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DT Bazar Android License: GPL v3

The DT Bazar Android is developed using Native-Android framework using Kotlin language.


Releases can be found here

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Beta Version

Install the beta version from the following link:

App Preview

Android Preview

Technology Stack

Language: Kotlin
Build Tool: Gradle
Framework: Native Android
Architecture: MVVM
  • Jetpack Android
  • Dagger2
  • Coroutines
  • LiveData
  • ViewModel
  • Room Database
  • Material Design
  • Navigation Component
  • Paging Library
  • Kotlin Extensions
  • Data Binding
  • Kapt processor
  • Retrofit
  • Glide
  • Facebook Login
  • Map-Sdk-Android
  • Jetpack CameraX
  • Firebase Vision Text Recognition
  • Leakcanary

Application Architecture

MVVM architecture with Repository pattern and Single-Activity model is followed. Primarily focused on four layers i.e. Model, Data Access, Presentation and View. The inner layers don't know anything about the outer layers and the outer layers have reference to the immediate inner layers only.


Version Name Convention

  • Android app versioning followed semantic versioning.
  • Major is determined by api version
  • Minor is the issue number of a new feature
  • Patch is the issue number of a bug or enhancement