From d3205783b868106f6ea493635393e29378656c22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Drinkwater Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 21:39:00 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Update added transcript Chore: Add recording link Signed-off-by: Drinkwater --- wg-zealy/meetings/ | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 181 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/wg-zealy/meetings/ b/wg-zealy/meetings/ index 0838cf60..f4af6624 100644 --- a/wg-zealy/meetings/ +++ b/wg-zealy/meetings/ @@ -128,4 +128,184 @@ - **Kaylem and Robert Del Rey** to connect after the call to discuss content creation and social media missions. - **Robert Del Rey** to plan for the special working group call on Monday, August 26th, to share campaign analytics and close out the first Sprint. -## Transcript +# **Transcript** + +_This editable transcript was computer generated and might contain errors. People can also change the text after it was created._ + +Robert Del Rey: Right, Scott Has been arrived. Thank you so much for joining everybody. Happy Monday. And This is a relief the second. City working group call that we have on this season 2. Very excited over all about what is happening and what is yet to come? So last week we spoke about the initial campaign setup the launching. We also went over our Communications strategy. We're gonna document this campaign and how we're going to share information about this campaign with the rest of the community. + +Robert Del Rey: Besides that we also spoke about reporting. The expansion of this campaign it's scalability. So that is all week for this week a very different topics. I want to discuss. a few things the development of this campaign during the last week was the first week of this campaign. So let's do a brief recap about how we want. Then after that, we're gonna spoke a little about opening up, New Missions. During this Sprint and doing the next Sprints that we're going to have. For those of you that don't know we're gonna have three. strings + +Robert Del Rey: Each month we're gonna have one different just to give a chance as many people as possible to complete the missions earn as many points as they can and subsequently get ATT prices. And by the end we're gonna have A session as always I'll be happy to answer all the questions or doubts I'd be happy to hear any feedbacks. You guys are if any also after that, we're gonna open it up just that anybody can contribute with any topic they see valuable for this conversation So without word though as you know, we started the campaign on Thursday first, then we went to Friday 2nd and then on Monday 5th the market when cracks. + +Robert Del Rey: But still it always recovers. I believe that could be a reason why we didn't get much traction during the first days. But we live to fire another day. It's how you end. That's what I say. So the proposal went on chain after we started this campaign we were confident we were gonna get the support needed to make the proposal pass. And also we had enough funds to make sure people get rewarded in case they do missions. But the proposal pass and for this first screen. I was checking on Friday before I log off. And we had 19 people. doing the missions + +Robert Del Rey: and out of those 19 people. We have 13 new members, which is something to celebrate. So first week 13 new members. Let's see how it goes through in the rest of the month. + +Robert Del Rey: About the submissions. Let me open up the city dashboard you weekly. I honestly don't know how many submissions we have so far. I guess I can get you that number for next call. But something I noticed is that people seem to like the joining working group and see missions just to give you a little context in those missions. We are motivating members to join the different working group calls we have on a cash. And the way we are motivating them is by offering some points. So They hear a secret word that I've shared during the call. They submit that word and they get some extra points and those extra points help them find the leaderboard. + +Robert Del Rey: Let me tell you last week. I joined the website Which both had these kind of missions? And the guys from the court team they were saying they were asked why the attendance was so high. B s was there in economic school. I believe we have nine people joining and in the website working group. Also, we have seven people joining. So I really feel Community these missions of view of them have submitted the secret word. I don't know if I send this reminder Let me see what I said on Friday. yeah. Let me just say that reminder here for the recording. + +00:05:00 + +Robert Del Rey: Remember guys, I tell you a secret word so you can submit that You can listen to that word life or during the recording when it's uploaded them, but remember guys if you submits anything. different than the secret word your submission is gonna be rejected. You will have another chance to submit the word again. But remember you have to submit the word if I say the secret word is I don't know. a passionate work That's the secret word you have to submit. Otherwise, we're gonna reject that mission. Hopefully you can understand that. but overall we have a really really big audience. + +Robert Del Rey: I haven't reviewed the kind of the technical missions. For example, there are a few submissions about deploying RPC node on a cache. + +Robert Del Rey: Maybe I don't know if you have any insights of those technical missions. If not, that's okay. I can go ahead and move on the next topic. Go ahead. + +Benjamin B: Even though the missions don't pay a lot. We're able to get quite a big number of the users participating in the world. + +Robert Del Rey: Yes, let's see how it goes. usually people just get in to see. How much money they can get as easy as possible. So during this campaign we try to balance out a little bit the prices and the participation. Something I think is that maybe we don't get as much participation or member counts during this time, but I'm confident we're gonna get a few submissions that we can