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416 lines (256 loc) · 15.9 KB

File metadata and controls

416 lines (256 loc) · 15.9 KB



  • Replace bundled json_refs fork with own code


  • Fix issue with non file downloads / JSON responses #281


  • Added OpenapiFirst::Definition#[] to access the raw Hash representation of the OAS document. Example: api['components'].fetch('schemas', 'Stations')


  • Fix issue with parsing reponse body when using Rails #281


  • Fix OpenapiFirst::Test.register #276

  • Request validation middleware now accepts error_response: false do disable rendering a response. This is useful if you just want to collect metrics (via hooks) during a migration phase.


  • Fix setting custom error response (thanks @gobijan)

2.0.1 (Janked)


New Features

  • Test Assertions! 📋 You can now use assert_api_conform for contract testing in your rack-test / Rails integration tests. See Readme for details.

  • New option for Middlewares::ResponseValidation: :raise_error (default: true). If set to false, the middleware will not aise an error if the response is invalid. 🤫

  • Hooks 🪝🪝 (see Readme for details). You can use these to collect metrics, write error logs etc.:

    • after_request_validation
    • after_response_validation
    • after_request_body_property_validation
    • after_request_parameter_property_validation
  • Exceptions such as OpenapiFirst::ResponseInvalidError not respond to #request to get information about the validated request 💁🏻

  • Performance improvements 🚴🏻‍♀️

  • Validation failures returned by ValidatedRequest#error always returns a #message. So you can call my_validated_request.error.message if validated_request.invalid? and always get a human-readable error message. 😴

Breaking Changes

Manual validation

  • Definition#request.validate was removed. Please use Definition#validate_request instead.
  • Definition#validate_request returns a ValidatedRequest which delgates all methods to the original (rack) request, except for #valid? #parsed_body. #parsed_query, #operation etc. See Readme for details.
  • The Operation class was removed. ValidatedRequest#operation now returns the OpenAPI 3 operation object as a plain Hash. So you can still call ValidatedRequest#operation['x-foo']. You can call ValidatedRequest#operation_id if you just need the operationId.

Inspecting OpenAPI files

  • Definition#operations has been removed. Please use Definition#routes, which returns a list of routes. Routes have a #path, #request_method, #requests and #responses. A route has one path and one request method, but can have multiple requests (one for each supported content-type) and responses (statuses + content-type).

  • Several internal changes to make the code more maintainable, more performant , support hooks and prepare for OpenAPI 4. If you have monkey-patched OpenapiFirst, you might need to adjust your code. Please contact me if you need help.


Custom error responses

  • ValidationError#error, #instance_location and #schema_location have been deprecated. Use ValidationError#message, #data_pointer and #schema_pointer instead.
  • Failure#error_type has been deprecated. Use #type instead


  • Allow using json_schemer 2...3


  • Fix Rack 2 compatibility


  • Fixed: Don't call deprecated methods in middlewares



Some redundant methods to validate or inspect requests/responses will be removed in 2.0. So this release deprecates these methods.

  • Deprecate OpenapiFirst::RuntimeRequest#validate, #validate!, #validate_response, #response. Use OpenapiFirst.load('openapi.yaml').validate_request(rack_request, raise_error: true/false) instead
  • Deprecate OpenapiFirst::RuntimeResponse#validate. Use OpenapiFirst.load('openapi.yaml').validate_response(rack_request, rack_response, raise_error: true/false) instead.


  • Fixed Rack 2 / Rails 6 compatibility (#246


  • Added support for /some/{kebab-cased} path parameters (#245)


  • Fixed handling "binary" format in optional multipart file uploads
  • Cache the resolved OAD. This especially makes things run faster in tests.
  • Internally used Operation#query_parameters, Operation#path_parameters etc. now only returns parameters that are defined on the operation level not on the PathItem. Use PathItem#query_parameters to get those.

1.3.3 (yanked)



  • The response definition is found even if the status is defined as an Integer instead of a String. This is not provided for in the OAS specification, but is often done this way, because of YAML.


  • Reduced initial load time for composed API descriptions #232
  • Chore: Add Readme back to gem. Add link to docs.


