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File metadata and controls

278 lines (197 loc) · 10.7 KB


This application aims to show code practices and testing practices.


If you've just downloaded the code, congratulations!

To get it working, follow these steps:


All the following are for development, replace dev by prod if you want prod

  • Create the required image:
make php-image-dev

Now you can start your application!

make app-dev

You'll probably want to see logs for fpm:

docker-compose logs -f fpm

If you want to setup the database:

make db-schema

Architecture and guidelines

This project completely decouples the front end and the back end

Bounded Contexts

A bounded context represents a functional perimeter. This is where a model is implemented and reflects a language spoken by every member of the team. Typically, a bounded context belongs to only one team and is decoupled from the others.

What are our Bounded Contexts ?

  • Todo: Here all our todo logics thing
  • ShareSpace: Is not a real bounded context, it is the glue of our application and provides all the generic tools (please do no try to abstract everything, it is dangerous).

Context map

A context map defines how bounded contexts communicate and are integrated together.

TODO: explain the relations which exists


According to Martin Fowler, "A DDD aggregate is a cluster of domain objects that can be treated as a single unit." (

For most objects, the aggregate definition is pretty simple: a User is a single unit that has its own properties, like the user name, the login, the password.

See for even more details.

  • Aggregate Root

"Any references from outside the aggregate should only go to the aggregate root. The root can thus ensure the integrity of the aggregate as a whole.", Martin Fowler.

  • Transaction

When persisting all the parts of the aggregate, this must be done in one transaction. Indeed, if one object of the aggregate cannot be persisted, then the whole aggregate must be rejected, as it's not valid anymore.

  • Accessing referenced objects outside of the aggregate

For objects that are not part of the aggregate, we reference them by their identifiers/ If a service needs to get the object behind the reference, it can use the associated repository.


The back is in application folder and is build on top of PHP 7.4 using Symfony 4 and will follow a UseCase architecture.

All commands you can do are located in the Makefile, take time to read it :).


  • For now, no cache, it is clearly pre-matured.
  • For now, no asynchronous (e.g RabbitMQ).

Use Case architecture

A use case architecture is an architecture which is resilient, scalable, and very important: focused on Use cases.

  • Keywords: DDD, Hexagonal Architecture, Port and Adapters, CQRS, CQS
  • People: Matthias Noback, Arnaud Lemaire, Thomas Pierrain, Greg young, Cyrille Martraire

It is represented like that (when needed of course):

    Todo/ -> The bounded context
        Application/ -> All the use cases of the application
                Read/   -> All use cases for reading data, we call it Query
                    Query (e.g GetAllTodos) 
                        -> is a simple DTO immutable objet which represents the user intent
                        -> is what enters in the QueryBus
                    Query.yml -> is a way to validate the Query with SymfonyValidator
                        -> is rarely asynchronous
                        -> is a service which handles the Query (1-1 relation)
                        -> it fetches the data (using a DomainQuery) 
                        -> it returns a result
                Write/  -> All use cases for mutating the application, we call it Command
                    Command (e.g AddTodo) 
                        -> is a simple DTO immutable objet which represents the user intent
                        -> is what enters in the CommandBus
                    Command.yml -> is a way to validate the Command with SymfonyValidator
                        -> is often asynchronous
                        -> is a service which handles the Command (1-1 relation)
                        -> processes business mutation
                        -> returns nothing
        Domain/ -> Where our business objects stand
                Read/   -> All the DTO we can use for reading data in our business problem
                    -> It contains Reading object 
                    -> It contains interface for QueryingData (another kind of Query, let's call it DomainQuery)
                Write/  -> All the Entity/ValueObjects we can use for mutating data in our business problem
                    -> It contains RepositoryInterface (Write only), Factory, Types
        Infrastructure/ -> What is glueing the application and deal with the outside of the application
                    -> What makes the glue works (e.g Framework etc)
                    -> What deals with data
                    -> We find real implementations of Query and Repositories
                    -> We find in_memory (fake) implementations of Query and Repositories
                    -> We find controllers (one controller per user action)
                    -> We find CLI things                      

In this kind of application, there is often buses ;). Here we use Messenger

We have two buses used (stored in ShareSpace/Tool/MessageBus):

  • CommandBus (1-1 Command - CommandHandler)
    • Returns the identifier of the aggregate root
    • Middlewares:
      • Validation middleware:
        • run validation on commands when they enter the bus
        • throw an exception
      • Identifier middleware:
        • provides an identifier (uuid) for command which needs it
        • stamps the envelope with this identifier
  • QueryBus (1-1 Query - QueryHandler)
    • Returns the data queried
    • Middlewares:
      • Validation middleware:
        • run validation on queries when they enter the bus
        • throw an exception
Symfony Environments
  • default: common for all other environments
  • in_memory: no infrastructure dependencies (use only fakes)
  • test_database: only for testing database / API / Front tests
  • dev: like in_memory now
  • prod: use the infrastructure, does not work for now

Code Quality

Static analysis

The code must pass all the analysis rules: make back-static or make <your-bounded-context>-back-static You can disable some rules but only where it is red, not globally. It uses PHPStan, PSalm, PHP-CS-Fixer.

Tests because we love softwares which are working well not by magic <3

You are skeptical about tests? -> read that

They are all located under tests/

It's better if you know how to do TDD, it makes a good way to have a minimalist application which is fully tested. Here is an example on how to do TDD here

What are our weapons?

  • Blackbox is a generator of values and allow to do some Property based testing (PBT) It could be used along with Faker. Look usages to understand.

  • PHPSpec is a specification framework well designed for doing TDD.


# Generate a specification (very good for TDD)
make todo-back-desc-spec F="the/path/to/your/non-existent-class"

# Run all the specs of a bounded context
make todo-back-run-spec

# Run specific tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-run-spec F="your/folder"
  • Behat is a story BDD framework, it is well designed for describing features
    • We use Behat for acceptance testing (meaning no Infrastructure dependencies) (tagged @acceptance)
    • We use Behat along with Panther for end-to-end testing (meaning with Infrastructure dependencies) (tagged @end-to-end)
      • The use of Infrastructure has a significant time cost, only critical use cases may be tagged
    • It's harder to do TDD with it as it does not embed a generator
    • Behat uses feature files which are located next to back folder.

# Run all the acceptance tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-acceptance

# Run specific acceptance tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-acceptance F="your/folder"

# Run all the end-to-end-api tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-end-to-end-api

# Run specific end-to-end-api tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-end-to-end-api F="your/folder"

# Run all the end-to-end-front tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-end-to-end-front-api

# Run specific end-to-end-front tests of a bounded context
make todo-back-end-to-end-api-front F="your/folder"
Want to see your End To End tests running?

We are using Panther with Selenium Chrome Debug (for development purpose only) Just download a VNC Viewer and connect to the shared port of Selenium (default 5910).

  • No useless setters and getters, avoid anemic domain models. Make then smart, rich!
  • We should not be able to instantiate or mutates entities by making them invalid, throw as much exceptions as possible.
  • Types, types and types. What is a string? nothing.
  • Be immutable as much as possible
  • No autoincrement id, it should stay in 80's we have uuid now
Libraries which help
WebStorm (all idea based IDE) setup

You are of course free to use the ide you want, but here is the setup for all Jetbrains IDE


Error on composer install: the environment may not be working, try prefixing you command by APP_ENV=dev


The front-end is built over React with Webpack-Encore