share with the rest of the community. + +Robert Del Rey: I want to tell you Benji when you're reviewing those missions. If you see something can be done better. I don't know if people are specify. This will help you review missions. All right. Let me rephrase What I'm trying to say is that if you see anything that you believe it works easy reviewing missions share that in the group Maybe people read the instructions in the missions. + +Robert Del Rey: And they do things in a certain way, but only after they submit and after you review you're gonna be able to realize if that's the best way to submit or maybe if you need other pieces of information to complement your review. I said a lot of words there, but I hope that makes So long story short, if you find something that helps you make your job better or makes your job easier. Feel free to share that as an advice in the Discord Channel we have in the city description Channel we have my gosh this group. + +Benjamin B: Yeah, I understand. I also think that it makes sense to if I see something that's wrong with how we want the submissions to be done. I can change the descriptions as we go right now. We have one Mission and they run up similar to sdxl on a course. and I think we originally intended this one to be that you need to create your own now, and didn't specify it enough. We're going to approve the first missions that don't students because on our end. It's our fault and then for future submissions. We can have the description be changed. + +00:10:00 + +Robert Del Rey: All right, And that's another thing we're not going to know at all. We are learning as we go. So that's why I believe it's very important guys you listen in life right now. And anybody listening to the reporting if they listen to the recording if you find anything that you believe is gonna make these campaign better not only for you for me or a cash, but better for anybody that participating this feel free to drop that comment in the shots, maybe right now, it's just Benjamin I officially in this but still there is an office space for you to get involved any and try to make these better. + +Robert Del Rey: these is not only for the cash Community. This actually is shared in the city communities as well. They have a few hundred thousands of community members and two or three times a month. They share our community in their page which get us extra culture. so That's why I believe it's super important. We have commissions looking easy to understand and hopefully make them convincing enough for people to try this out. Even though they are not coming from the cash Community initially. So yeah good stuff. If there are other questions about the missions or the reviewing Mission process now, it's a great time to ask. Otherwise I can move on to the next Topic in the agenda. + +Robert Del Rey: All right, one, two three. And since we are 15 minutes in this call, let me go ahead and share this secret work with you. There is a city working group mission in a cash City. So if you submit this secret word, you will get some extra points. If you already did it the system won't let you submit the word again. So you can only do permissions once a month. So I guess giving you the reminder. All right, so the secret Works gonna be The same as last week, it' it's the ecl o u d the cloud like this centralized Cloud be Cloud. Thank you so much Benjamin. you can submit the word now. + +Robert Del Rey: Because you're listening in Life or you can listen to the recording and still submit the work and that's gonna be totally fine. The only condition is that if you're ready to submitted and we approve you and we run to do the points. you can assume it again. That is what I'm trying to say. any friendly reminders in case you want to get involved with other calls this week, we're gonna have + +Robert Del Rey: three calls which are part of the City Mission schools. Tomorrow we have the shame the same chain monthly call. And the Sikh Community monthly meeting. Those calls tomorrow will give you the chance to earn some extra points. If you submit the correct secret word. + +Robert Del Rey: okay, what's my mistake instead of three calls? There are four calls actually this week the third call is happening on Wednesday 14th. That's the sick design call. And on Thursday the 15th. We have the sick Analytics. Being monthly meeting. I didn't know it was on Democrat. It was the monthly but those four calls chain and analytics community and Design. + +Robert Del Rey: In there, you will hear the secret war and you get some extra points. Hopefully we get a High attendance this week as well. It was a great feeling. Last week, hopefully we can repeat it this week. And yeah, that was the second word the cloud. So moving on to the next topic. I wanted to share Benjamin with you. How would you feel about opening up a few more missions during this Sprint? And here's my recently. We have in Around 20 to 25 Commissions in total ready. + +00:15:00 + +Robert Del Rey: But for the Sprint number one. we only release three missions for building and two missions for content. And the rest of the missions just for the working group called Solutions. so I believe for example. If we go ahead and open up two more missions, let's say for next Monday in the middle of this Sprint. We can create a little bit more High. And maybe we can attract more community members to try the missions out because maybe something that happened. Is that people join the dashboard in the first day and they only find missions and they thought + +Robert Del Rey: I cannot do this missions. So I'm gonna disregard this. And if they disregard this they're gonna miss out on the other missions that we will have available. So I believe releasing the Sprint and then halfway during the Sprint release one or two more missions that can keep people more motivated into frequently based in the dashboard to see if we have information. I also plan to share an announcement just to make sure everybody is a word that we're gonna release the missions. it's not like and I still Mission We're Not Gonna open it up and just leave it there