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Gmail Node Mailer

Simplify your email sending process within Node.js applications with gmail-node-mailer. This lightweight package harnesses the power of the Gmail API to send emails effortlessly. Whether you're sending a quick notification or a detailed newsletter, gmail-node-mailer makes it straightforward.

GitHub Repository: gmail-node-mailer on GitHub

npm Package: gmail-node-mailer on npm

Quick Features

  • 🚀 Quick setup with service account credentials.
  • 📧 Validate and send emails with ease.
  • 🎨 Supports both plain text and HTML content.
  • 🔧 Easy configuration for service accounts and sender emails.
  • 📎 New Functionality: Attachment Support - Send attachments with your emails effortlessly.

Get Started in Seconds

1. Install with NPM

Run the following in your project directory:

npm install gmail-node-mailer

2. Streamline Email Notifications with Your Server Workflow

gmail-node-mailer is designed to seamlessly integrate into your server setup, enabling you to send emails for various events such as server start/stop notifications, error alerts, and to manage subscription events like new subscriptions or renewals.

Detailed Usage Guide

Sending Emails with Attachments

With the new attachment support, gmail-node-mailer allows you to include files in your emails. Here's how you can attach a PDF file to an email:

import { GmailMailer } from 'gmail-node-mailer';

async function sendEmailWithAttachment() {
  const mailer = new GmailMailer();
  await mailer.initializeClient({
    gmailServiceAccountPath: './path/to/your-service-account.json',
    const attachments = [{
        filename: 'Invoice.pdf',
        mimeType: 'application/pdf',
        content: 'base64_encoded_content_here'

    await mailer.sendEmail({
        recipientEmail: '',
        subject: 'Your Invoice',
        message: 'Please find attached your invoice.',
        attachments: attachments


Server Start/Stop Notifications

Seamlessly notify about server start or stop events using gmail-node-mailer. Here's an example on how to set up and send these notifications:

import { GmailMailer } from 'gmail-node-mailer';

async function initializeMailer() {
  const mailer = new GmailMailer();
  await mailer.initializeClient({
    gmailServiceAccountPath: './path/to/your-service-account.json',
  // Setting the initialized mailer to a global variable
  global.gmailClient = mailer;

async function notifyServerStatus(status: 'start' | 'stop') {
  const message = status === 'start' ? 'Server is up and running.' : 'Server has been shut down.';
  try {
    await global.gmailClient.sendEmail({
      recipientEmail: '',
      subject: `Server ${status} Notification`,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending email:', error);

// Initialize the GmailMailer client and then notify server status
initializeMailer().then(() => {

// Further down in your server code, you can use global.gmailClient for other email sending purposes

Use Case Examples

New Subscription Welcome Emails

When a new customer subscribes, sending a welcome email is a great way to start your relationship. Here's how you can set this up:

import { GmailMailer } from 'gmail-node-mailer';

export async function handleNewSubscription(customerEmail, subscriptionDetails) {
    const mailer = new GmailMailer();
    await mailer.initializeClient({
        gmailServiceAccountPath: './path/to/your-service-account.json',

    const htmlMessage = `
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 20px; background-color: #f0f0f0; }
                .content { background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; }
                h1 { color: #007bff; }
            <div class="content">
                <h1>Welcome to Your New Adventure!</h1>
                <p>Dear Adventurer, thank you for joining us. Your journey starts now!</p>
                <!-- Add more personalized content here -->

    await mailer.sendEmail({
        senderEmail: process.env.GMAIL_MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL,
        recipientEmail: customerEmail,
        subject: '🎉 Welcome to Your New Adventure!',
        message: htmlMessage,

Subscription Renewal Confirmations

Similarly, for subscription renewals, sending a confirmation email reaffirms the customer's value to your service. Here's a sample approach:

// Assuming the GmailMailer is initialized similarly as in the new subscription example

export async function handleSubscriptionRenewal(customerEmail, renewalDetails) {
    const htmlMessage = `
        <!DOCTYPE html>
                body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0; padding: 20px; background-color: #f0f0f0; }
                .content { background-color: #fff; padding: 20px; }
                h1 { color: #007bff; }
            <div class="content">
                <h1>Your Adventure Continues!</h1>
                <p>Dear Adventurer, we're thrilled to have you with us for another year. Here's to more adventures together!</p>
                <!-- Add renewal-specific content here -->

    // Use the initialized GmailMailer instance to send the email
    await mailer.sendEmail({
        senderEmail: process.env.GMAIL_MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL,
        recipientEmail: customerEmail,
        subject: '🎉 Thank You for Renewing Your Adventure!',
        message: htmlMessage,

Check the examples directory for more samples.

