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1.4 Building an analysis pipeline

Building an analysis pipeline requires sa-labs-analysis-core. It is an analysis framework which abstracts the data structure, storage hierarchy and provides a simplified API (Application Programming Interface). The framework captures the information about analysis parameters and the source code while building the analysis.

Below are the steps involved in building an analysis pipeline,

Step 1- Creating an analysis project

The analysis project helps with organizing the CellDatafor a defined purpose. It stores the file names of the cellData and the results of the analysis. ThecreateAnalysisProjectfunction requires a unique name for the project, and a list of experiment date as mandatory input parameters. The experiment date can follow the Matlab regular expression pattern. Based on the experiment date pattern, the createAnalysisProjectchecks whetherCellDataexists for this project (i.e. the raw data has already been parsed previously). If not, then it parses the raw data file and generates the cell-specific data from the raw data. Otherwise, it loads the already parsed cellData.

[project, offlineAnalysisManager] = createAnalysisProject(...
    'Example-Analysis_01',...            % Name of the project
    'experiments', {'101217Dc*Amp2'},... % Experiment date with amplifier channel 
    'override', true);                   % Would you like to override the project

The function saves a simple text file formatted as JSON with the following attributes.

    "identifier": "Example-Analysis_01",
    "description": "Hope it will be defined later !",
    "experimentList": [
    "cellDataIdList": [
    "analysisDate": "20171215",
    "analysisResultIdList": [],
    "performedBy": "narayas2",
    "file": "C:\\Users\\narayas2\\data\\analysis\\Projects\\Example-Analysis_01\\project.json"

Step 2 - Defining an epoch filter

The epoch filter defines the hierarchy in which epochs are grouped together. As an example, we will focus on creating a filter definition to build a Light Stepanalysis pipeline. Light Stepis a simple flash used to stimulate the neurons. The relevant stimulus parameters are displayName= the name of the stimulus protocol (Light Step), intensity= stimulus intensity and simTime = the duration of the stimulus display.

The epoch filter definition is programmed as a Matlab structure with the following attributes,

  • type - a unique name for the filter definition
analysisFilter.type = 'LightStepAnalysis'
  • buildTreeBy- defines the hierarchy in which the epochs have to be grouped based on epoch parameter names. Let us assume the epoch has the parametersdisplayName, intensity, and stimTime.
analysisFilter.buildTreeBy = {'displayName', 'intensity', 'stimTime'};


    '  displayName   '  First level grouping of filter. 
    '                '  It matches all the epoch which has parameter name "displayName" 
            |           and groups them according to its value.
    '   intensity    '  Second level grouping of filter. 
                        It similarly matches the intensity parameter
            |           and groups according to its value
    '                '
    '    stimTime    '  So on ...

It is also possible to group epochs with different parameters at the same level,

analysisFilter.buildTreeBy = {'displayName', 'intensity; probeAxis; textureAngle', 'devices'};
    '            displayName             '
    '     +----------++----------+       '
    '     |          |           |       '
    ' intensity  probeAxis textureAngle  ' 
    '     |          |                   '
    '     |          |           |       '
    '  devices    devices     devices    '
  • splitValue- It further filters the epoch based on the epoch parameter values. Let us assume the epochs with displayNamehave values LightStep, MovingBar, DriftingGrating. The below code filters the epoch which havedisplayName == Light Step

The code below follows our example of the LightStepAnalysisand filters the epochs which have displayName == Light Step– the epochs were a simple flash of light was presented to the cells.

analysisPreset.displayName.splitValue = {'Light Step'};

It is also possible to attach a function handle to buildTreeand splitValues.

  • featureExtractor- attaches a function handle to the filtered epoch group for further evaluation (the feature extractor will be explained in step 4).

In summary, the complete filter definition for the example LightStepAnalysisis as follows,

analysisFilter = struct()
analysisFilter.type = 'LightStepAnalysis'
analysisFilter.buildTreeBy = {'displayName', 'intensity', 'stimTime'};
analysisPreset.displayName.splitValue = {'Light Step'};

Step 3 - Building the analysis {#building-analysis}

buildAnalysis('Example-Analysis',... % Name of the analysis project
                analysisFilter)      % Type of analysis filter(s)

The function buildAnalysisgenerates the analysis tree as defined by the epoch filter, and updates the project file with the analysis results. The project file then stores the analysis date and analysis result file name as additional attributes,

   "identifier": "Example-Analysis",

    "analysisDate": "20171215",
    "analysisResultIdList": [
    ],   ... 
    "file": "C:\\Users\\narayas2\\data\\analysis\\Projects\\Example-Analysis_01\\project.json"

Example Ligt Step Analysis tree for cell data 101217Dcc2_Amp2

    '         project==Example-Analysis_01 (1)           '
    '                                                    '
    '                         |                          '
    '  analysis==LightStepAnalysis-101217Dcc2_Amp2 (2)   '
    '                                                    '
    '                         |                          '
    '            displayName==Light Step (3)             '
    '                                                    '
    '                         |                          '
    '                 intensity==1 (4)                   '
    '            +------------+------------+             '
    '            |                         |             '
    '    stimTime==20 (5)          stimTime==500 (6)     '

It is also possible to build the analysis for multiple filters. This is achieved by passing an array of analysis filter to the function bulidAnalysis.

Step 4 - Attaching feature extractors & Rebuilding the analysis {#attaching-feature-extractor}

The featureExtractor contains the function handle to process a group of epochs. To perform the feature extraction, assign the feature extractor function handle to the desired level in the analysis tree and rebuild the analysis.

The example below assigns psthExtractorto the lowest node (stimTime) in the example analysis tree built for the LightStepAnalysis. The psthExtractor generates a peri-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) of the neuron’s responses in the selected epoch group.

analysisFilter.stimTime.featureExtractor = {@(analysis, epochGroup, analysisParameter)...

Then rebuild the analysis,

buildAnalysis('Example-Analysis',... % Name of the analysis project
                analysisFilter)      % Type of analysis filter(s)

When building the analysis, the psthExtractoris executed and a PSTH is saved for each epoch group that has a unique stimTimevalue as a parameter. In addition, the result is also percolated up to the higher levels of the analysis tree for further processing and visualization.

Please be aware of the arguments required in the feature extractor function. It is mandatory to include the input parameters: analysis, epochGroup, analysisParameter. Guidelines for creating a feature extractor are explained in the next section.

There are advantages of including the featureExtractorhandle in the filter definition: when the filter definition, source code, and data are coupled, it is possible to execute the analysis and synchronize the results on any computer which has access to the data. Hence, the data-intensive analysis can be performed in distributed (or) a remote computer.