without letting nobody know we're gonna open up those missions and let everybody knows. So hopefully we can attract more people and we can increase the participation halfway through the spring. + +Robert Del Rey: So yeah, that is what I wanted to drop to kick off this discussion. Go ahead. Thank you. + +Benjamin B: last week + +Robert Del Rey: The Twitter is going out today is the first one that in people know that we started this campaign already. The Tweet about asking for feedback is going to go live on next Monday. Just so you'll be aware. But yeah again any feedback storm and it's not really welcome. + +Robert Del Rey: But yeah about Nations idea that I believe we can release halfway through the Sprint. + +Robert Del Rey: I honestly don't know Yes, I do. I was thinking about one last week log on network. It's already on Main net. I noticed I don't know if it was limokus or someone else that share a guide about posting the lava RPC note on a cash. So I'm really thinking we could release that Pathway to the Sprint so we could support lava mainnet or also since there is already a guide available more people can get a feeling of the process of deploying on a cash using that existing guide. That's one Mission I did idea have as far as building goes. + +Robert Del Rey: and for Content creation + +Robert Del Rey: Are I don't know I believe we shouldn't release another one about content creation. Maybe for now. We should keep it for the next train, but I'm down to open up more building on a cash relations. the lava one. and the other one is + +Robert Del Rey: create a trusted Community RPC node for a cash. That one is on draft. We can put it live also and that will be to build on a cash missions halfway through the screen. That's the initial idea. I have and those missions are already created. Meaning that we don't have to spend time thinking and creating animation. So the two missions that I recommend that there are already created and ready. + +00:20:00 + +Robert Del Rey: All what else? Are we missing something? Let's see. + +Robert Del Rey: Okay, The third topic I have on the agenda. It's the Q&A session. So + +Robert Del Rey: Yeah, let's open it up to that. + +Robert Del Rey: That's a one good question. It's anyone stock. I mean are you building right now? And you feel like you're in a roadblock? You cannot move forward. That's another thing guys. Let's say you are interested in A Max numbers and thank you for joining. so as I was saying, maybe just started a mission maybe you're Don't know how to move forward. + +Robert Del Rey: Don't be afraid of asking for help in the group. we want you to ask for help in the group or in any other groups of a cash, for example on this or there are deployments There is There is a community chat. There is the general shuttle. So in case you have questions, feel free to drop Any word of those channels? Or sellers at the end and we will be happy to help you complete your bill. because again What we really want is make people discover a Learn how to use a cash and go all the way to the process. For me silly. It's like a formal. We get people in arrested in a cash at first and then we are filtering out. + +Robert Del Rey: we see who knows how to deploy. All the way until the end and they hopefully become an outstanding Community member since they're gonna go through this process of discovering a cache knowing how to deploy on a going back to the topic to the point. if you have questions need assistance, feel free to share that in the group. We are more than happy to help you with your real. Because we don't really want you to get those akt. I mean that was a proof by the community. If we don't use them, that's okay. But the plan is to use this rewards and make people learn about a cash. So yeah, don't be afraid to ask where we're eager to help you complete your bill. + +Robert Del Rey: In and don't be afraid to let other people know if other people. That maybe are interested about a cash or maybe are interested in getting I don't know some dollars Some AKP tokens, right just for testing out and messing around. This is a great place to get started. What I like about these ceiling campaign is that it's different to anything but I've seen before honestly, if you go to and you find you take the top three communities. you're gonna see that they offer Just Twitter missions go to Twitter like this tweet retweet these tweet create it to their threat. You are not going to find missions about building stuff. + +Robert Del Rey: And that is what impresses me about this campaign. We are Builders. We are attracting Hunters. Get these bills and to get paid the AKA. So yeah again don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to share this with other people, that might be interested and again don't be afraid to get even more involved because again right now it's only Benji and I but maybe in the future this company grows so big that we need. An extra guy helping out or maybe two extra people helping out. I'm just saying out loud. I'm not confirming anything, but I'm just giving you the heads up about + +Robert Del Rey: how we see this and how we believe that this has future within the cash community. So yeah, that's sorry for the band I guess or maybe not. But yeah, that's my new ones guys. Overall. I'll feel very excited and thankful for the support that we have. And we just want to make this as fun and learning as possible for Benjaminophen to add anything more to that or if people in the audience has questions. otherwise we can end this now. + +00:25:00 + +Robert Del Rey: Okay, I'm gonna assume the thumbs up is that you don't like me That's right. And We're just kidding. All… + +Kaylem: Hey guys. + +Robert Del Rey: All right. + +Kaylem: Hey Robert. I just want to add one thing or maybe it's a comment rather than a question because I caught the tail end of this meeting and I heard you mentioned how you're involving more than just Builders and whatnot. And so I just want to say that that is absolutely incredible work there. And I think that that's the direction to go. So when I do my informative posts about Akash, I do have