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Ledger and Epoch State Validity

We only care that the properties below are satisfied for valid ledger states, and more generally, valid epoch states. Checking things for invalid states should not be performed. As the STS rule system we have defined is deterministic, all valid states can be reached using the transitions in the system, and the only states that are valid are those that can be described by a sequence of rule applications (i.e. a composition of valid transitions).

Preservation of Value

Recall that there are six pots of money in the Shelley ledger:

  • Circulation (total value of the UTxO)
  • Deposits
  • Fees
  • Rewards (total value of the reward accounts)
  • Reserves
  • Treasury

For each transition system, we will list what pots are in scope, describe how value moves between the pots, and state any relevant properties (usually the preservation of ADA).

Transitions with no pots in scope

  • Up
  • Ppup
  • Avup
  • Prtcl
  • Overlay
  • Updn
  • Ocert
  • Rupd


Pots in scope: Circulation, Deposits, Fees

Value can be transferred between Circulation and Deposits. Value can also be transferred to the Fees, but Fees can only be increased by this transition.

Property The value (Circulation + Deposits + Fees) increases by the sum of the withdrawals in the transaction. Note that Circulation decreases due to transaction fees and certificate deposits, and can increase through the certificate refunds.

Property Fees does not decrease.


Pots in scope: Rewards

Property The rewards to do not change (both as an aggregated value and as individual balances).

Note: here we consider elements that are not present to have a value of 0. On the implementation there is a difference between an element which is not present in the rewards map and an element with a 0 rewards balance.


Pots in scope: Rewards

Property The reward pot is decreased by the sum of the withdrawals in the transaction (in the environment).


Pots in scope: All

This transition returns a portion of the the pool certificate deposit to the correct reward address, provided it is still registered. Otherwise it is given to the treasury. The total is deducted from the deposit pot.

Property The value Deposits is non-negative.

Property (Full Preservation of ADA) The value (Circulation + Deposit + Fees + Treasury + Rewards + Reserves) is the same before and after the transition.


Pots in scope: Circulation, Deposits, Fees, Rewards

The value lost by UTXO is balanced by the value gained by DELEGS.

Property The value (Circulation + Deposits + Fees + Rewards) is the same before and after the transition.


Pots in scope: All

Besides using the EPOCH transition, NEWEPOCH applies a reward update. The reward update decreases the reserves and the fee pot, but increases the treasury and the reward pot.

Property The value (Reserves + Fees + Treasury + Rewards) is the same before and after the transition.

Property The Circulation and Deposits do not change.


Pots in scope: Circulation, Deposits, Fees

The snapshot transition moves decayed deposits from the deposit pot to the fee pot.

Property The Deposits value decreases by the amount that Fees increases.


Pots in scope: Circulation, Deposits, Fees, Treasury, Reserves

The new protocol parameter transition adjusts the deposit pot to meet the current obligation, and the difference is made up by the reserves.

Property The value (Deposits + Reserves) is the same before and after the transition. Note that it is possible for Deposits to increase or decrease.

Property The values Circulation, Fees, and Treasury do not change.


Pots in scope: All

With respect to the pots, the EPOCH transition uses each of the following once: SNAP, POOLREAP, and NEWPP.

Property (Full Preservation of ADA)


Pots in scope: All

With respect to the pots, the TICK transition uses each of the following once: NEWEPOCH and RU.

Property (Full Preservation of ADA)


Pots in scope: All

With respect to the pots, the CHAIN transition uses each of the following of HEAD, PTRCL, and BBODY.

Property (Full Preservation of ADA)

Slots and Epochs

As an easy consequence of the Full Preservation of ADA for the CHAIN transition is the following:

Property (Full Preservation of ADA) The total amount of ADA in the system (Circulation + Deposit + Fees + Treasury + Rewards + Reserves), remains constant at each slot and at each epoch.

Time Traveling Header Properties

We need to adapt properties 1 -3, from section 8 of the byron chain spec, to Shelley.

Update Properties

Property There can be at most one change to the protocol parameters per epoch. Moreover, the protocol parameter update state is always empty at begining of epoch.

Property If there are no pending future application versions, there will not be a change to the version for at least SlotsPerEpoch.

Property Updating the software versions, without updating the protocol version, results in no change to the transition systems. Note that changes to the transition system resulting from a new protocol version will be difficult to state formally, since this depends on logic in the software changing the ledger rules.

Definition Let num-genesis be the number of genesis nodes (concretely this value is seven).

Definition Let quorum be the number of genesis nodes needed for consensus on votes (concretely this value is five).

Property If there are only (quorum -1)-many gen keys active, there can be no new future application version or protocol parameters.


Property The keys (of type Slot) of the following two mappings are always past the current slot: the future application versions (favs) and the future genesis delegation mapping (fGenDelegs). The favs slots can appear in any current or future epoch, but the fGenDelegs slots can be at most one epoch into the future.

