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168 lines (121 loc) · 5.38 KB


This project provides custom implementations of Toast, Snack Bar, Back Swipe Gesture and Slide Menu for SwiftUI applications. These can be easily integrated into your app using the provided view modifiers.


  • Toast Message: Displays a temporary message with customizable text and background colors.
  • Snack Bar: A non-intrusive, temporary message view, also customizable.
  • Back Swipe Gesture: Enables users to navigate back by swiping from the left edge of the screen.
  • Slide Menu: Enables users to add a slide menu/view from leading, trailing, top and bottom edges of the screen.

File Structure

  • SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/Utils/Extensions/View.swift:
    Contains the custom View extensions for Toast, Snack Bar, and Back Swipe Gesture.
    You can use these modifiers in any SwiftUI view to show a toast or a snack bar and implement back swipe on any navigated view.

  • SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/SwiftUICustomPlayground/ViewUtils/SnackBar/SnackBarView.swift:
    Contains the implementation details for Snack Bar.

  • SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/SwiftUICustomPlayground/ViewUtils/SnackBar/ToastView.swift:
    Contains the implementation details for Toast.

  • SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/NavigatedScreen.swift:
    Contains the implementation details for Back Swipe Gesture.

  • SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/ViewUtils/SideMenu/SlideInView.swift: Contains the implementation details for Slide Menu.

Example Usage

To see an example of how to use these modifiers, refer to the following file:

  • SwiftUI-CustomPlayground/SwiftUICustomPlayground/ExampleView.swift:
    This file demonstrates how to use the toast, snackBar, and back swipe gesture view modifiers in your SwiftUI app.

How to Use Toast and Snack Bar

  1. Add the Toast or Snack Bar view modifier to any of your SwiftUI views.
  2. Customize the message, appearance, and duration as needed.

Toast Example:

Text("Hello, World!")
    .toast(message: "This is a toast!", show: $showToast)
Text("Hello, World!")
    .toast(message: "Test Toast", show: $showToast, textColor: .white, backgroundColor: .blue, edge: .bottom)

Snack Bar Example:

Text("Snack Bar Example")
    .snackBar(message: "This is a snack bar!", show: $showSnackBar)
Text("Snack Bar Example")
   .snackBar(message: "Test Snackbar", show: $showSnackbar, textColor: .white, backgroundColor: .blue, showTime: 1.5)

How to Use Back Swipe Gesture

  1. Use the onBackSwipe modifier on any view where you want to enable a back swipe action.
  2. Customize the gesture to perform an action when swiping from the left edge of the screen.

Back Swipe Gesture Example:

struct NavigatedScreen: View {
    @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            VStack {
                Text("This is the next screen")
        .onBackSwipe {

In this example, the Back Swipe Gesture is applied to a navigated view (NavigatedScreen), and swiping from the left edge will trigger the dismiss() action, navigating back to the previous screen.

Slide Menu Example:

struct ExampleView: View{
    @State var showSlideMenuTrailing: Bool = false
    @State var showSlideMenuLeading: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
        .toolbar(content: {
            ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) {
                Button {
                } label: {
                    Image(systemName: "sidebar.right")

            ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarLeading) {
                Button {
                } label: {
                    Image(systemName: "sidebar.left")

        .slideInView(isActive: $showSlideMenuTrailing, edge: .trailing) {
            isActive: $showSlideMenuLeading,
            edge: .leading,
            paddingPercentage: 0.45,
            options: SlideInViewOptions(
                paddingColorOpacity: 0.45,
                shouldDismissUponSwipe: true,
                shouldDismissUponExternalTap: true)) {


Demo Video

Watch the video below to see all three features—Toast, Snack Bar, Back Swipe Gesture and Slide Menu— in action:


The implementation of the slide-in menu view in this project has been highly referenced from the tutorial by Rebeloper - Rebel Developer. You can find the original tutorial here: YouTube Video.