a set of followers that seem to consistently, what's the word interact or engage upon and I would love to see more of these quests in order for me to help push them so that does that mean if you need 50 articles written right? Maybe I can help Source those out. Does that make sense with the people who follow me on the post that we do make and so I just want to encourage more of that and I think I sent you a private message already regarding a + +Robert Del Rey: Yeah. + +Kaylem: Guide, I foresee that people might take easy ones and you might have 15 staking guys, you know what I mean? And so I know that that's not… + +Robert Del Rey: Thank you so much skylene before I let you Benji I want to quickly say thank you to Auto. + +Kaylem: what you want. But my fear is that people would have spent the work to do it anyway, right and then they're gonna feel like… + +Robert Del Rey: Kaylem. He's from the page. + +Kaylem: because you're not gonna be a reward ten States taking guy. + +Robert Del Rey: You might seen it a cash Alpha… + +Kaylem: Sorry. + +Robert Del Rey: which is a hell of a page. + +Kaylem: so I don't know I saw again I missed a whole meeting so I'm not sure… + +Robert Del Rey: I appreciate a lot of the work you do man,… + +Kaylem: if there's any way to make sure that people aren't like working on,… + +Robert Del Rey: and I haven't seen your message. I saw the notification. + +Kaylem: all at once or… + +Robert Del Rey: I know you sent me something… + +Kaylem: once it's submitted I noticed that there was one submission that was accepted… + +Robert Del Rey: but I haven't gotten to that post yet. + +Kaylem: but for… + +Robert Del Rey: But since you're already gives me a brief overview I learned with you and… + +Kaylem: what type of article and so those are just some of the questions that I have regarding that + +Robert Del Rey: and people tend to take the easiest tasks first. So I agree maybe we could just remove how to say guides from there if it comes that's great, but we're not gonna leave it there as an idea for people because again, it's gonna be the easiest route to go. So thanks I agree. And yeah, let's do it. Go ahead Benjamin. + +Benjamin B: Be able to say two things here. The first thing is that if you want to Help shape some of the missions. We are of course taking suggestions on how to create these missions if you have a way where you think that your followers might be Able to join zealy and complete missions if we create them in a specific way. Feel free to reach out and we can try to + +Benjamin B: go back and forth from these ideas. For the second thing. + +Robert Del Rey: Thanks. Thank you. + +00:30:00 + +Robert Del Rey: All right. I love it. Thank you so much. Kaylem. And maybe when you and I can speak After this call to shape up. Those content creations and those social media missions, which is super important as well and an internet agree with kaylem. I believe the words you use we should tap into that energy. and they can advantage of that energy and keep the goal rolling, right? That's what we want. + +Robert Del Rey: on writing guys Right. Mmm + +Robert Del Rey: Let's see for the rest of the month. We're gonna have two more calls. We have a call next Monday that I think and then another one the 26 at the moment. We're gonna do a weekly call. Depending on how it goes. Maybe we can change that. bye weekly call. but yeah, I'm thinking that by the end of the month on Monday 26, we can have a special working group call where we can go ahead with the attendees Some analytics about Akash ceiling. Maybe we can share the dashboard and show them. How many people submitted and how many members are there? + +Robert Del Rey: and just officially close out the first campaign the first Sprint. Let's see. I'll think about it. But with that being said, I don't have anything more to add Benji anything else to + +Robert Del Rey: if not Okay, I see a question in the chat things are Quentin 72. Have you think about a referral Mission? It could be a great way to attract people Yeah, We actually had referral missions in the first season of this. + +Robert Del Rey: We honestly didn't consider it. this campaign, but I do agree with you that it's a great way to attract people. So, I don't know maybe when I can discuss about this. If it, maybe we can bring it in the second Sprint and see how we behaves. But yeah. last + +Robert Del Rey: in the first campaign if I recall correctly. only two or three people completed that mission + +Robert Del Rey: because for example silly has a template you can create a referral Mission very easily. and they ask you how many people is the goal you want them to invite only five people only 10 people. I believe that's all. And in the last campaign, we set it up to invite five people and I believe only two people completed that so maybe we can rethink those numbers and release again if we can really sit again, but yeah, thanks for the suggestion. I appreciate it. And I agree with it's a great way to attract people officially. Because now you you can invite anybody to the community. but if we invite someone and the person comes to the community. There is not going to be a record of that. however, if you invite a person through your personal link + +Robert Del Rey: through your personal silly link You can create a record of that then and get points get XP and find the letter. so yeah. Thanks coach. Good one. + +Robert Del Rey: All guys, I just hope that you enjoyed this time with us today. Thank you for participating again. If you have questions, there is be a cash silly working group channel on a crash Discord my DMs are open. + +Robert Del Rey: And yeah, hopefully I can see your feedbacks. We can continue working together and make this super awesome Community itiative. So don't forget the other working group calls. We have this week and the chance to earn some extra exploits. And yeah, that's all for me from right now. + +00:35:00 + +Robert Del Rey: I don't know. you see you in developers right seeing them. Whatever. Stay safe guys. Happy to see you and wish you a good week ahead. Bye. + +Meeting ended after 00:35:48 👋