  • Fixed warning about duplicated constant


No breaking changes

New features:

  • Added new API: Definition#validate_request, Definition#validate_response, RuntimeRequest#validate_response (see readme) #222


  • Manual response validation (without the middleware) just works in Rails' request tests now. #224


No breaking changes

  • Added OpenapiFirst.parse(hash) to load ("parse") a resolved/de-referenced Hash
  • Added support for unescaped special characters in the path params (#217)
  • Added operation to RuntimeRequest by @MrBananaLord


  • Fix reading response body for example when running Rails (ActionDispatch::Response::RackBody)
  • Add known?, status, body, headers, content_type methods to inspect the parsed response (RuntimeResponse)
  • Add OpenapiFirst::ParseError which is raised by low-level interfaces like request.body if the body could not be parsed.
  • Add "code" field to errors in JSON:API error response

1.1.0 (yanked)


  • Breaking: The default error uses application/problem+json content-type
  • Breaking: Moved rack middlewares to OpenapiFirst::Middlewares
  • Breaking: Rename OpenapiFirst::ResponseInvalid to OpenapiFirst::ResponseInvalidError
  • Breaking: Remove OpenapiFirst::Router
  • Breaking: Remove env[OpenapiFirst::OPERATION]. Use env[OpenapiFirst::REQUEST] instead.
  • Breaking: Remove env[OpenapiFirst::REQUEST_BODY], env[OpenapiFirst::PARAMS]. Use env[OpenapiFirst::REQUEST].body env[OpenapiFirst::REQUEST].params instead.
  • Add interface to validate requests / responses without middlewares (see "Manual validation" in README)
  • Add OpenapiFirst.configure
  • Add OpenapiFirst.register, OpenapiFirst.plugin
  • Fix response header validation with Rack 3
  • Fixed: Add support for paths like /{a}..{b}


  • Fix: Make response header validation work with rack 3
  • Refactor router
    • Remove dependency hanami-router
    • PathItem and Operation for a request can be found by calling methods on the Definitnion
  • Fixed #155
  • Breaking / Regression: A paths like /pets/{from}-{to} if there is a path "/pets/{id}"


  • Added: OpenapiFirst::Config.default_options= to set default options globally
  • Added: You can define custom error responses by subclassing OpenapiFirst::ErrorResponse and register it via OpenapiFirst.register_error_response(name, MyCustomErrorResponse)


  • Update json_schemer to version 2.0
  • Breaking: Requires Ruby 3.1 or later
  • Added: Parameters are available at env[OpenapiFirst::PATH_PARAMS], env[OpenapiFirst::QUERY_PARAMS], env[OpenapiFirst::HEADER_PARAMS], env[OpenapiFirst::COOKIE_PARAMS] in case you need to access them separately. Merged path and query parameters are still available at env[OpenapiFirst::PARAMS]
  • Breaking / Added: ResponseValidation now validates response headers
  • Breaking / Added: RequestValidation now validates cookie, path and header parameters
  • Breaking: multipart File uploads are now read and then validated
  • Breaking: Remove OpenapiFirst.env method
  • Breaking: Request validation returns 400 instead of 415 if request body is required, but empty


  • Remove obsolete dependency: deep_merge
  • Remove obsolete dependency: hanami-utils


  • Fixed dependencies. Remove unused code.


  • Removed: OpenapiFirst::Responder and OpenapiFirst::RackResponder
  • Removed: and OpenapiFirst.middleware
  • Removed: OpenapiFirst::Coverage
  • Breaking: Parsed query and path parameters are available at env[OpenapiFirst::PARAMS](or env['openapi.params']) instead of OpenapiFirst::PARAMETERS.
  • Breaking: Request body and parameters now use string keys instead of symbols!
  • Breaking: Query parameters are now parsed exactly like in the API description via the openapi_parameters gem. This means a couple of things:
    • Query parameters now support explode: true (default) and explode: false for array and object parameters.
    • Query parameters with brackets like 'filter[tag]' are no longer deconstructed into nested hashes, but accessible via the filter[tag] key.
    • Query parameters are no longer interpreted as style: deepObject by default. If you want to use style: deepObject, for example to pass a nested hash as a query parameter like filter[tag], you have to set style: deepObject explicitly.
  • Path parameters are now parsed exactly as in the API description via the openapi_parameters gem.