Property The size of the mappings PPUpdate, inside the update state, is always at most (num-genesis - 1).

Property The size of the mappings AVUpdate, inside the update state, is always at most num-genesis.

Epoch Boundary Transition Properties

Property The NEWEPOCH transition can always be invoked at the epoch boundary (i.e. when e = e_l + 1). Thus, the transitions it depends on, SNAP, POOLREAP, NEWPP, and EPOCH, can always be invoked as well. Note that when no blocks are produced, the CHAIN rule is blocked and NEWEPOCH never fires.

Transitions SNAP, POOLREAP, and EPOCH have no preconditions in the antecedents of their rules. NEWPP has two associated rules, and the disjunction of the preconditions in these rules is a tautology. We justify the non-blocking of these rules by this reasoning.

Deposits Properties

Property The deposits pot is always greater that the current obligation (ie the total amount of coin needed to refund every stake registration and pool registration certificate that are currently registered). In particular, the UTXO and POOLREAP rule can never result in a negative value for deposits.

Staking Properties

Consistency Property for Boundary Case If no stake keys are registered, the rewards from the reward update will always sum to zero.

Property If no stake pools are registered, the rewards from the reward update will always sum to zero.

Property The sum of stake in the stake snapshots is always at most forty-five billion ADA.

Property The following delegation mappings always has the same size: stkCreds, rewards, and ptrs. Moreover, the key set of stkCreds is the same as the range of ptrs, which also corresponds one-one with the reward addresses in rewards. Finally, the key set of delegations is a subset of that of stkCreds.

Property If all stake keys and pools deregister, then, assuming that no one registers anything, by epoch e+1, where e is the max epoch in the stake pool retirement mapping, the delegation state will be nearly empty. More precisely, the mappings stkCreds, rewards, delegations, ptrs, stpools, poolParams, and retiring are all the empty map. (The map cs will have size seven, for the genesis keys.)

Genesis Node Property

Property The size of the genesis delegation mapping genDelegs is always num-genesis. Note that the value num-genesis can be given as the size of the mapping inherited from Byron.

Entropy Properties

Consistency Property In the absence of the extra entropy parameter, the epoch nonce is what you get from combining the blocks leading up to it (and stopping StabilityWindow-many slots in the previous epoch).

Decentralization Properties

Consistency Property The overlay schedule is obeyed: no blocks are produced during the silent blocks, and only core nodes makes blocks on the overlay slots.

Rewards Properties

Property At the start of each epoch, the reward update is set to NOTHING. Moreover, the reward update will change exactly once during the epoch, to a non-NOTHING value.

Property All members of stake pools that did not meet their pledges will receive zero rewards for the epoch.

Block Header Properties

Consistency Property The body size and block body hash listed in the block header are correct. Correct refers to the two predicates given in the BBODY transition.

Block Count Properties

Property The number of blocks made in an epoch is equal to number of active overlay slots plus the sum of the values in the BlocksMade mapping.

Property The number blocks made in an epoch is never greater than the number of slots in an epoch.

Authorization Properties

TODO - Without just restating predicates already in our rules, how can we state properties stating that UTxO transfer, certificates, etc, are properly authorized?

Praos Properties

_The following Properties are taken from the Ouroboros Praos Document. Not all of them will reflect into ledger properties, but we should record them somewhere since they will be overall concerns that should be driving tests/proofs. _

Persistence and Liveness seem to be the key properties of interest.

Some questions:

What does semisynchronous actually mean?
What implications does this protocol have for performance? What are acceptable values for various system protocol parameters?

The following are examples of things that should be part of some overview document

(1) potentially, multiple slot leaders may be elected for a particular slot (forming a slot leader set);

(2) frequently, slots will have no leaders assigned to them; and

(3) a priori, only a slot leader is aware that it is indeed a leader for a given slot; this assignment is unknown to all the other stakeholders—including other slot leaders of the same slot—until the other stakeholders receive a valid block from this slot leader.

Independent aggregation property (Property 2)

Page 10: The probability of a stakeholder becoming a slot leader in a particular slot is independent of whether this stakeholder acts as a single party in the protocol, or splits its stake among several “virtual” parties.

This is a technical property that may have some deeper implications. Invariance of selection rule under arbitrary reassignment of stake.

Strong consistency between theoretical and real world experiments

Page 11: Any property of the protocol that we prove true in the hybrid experiment (such as achieving common prefix, chain growth and chain quality) will remain true (with overwhelming probability) in the setting where FVRF and FKES are replaced by their real-world implementations—in the so-called real experiment (p.11). Argued in Theorems 1 & 2.

"Small" Divergence

Page 16: With high probability, the characteristic strings induced by protocol πSPoS have small divergence and hence provide strong guarantees on common prefix.

