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99 lines (81 loc) · 5.35 KB

Extract compilation commands from CMAKE

Author: Scott Barclay

First, let me say that the CMAKE environment that I am using may not match the way other systems are configured. On my system, there are two source trees.

One of them is the normal tree: ... SW/Source/Component/group/file.cpp. The other is a tree with the same structure: ... /SW/build/linux-debug/Source/Component/group. However, the directories (such as the "group" directory in the path) do not contain any source files. Instead, this directory contains a directory called CMakeFiles, a file called cmake_install.cmake and a file called Makefile (your mileage may vary).

Suppose the file you wish to clean is called createTable.cpp. First, you must insure that the file has changed since the last build, since nothing will happen if it is up to date. Also be sure that the directory has access to the file.

Next, descend to the directory containing the file:

$ cd ... /SW/build/linux-debug/Source/Component/group

Then enter:

$ make -n createTable.o

You will get a lot of output:

.../SW/build/linux-debug/Source/Component/group$ make -n createTable.o
cd ../../.. && make -f Source/Component/group/CMakeFiles/Group.dir/build.make
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report ../../../CMakeFiles /usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_echo_color --switch= --green
"Building CXX object Source/Component/group/CMakeFiles/Group.dir/createTable.cpp.o"
cd Source/Component/group && /remote/xtools/timesys/toolchain/bin/linux-gbueabi-g++
-DUSE_SYSLOG -D_ACE -D_DEBUG -std=c++11 -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-non-template-friend -Wno-write-strings
-Wno-reorder -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Werror=unused-variable -Wno-format
-Wno-unknown-pragmas --sysroot=/remote/xtools/timesys/toolchain -O0 -g2 -ggdb -funwind-tables -rdynamic
-I../../../../../../Common -I../../../../../Source/Common -I../../../../../OTSS/ACE_6.1.5/arm/include
-I../../../../../OTSS/boost_1_56_0 -I../../../../../OTSS/boost_1_56_0/boost -I../../../../../OTSS/trio-1.8
-I../../../../../OTSS/libxml2/include -I../../../../../OTSS/libxslt -I../../../../../OTSS/libxslt/ZURTMAC/include/nucleus
-I../../../../../OTSS/SQLite/include -I../../../../../OTSS/zlib121 -I../../../../../OTSS/zlib121/contrib/minizip
-I../../../../../OTSS/zlib121/contrib/zurtmac -I../../../../../OTSS/NetBSD_2.1/libintl -I../../../../../OTSS/flexstring -
(lots of include directories)
I../../../../../Source/SystemServices/nvxmlparser -I../../../../../Source/FoundationClasses
-Wno-deprecated -o CMakeFiles/Group.dir/createTable.cpp.o -c

I have separated the first few commands, in real life they will appear one right after another. (If the file has not changed, you will get two or three lines which are not helpful). This last big chunk is the one I want. (I look for the word "g++"). Since I am already in the Source/Component/group directory, I delete the first part, including the &&. Then I go to the end of the chunk and find the words "Wno-deprecated". I take the phrase "-o CMakeFiles/Group.dir/createTable.cpp.o" and move it to the end of the text. Then remove the little "-c". (My compiler likes to see the name of the file to be compiled, by itself without the "-c.")

The last part now looks like this:

-Wno-deprecated ../../../../../Source/Components/group/createTable.cpp -o CMakeFiles/Group.dir/createTable.cpp.o

Now I copy the entire chunk into the clipboard. On the command line I type "python " (note the trailing blank), then paste the chunk from the clipboard at the cursor. Depending on what the final characters are, the command may execute, or may wait for you to press the enter/return key.

At this point the program will begin analyzing the file:

Checking compilation of ../../../../../Source/Component/group/createTable.cpp... OK
Removing tableEncrypt.h (1/12)... not possible
Removing NVEncrypt.h (2/12)... not possible
Removing tableDatabase.h (3/12)... OK
Removing openssl/conf.h (4/12)... OK
Removing openssl/evp.h (5/12)... not possible
Removing openssl/err.h (6/12)... not possible
Removing openssl/rand.h (7/12)... not possible
Removing openssl/sha.h (8/12)... not possible
Removing string (9/12)... OK
Removing NVFileSystem.h (10/12)... not possible
Removing nvfstream.h (11/12)... not possible
Removing NVStdio.h (12/12)... not possible
../../../../../Source/Component/group/createTable.cpp: not required tableDatabase.h, openssl/conf.h, string

In this case, three included files were not needed.