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73 lines (70 loc) · 4.68 KB

There is ChaiVM's accumulator(acc) based ISA.

Notation: imm is raw value, [imm] is value from constant pool by number imm.

Operation Format Description
Nop N Does nothing
Ret N Returns a value via acc
Mov RR i64, moves value from ri to rj
Ldia I i64, loads constant [i] to acc
Ldra R i64, loads the R1 to acc
Star R i64, copies val of acc into register ri
Add R i64, Adds R1 to acc
Addi I i64, Adds [imm] to acc
Sub R i64, sub R1 from acc
Subi I i64, sub [imm] from acc
Mul R i64, mul acc by R1
Muli I i64, mul acc by [imm]
Div R i64, divides acc by R1
Divi I i64, divides acc by [imm]
Modi I i64, acc = acc % [imm]
Ldiaf I f64, loads constant [i] to acc
Addf R f64, Adds R1 to acc
Addif I f64, Adds [imm] to acc
Subf R f64, sub R1 from acc
Subif I i64, sub [imm] from acc
Mulf R f64, mul acc by R1
Mulif I f64, mul acc by [imm]
Divf R f64, divides acc by R1
Divif I f64, divides acc by [imm]
IcPrint N Intrinsic. Prints value of acc
IcScani N Intrinsic. Scans i64 from stdin into acc
IcScanf N Intrinsic. Scans f64 from stdin into acc
IcSqrt N f64, Intrinsic. Calculates sqrt of acc.
IcSin N f64, Intrinsic. Calculates sin of acc.
IcCos N f64, Intrinsic. Calculates cos of acc.
If_icmpeq RI i64, if acc == r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr
If_icmpne RI i64, if acc != r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr
If_icmpgt RI i64, if acc > r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr
If_icmpge RI i64, if acc >= r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr
If_icmplt RI i64, if acc < r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr
If_icmple RI i64, if acc <= r1 then branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm otherwise just next instr
If_acmpeq RI ref, if references are equal, branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm
If_acmpne RI ref, if references are not equal, branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm
If_null I ref, if reference in acc is null, branch to instruction at offset(instructions) imm
Сmpgf R f64 -> i64, compare acc with r1. Acc became 1 i64 if greater than r1, 0 if equal, otherwise -1
Cmplf R f64 -> i64, compare acc with r1. Acc became 1 i64 if less than r1, 0 if equal, otherwise -1
Goto I Goes to another instruction at branchoffset(instructions) imm
Call I Calls function [imm]. Imm is reference to function in constant pool named constant_func_name_and_type.
NewI64Array N Allocates array of type i64 with number of elements from acc register. A reference to this new array is stored in acc.
GetI64FromArr R Gets i64 from i64 array in acc and puts it to acc.
SetI64InArr RR Sets i64 value to i64 array in acc and puts it to acc.
NewF64Array N Allocates array of type f64 with number of elements from acc register. A reference to this new array is stored in acc.
GetF64FromArr R Gets f64 from f64 array in acc and puts it to acc.
SetF64InArr RR Sets f64 value to f64 array in acc and puts it to acc.
NewRefArray N Allocates array of objects with number of elements from acc register. A reference to this new array is stored in acc. Value of every object is null.
GetRefFromArr R Gets object by index in r1 from object array in acc and puts it to acc.
SetRefInArr RR Sets ref value in r2 by index in r1 to object array in acc and puts it to acc.
StringPrint N Prints String in acc
StringConcat R Create new String, concatenating String in acc and String in r1. Result in acc.
StringLen N Puts len of String to acc
StringSlice RR Create new String slicing String placed in acc. r1 is start and r2 is finish of slicing
AllocRef I Ref, Creates object of klass [imm], leaves ref in acc
MovRef RR Ref, copies ref from ri to rj
LdraRef R Ref, copies ref of the R1 to acc
StarRef R Ref, copies ref of acc into register ri
GetField I Ref, load value of field to acc. imm is offset of field (starting from all fields) Value can be ref, array or String
SetField RI Ref, set value of register to field imm of object in acc. Value should be consistent to field signature. There are no checks in runtime.

To generate this file use the following python script:

$ python3 tools/