substitute the volume name as follows:


Substituting Volume names and types

You can substitute Volume names and types by parameterizing them. Tekton supports popular Volume types such as ConfigMap, Secret, and PersistentVolumeClaim. See this example to find out how to perform this type of substitution in your Task.

Code examples

Study the following code examples to better understand how to configure your Tasks:

Tip: See the collection of simple examples for additional code samples.

Building and pushing a Docker image

The following example Task builds and pushes a Dockerfile-built image.

Note: Building a container image using docker build on-cluster is very unsafe and is shown here only as a demonstration. Use kaniko instead.

    # These may be overridden, but provide sensible defaults.
    - name: directory
      type: string
      description: The directory containing the build context.
      default: /workspace
    - name: dockerfileName
      type: string
      description: The name of the Dockerfile
      default: Dockerfile
      - name: workspace
        type: git
      - name: builtImage
        type: image
    - name: dockerfile-build
      workingDir: "$("
        - name: docker-socket
          mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock

    - name: dockerfile-push
      args: ["push", "$(resources.outputs.image.url)"]
        - name: docker-socket
          mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock

  # As an implementation detail, this Task mounts the host's daemon socket.
    - name: docker-socket
        path: /var/run/docker.sock
        type: Socket

Mounting multiple Volumes

The example below illustrates mounting multiple Volumes:

    - image: ubuntu
      script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        curl > /var/my-volume
        - name: my-volume
          mountPath: /var/my-volume

    - image: ubuntu
      script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        cat /etc/my-volume
        - name: my-volume
          mountPath: /etc/my-volume

    - name: my-volume
      emptyDir: {}

Mounting a ConfigMap as a Volume source

The example below illustrates how to mount a ConfigMap to act as a Volume source:

    - name: CFGNAME
      type: string
      description: Name of config map
    - name: volumeName
      type: string
      description: Name of volume
    - image: ubuntu
      script: |
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        cat /var/configmap/test
        - name: "$(params.volumeName)"
          mountPath: /var/configmap

    - name: "$(params.volumeName)"
        name: "$(params.CFGNAME)"

Using a Secret as an environment source

The example below illustrates how to use a Secret as an environment source:

kind: Task
  name: goreleaser
  - name: package
    type: string
    description: base package to build in
  - name: github-token-secret
    type: string
    description: name of the secret holding the github-token
    default: github-token
    - name: source
      type: git
      targetPath: src/$(params.package)
  - name: release
    image: goreleaser/goreleaser
    workingDir: /workspace/src/$(params.package)
    - goreleaser
    - release
    - name: GOPATH
      value: /workspace
    - name: GITHUB_TOKEN
          name: $(params.github-token-secret)
          key: bot-token

Using a Sidecar in a Task

The example below illustrates how to use a Sidecar in your Task:

kind: Task
  name: with-sidecar-task
  - name: sidecar-image
    type: string
    description: Image name of the sidecar container
  - name: sidecar-env
    type: string
    description: Environment variable value
  - name: sidecar
    image: $(params.sidecar-image)
    - name: SIDECAR_ENV
      value: $(params.sidecar-env)
  - name: test
    image: hello-world


This section describes techniques for debugging the most common issues in Tasks.

Inspecting the file structure

A common issue when configuring Tasks stems from not knowing the location of your data. For the most part, files ingested and output by your Task live in the /workspace directory, but the specifics can vary. To inspect the file structure of your Task, add a step that outputs the name of every file stored in the /workspace directory to the build log. For example:

- name: build-and-push-1
  image: ubuntu
  - /bin/bash
  - -c
  - |
    set -ex
    find /workspace

You can also choose to examine the contents of every file used by your Task:

- name: build-and-push-1
  image: ubuntu
  - /bin/bash
  - -c
  - |
    set -ex
    find /workspace | xargs cat

Inspecting the Pod

To inspect the contents of the Pod used by your Task at a specific stage in the Task's execution, log into the Pod and add a Step that pauses the Task at the desired stage. For example:

- name: pause
  image: docker
  args: ["sleep", "6000"]

Running Step Containers as a Non Root User

All steps that do not require to be run as a root user should make use of TaskRun features to designate the container for a step runs as a user without root permissions. As a best practice, running containers as non root should be built into the container image to avoid any possibility of the container being run as root. However, as a further measure of enforcing this practice, steps can make use of a securityContext to specify how the container should run.

An example of running Task steps as a non root user is shown below:

kind: Task
  name: show-non-root-steps
    # no securityContext specified so will use 
    # securityContext from TaskRun podTemplate
    - name: show-user-1001
      image: ubuntu
        - ps
        - "aux"
    # securityContext specified so will run as  
    # user 2000 instead of 1001
    - name: show-user-2000
      image: ubuntu
        - ps
        - "aux"
        runAsUser: 2000
kind: TaskRun
  generateName: show-non-root-steps-run-
    name: show-non-root-steps
      runAsNonRoot: true
      runAsUser: 1001

In the example above, the step show-user-2000 specifies via a securityContext that the container for the step should run as user 2000. A securityContext must still be specified via a TaskRun podTemplate for this TaskRun to run in a Kubernetes environment that enforces running containers as non root as a requirement.

The runAsNonRoot property specified via the podTemplate above validates that steps part of this TaskRun are running as non root users and will fail to start any step container that attempts to run as root. Only specifying runAsNonRoot: true will not actually run containers as non root as the property simply validates that steps are not running as root. It is the runAsUser property that is actually used to set the non root user ID for the container.

If a step defines its own securityContext, it will be applied for the step container over the securityContext specified at the pod level via the TaskRun podTemplate.

More information about Pod and Container Security Contexts can be found via the Kubernetes website.

The example Task/TaskRun above can be found as a TaskRun example.

Except as otherwise noted, the contents of this page are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.