Advanced Initialization and Configuration

gmail-node-mailer offers a flexible and powerful way to initialize and configure your email sending capabilities. Here's a deep dive into customizing the initialization:

Initializing with Service Account Credentials

Authenticate using a Gmail service account for secure email sending. To do this, you need to initialize the GmailMailer with your service account details. This can be done by either directly providing the service account details or specifying a file path to a JSON file containing these credentials. Here's how you can accomplish this:

import { GmailMailer } from 'gmail-node-mailer';

const mailer = new GmailMailer();

// Initialize using direct service account details or a file path
await mailer.initializeClient({
  gmailServiceAccount: {
    client_email: '',
    private_key: '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n...your-private-key...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n'
  // OR
  gmailServiceAccountPath: './path/to/your-service-account.json',

Configuring Sender Email

Specify and validate a default sender email address:

import { emailConfig } from 'gmail-node-mailer/utils/emailConfig';

// Set and validate the Gmail sender's email, or optionally declare the the GMAIL_MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL in your .env file 

if (!emailConfig.validateEmailFormat('')) {
    console.error('Email format is invalid. Please use a valid Gmail address.');
} else {
    console.log('Sender email configured successfully.');

example sendEmail function response -->

  sendMailResult: {
    sent: true,
    status: 200,
    statusText: 'OK',
    responseUrl: '',
    message: 'Email successfully sent to',
    gmailResponse: {
      config: [Object],
      data: [Object],
      headers: [Object],
      status: 200,
      statusText: 'OK',
      request: [Object]

HTML or Plain Text Auto-Detection

Automatically encodes the subject line ensuring compatibility across all email clients. Write your message in either format, and gmail-node-mailer will handle the rest, ensuring it's correctly formatted. To enhance clarity and consistency in the readme section for environment configuration, consider the revised version below:

Environment Configuration for gmail-node-mailer

To ensure smooth integration of gmail-node-mailer into your Node.js project, it's crucial to configure the environment variables detailed below. These variables can be set directly in your environment or passed during the instantiation of gmail-node-mailer.

Optional Environment Variables for Service Account Configuration

Configure the following optional environment variables for detailed control over service account usage:

  • GMAIL_MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL: Defines the email address from which emails will be sent.

  • GMAIL_MAILER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: In scenarios such as production environments or instances where direct file access is not feasible, this variable allows you to input your service account credentials as a JSON string within an environment variable.

    Example usage:

    GMAIL_MAILER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT={"type":"service_account","project_id":"...","private_key_id":"...","private_key":"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\n...\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n","client_email":"","client_id":"...","auth_uri":"...","token_uri":"...","auth_provider_x509_cert_url":"...","client_x509_cert_url":"..."}

    Note: Ensure that special characters within the JSON (e.g., newlines in the private key) are properly escaped. While this example aims for readability, real-world usage might require meticulous JSON formatting or escaping.

  • GMAIL_MAILER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH: Primarily for development environments, this variable designates the path to the local JSON file containing your service account credentials.

    Example usage:


    Note: Verify that the specified path is accurate, relative to your project's root directory.

Additional Information and Examples

For more detailed information on configuring gmail-node-mailer, including setting up environment variables, sample code, please refer to the following documents in the /info directory:

  • Environment Variables Setup: A guide on setting up and using the GMAIL_MAILER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH and GMAIL_MAILER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT variables for development and production environments.

  • Handling New Subscriptions Example: An example script showing how to integrate gmail-node-mailer for handling new subscription notifications.

  • sendEmail Function Types: Documentation on the sendEmail function, including parameters and expected results.

  • Server Notifications Example: A detailed example on setting up server start/stop notifications using gmail-node-mailer.

  • Service Account Setup: Step-by-step instructions on setting up a Gmail service account for use with gmail-node-mailer.