  • Fix: Query parameter validation does not fail if header parameters are defined (Thanks to JF Lalonde)
  • Update Ruby dependency to >= 3.0.5
  • Handle simple form-data in request bodies (see #149)
  • Update to hanami-router 2.0.0 stable


  • You can pass a filepath to spec: now so you no longer have to call OpenapiFirst.load anymore.
  • Router is optional now. You no longer have to add Router to your middleware stack. You still can add it to customize behaviour by setting options, but you no longer have to add it. If you don't add the Router, make sure you pass spec: to your request/response validation middleware.
  • Support "4xx" and "4XX" response definitions. (4XX is defined in the standard, but 2xx is used in the wild as well 🦁.)
  • Removed warning about missing operationId, because operationId is not used until the Responder is used.
  • Raise HandlerNotFoundError when handler cannot be found


  • Add RackResponder

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Handler classes are now instantiated only once without any arguments and the same instance is called on each following call/request.


Yanked. No useful changes.


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Use a Hash instead of named arguments for middleware options for better compatibility Using named arguments is actually not supported in Rack.


  • Pin hanami-router version, because alpha6 is broken.


  • Support status code wildcards like "2XX", "4XX"


  • Populate default parameter values


  • Use json_refs to resolve OpenAPI file. This removes oas_parser and ActiveSupport from list of dependencies


  • Empty query parameters are parsed and request validation returns 400 if an empty string is not allowed. Note that this does not look at allowEmptyValue in any way, because allowEmptyValue is deprecated.


  • Fix: Don't mix path- and operation-level parameters for request validation


  • Handle custom x-handler field in the API description to find a handler method not based on operationId
  • Add resolver option to provide a custom resolver to find a handler method


  • Better error message if string does not match format
  • readOnly and writeOnly just works when used inside allOf


  • Return indicator (source: { parameter: 'list/1' }) in error response body when array item in query parameter is invalid


  • Add support for arrays in query parameters (style: form, explode: false)
  • Remove warning when handler is not implemented


  • Add not_found: :continue option to Router to make it do nothing if request is unknown


  • content-type is found while ignoring additional content-type parameters (application/json is found when request/response content-type is application/json; charset=UTF8)
  • Support wildcard mime-types when finding the content-type


  • Add response_validation:, router_raise_error options to standalone mode.


  • Allow response to have no media type object specified


  • Fix response when handler returns 404 or 405
  • Don't validate the response content if status is 204 (no content)


  • Change ResponseValidator to raise an exception if it found a problem
  • Params have symbolized keys now
  • Remove not_found option from Router. Return 405 if HTTP verb is not allowed (via Hanami::Router)
  • Add raise_error option to (false by default)
  • Add ResponseValidation to if raise_error option is true
  • Rename raise option to raise_error
  • Add raise_error option to RequestValidation middleware
  • Raise error if handler could not be found by Responder
  • Add Operation#name that returns a human readable name for an operation


  • Raise error if you forgot to add the Router middleware
  • Make raise an error in test env when request path is not specified
  • Rename OperationResolver to Responder
  • Add ResponseValidation middleware that validates the response body
  • Add raise option to Router middleware to raise an error if request could not be found in the API description similar to committee's raise option.
  • Move namespace option from Router to OperationResolver


  • Return 400 if request body has invalid JSON (issue) thanks Thomas Frütel


  • Fix duplicated key in required when generating JSON schema for some[thing] parameters


  • Add support for query parameters named "some[thing]" (issue)


  • Make request validation usable standalone


  • Add merged parameter and request body available to env at env[OpenapiFirst::INBOX] in request validation
  • Path and query parameters with type: boolean now get converted to true/false
  • Rename OpenapiFirst::PARAMS to OpenapiFirst::PARAMETERS


  • Add missing require to work with new version of oas_parser


  • Make use of hanami-router, because it's fast
  • Remove option allow_unknown_query_paramerters
  • Move the namespace option to Router
  • Convert numeric path and query parameters to Integer or Float
  • Pass the Rack env if your action class' initializers accepts an argument
  • Respec rack's env['SCRIPT_NAME'] in router
  • Add MIT license


  • Bugfix: params.env['unknown'] now returns nil as expected. Thanks @tristandruyen.



  • Performance: About 25% performance increase (i/s) with help of c++ based radix-tree and some optimizations
  • Update dependencies


  • Fix: version number of oas_parser


  • Remove warnings for Ruby 2.7


  • Merge QueryParameterValidation and ReqestBodyValidation middlewares into RequestValidation
  • Rename option to allow_unknown_query_paramerters


  • Fix: Rewind request body after reading


  • Add option to parse only certain paths from OAS file


  • Add support to map operationIds like things#index or web.things_index


  • Make ResponseValidator errors easier to read


  • Set the content-type based on the OpenAPI description #29