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Apply L0 regularization (Learning Sparse Neural Networks through L0 Regularization) on CIFAR10 image classification task with GoogleNet model.

The class of L0 gate layer, sparsereg.model.basic_l0_blocks.L0Gate, is modified from the author's repo. Also, the CIFAR10 training part including model structure and dataloader are modified from TUTORIAL 4: INCEPTION, RESNET AND DENSENET. I just refactored into hydra and lightning(my style) format.


Main Package Version

hydra-core             1.2.0
pytorch-lightning      1.8.4.post0
torch                  1.10.1+cu102
torchaudio             0.10.1+cu102
torchmetrics           0.11.0
torchvision            0.11.2+cu102

How to Train

Define $\theta$ and $q$ are the parameters of NN and L0 Gating Layer respectively.

Without L0 Gating Layer

  • Training from scratch
    python ckpt_path=null resume_training=false without_using_gate=true 
  • Resume training from ckpt
    python ckpt_path=path_of_ckpt/last.ckpt resume_training=true without_using_gate=true

With L0 Gating Layer

  • Training from scratch
    python ckpt_path=null resume_training=false without_using_gate=false lambda_l0=1.0
  • $\theta$ is inited by a pre-trained model (without L0), then fine tune with L0 regularization
    python ckpt_path=path_of_ckpt/last.ckpt resume_training=false without_using_gate=false lambda_l0=20.0 droprate_init=0.05
    Setting droprate_init=0.05 in order to start training with the gate open (since the pre-trained model is trained without L0). Moreover, we make lambda_l0 (weight of regularization) larger than the one in "training from scratch", this is becasue the entropy loss ( $\mathcal{L}_E$ ) is well trained by the pre-trained model, so we can emphasize the L0 loss.

How to Test

python ckpt_path=path_of_ckpt/last.ckpt

Monitoring with tensorboard

tensorboard --logdir ./outputs/train/tblog/lightning_logs/


Recap the Loss function:


We know that $\lambda$ controls the importance of regulariztion term and hence the sparsity of the model. We define sparsity as:

$$\begin{align} \text{sparsity} = \frac{\text{number of ZERO parameters}}{\text{number of ALL parameters}} \end{align}$$
GoogleNet (sorted by Sparsity) Validation Accuracy Test Accuracy Sparsity
(1) NO L0 90.12% 89.57% 0.0
(2) NN $\theta$ and L0 train from scratch, lambda=0.25 88.66% 87.87% 0.06
(3) Init NN by "NO L0" then fine tune with L0 , lambda=10. 90.44% 90.00% 0.10
(4) NN $\theta$ and L0 train from scratch, lambda=0.5 86.9% 86.56% 0.22
(5) Init NN by "NO L0" then fine tune with L0 , lambda=20. 88.8% 88.62% 0.39
(6) NN $\theta$ and L0 train from scratch, lambda=1.0 83.2% 82.79% 0.55
(7) Init NN by "NO L0" then fine tune with L0 , lambda=30. 86.5% 85.88% 0.64
(8) Init NN by "NO L0" then fine tune with L0 , lambda=50. 80.78% 80.22% 0.815
  • "NO L0": trainig from scratch with NO L0 regularization term
  • "NN $\theta$ and L0 train from scratch": NN parameters $\theta$ and L0 $\ln\alpha$ are traing from scratch together
  • "Init NN by 'NO L0' then fine tune with L0": $\theta$ is inited by "NO L0" model, then by setting droprate_init=0.05 (start training with the gate open), we fine tune $\theta$ and L0 $\ln\alpha$ together

It is obvious that more pruned paramters harms more accuracy. So we can fine-tune $\lambda$ to control the compression rate (sparsity) in demand.

Moreover, by comparing (5) and (2), we can see that with a good initailzation of NN $\theta$, we can get a better sparsity with similar accuracy than just training from scratch.

Also see (7) and (6)

Finally, we show the values of $\mathcal{L}_{C0}$ in (2), (4), and (6) during training with different $\lambda$ below:

The drawback of L0 implementation in this repo is that training with L0 reg seems ~2 times slower than without L0. Maybe this is the next step of improvement. Moreover, I think unstructure pruning is a good way to get lower compression rate while keeping similar accuracy.

Introduction to L0 Regularization


Let $\theta$ be the parameters of our model, and we hope there is only a small number of non-zero parameters. Zero-norm measures this number so the L0 regularization term, $\mathcal{L}_{C0}$, can be defined as:


Combined with entropy loss, $\mathcal{L}_E$, forms the final loss $\mathcal{L}$:

$$\mathcal{L}_E(\theta)=\frac{1}{N}\left( \sum_{i=1}^N\mathcal{L}(NN(x_i;\theta),y_i) \right) \\\ \mathcal{L}(\theta)=\mathcal{L}_E(\theta)+\lambda\mathcal{L}_{C0}(\theta)$$

However, L0 regularization term is not differentiable. To cope with this issue, we apply a mask random variable $Z={Z_1,...,Z_{|\theta|}}$ which each $Z_i$ follows a Bernoulli distribution with parameter $q_i$.

Therefore, we can rewrite $\mathcal{L}_{C0}$ in a closed form:

$$\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_{C0}(\theta, q)=\mathbb{E}_{Z\sim\text{Bernoulli}(q)}\left[ \sum_{j=1}^{|\theta|}\mathbb{I}[\theta_j\odot Z_j\neq0] \right] = \mathbb{E}_{Z\sim\text{Bernoulli}(q)}\left[ \sum_{j=1}^{|\theta|} Z_j \right] = \sum_j^{|\theta|} q_j \end{align}$$

Also, we should rewrite the entropy loss, $\mathcal{L}_E$, accordingly:

$$\begin{align} \mathcal{L}_E(\theta,q)=\mathbb{E}_{Z\sim\text{Bernoulli}(q)}\left[ \frac{1}{N}\left( \sum_{i=1}^N\mathcal{L}(NN(x_i;\theta\odot Z_i),y_i) \right) \right] \\\ \mathcal{L}(\theta,q)=\mathcal{L}_E(\theta,q)+\lambda\mathcal{L}_{C0}(q) \end{align}$$

To find the gradient w.r.t. $q$ in the entropy loss is not trivial, since we cannot merely exchange the expectation and the differential operations. Fortunately, by using Gumbel-Softmax re-parameterization trick, we can make the random sampling (expectation on Bernoulli distribution) becomes independent on $q$. So that the entropy loss becomes differentiable now.

That's it! NN parameters $\theta$ and the mask's parameters (qz_loga in code and $\ln\alpha$ in the following figures) are now can be updated by backpropagation!

Please see [L0 Regularization 詳細攻略] for detailed understanding about the math under the hood. Sorry only in Mandarin.

Structure pruning with L0 norm

We prune the output channels of a convolution layer:

Then apply these L0Gate for pruning channels in inception block:

Finally, GoogleNet is then constructed by these gated inception blocks.