_"small" needs to be quantified - is this an absolute measure, or relative to a period of time (epoch, system, slot)

  • we might be able to ensure specific levels of divergence throughout a slot for example_

Subadditivity of φ

Page 17: Proposition 1. The function φf (α) satisfies the following properties. 􏰍􏰎

φ 􏰓α =1−􏰔(1−φ (α))≤􏰓φ (α), α ≥0, fififii iii φf(α) = φf(α) ≥ α, α ∈ [0,1]. (5) (6)

Proposition 1 needs to be embedded in the spec (true by design and construction?)

Common prefix

Page 19: There is a low probability of violating the common prefix condition.

Theorem 5 (Common prefix). Let k,R,∆ ∈ N and ε ∈ (0,1). Let A be an α-dominated adversary against the protocol πSPoS for some α satisfying α(1−f)∆ ≥ (1+ε)/2. Then the probability that A, when executed in a ∆-semisynchronous environment, makes πSPoS violate the common prefix property with parameter k throughout a period of R slots is no more than exp(ln R + ∆ − Ω(k)). The constant hidden by the Ω(·)-notation depends on ε.

This is a key property. It may be necessary to test this rather than proving it. It should be embedded by design in the spec. Note that the three properties in this section use exponentials. How does this relate to the non-integer calcs?

Chain growth

Page 20: The length of the chain grows by at least the number of slots.

Theorem 6 (Chain growth). Let k, R, ∆ ∈ N and ε ∈ (0, 1). Let A be an α-dominated adversary against the protocol πSPoS for some α > 0. Then the probability that A, when executed in a ∆-semi- synchronous environment, makes πSPoS violate the chain growth property with parameters s ≥ 4∆ and τ = cα/4 throughout a period of R slots, is no more than exp (−cαs/(20∆) + ln R∆ + O(1)), where c denotes the constant c:=c(f,∆)=f(1−f)∆.

This is a key property that is worth verifying/proving. It might also form the basis for progress/productivity.

Chain quality

Page 21: There is a low probability of violating the chain property condition.

Theorem 7 (Chain quality). Let k, R, ∆ ∈ N and ε ∈ (0, 1). Let A be an α-dominated adversary against the protocol πSPoS for some α > 0 satisfying α(1−f)∆ ≥ (1+ε)/2. Then the probability that A, when executed in a ∆-semisynchronous environment, makes πSPoS violate the chain quality property with parameters k and μ = 1/k throughout a period of R slots, is no more than exp(ln R − Ω(k)).

Another key property. Approach should be similar to common prefix.

Probability Calculations

Page 21 contains two displayed conditions that could be used to generate tests to confirm correct probabilities.

R∆ exp(−cα(s − 3∆)/(20∆)) = exp(−cα(s − 3∆)/(20∆) + ln R∆)

Pr [g(x) ≤ b(x)] ≤ Pr [g(x) ≤ b(x)] x←Df x←Dαf

Theorem 8

Page 22: Every adaptive adversary A that corrupts at most (1−α)-fraction of stake throughout the whole execution is α-dominated.

Is this related to the slot leadership? Is the corruption monitored/verified/avoided somehow? Or is it just a condition/assumption?


Page 25: It is sufficient for an honest stakeholder to join at the beginning of each epoch, determine whether she belongs to the slot leader set for any slots within this epoch (using the Eval interface of FVRF), and then come online and act on those slots while maintaining online presence at least every k slots.

It's not obvious from this whether a non-participating actor could disrupt the system (e.g. by causing timeslot problems). Does non-participation imply loss of benefit? Do we need to assure adequate participation by all stakeholders? Can we use the assumption to help ensure progress? Also what happens if a slot leader fails to participate? Some of these discussions may be in the design document?

Theorem 9

Page 26: The protocol πDPoS, with access to Fτ,r , with τ ≤ 8k/(1 + ε) satisfies persistence with parameters RLB k and liveness under specific conditions.

Theorem 9 is the main persistence and liveness property. I assume this has been evaluated empirically (graph of probabilities/simulation). Are there any false independence assumptions? Liveness refers to honest actors and transactions. If there are no honest transactions, there will presumably be no growth? What assumptions are being made here in terms of deadlock, availability etc. (these could have a major impact on system viability

Key pair correctness

Page 30: Correctness: for every key pair (KES.sk1,KES.vk) ← Gen(1k,T), every message m and every time period j ≤ T , VerifyKES.vk (m, SignKES.skj (m)) = 1

Check assumptions. The proof should be by construction and design if the spec is consistent with the Praos document.

Test Properties

Page 33/34: Various possible attacks are given. The protocol implementation should defend against these.

These look like ways to drive test case generation

#Multi-signature properties

Sufficient Signatures are Provided to authorise Multi-Signature Transactions

Outputs of transactions that require multiple signatures will be "locked" against use until at least the required number of signatures is provided.

This should come by construction from the rules in the multi-sig spec.