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Creating a Pool of Callbacks from Rust to C++ with Proc Macros

In Eclipse uProtocol we had a need to build on top of the vsomeip C++ library in order to communicate between high-compute devices and mechatronics devices (think e.g. brake controllers, IMUs). I went over some of the high level details in this article.

In this article I'll delve a little deeper into how I arrived at the design I did for the managed pool of extern "C" fns we we maintain on the Rust side that we feed into the vsomeip library as callbacks.

The vsomeip API

The vsomeip API we're trying to call is application::register_message_handler().

    virtual void register_message_handler(service_t _service,
            instance_t _instance, method_t _method,
            const message_handler_t &_handler) = 0;

One of the issues I highlighted in the previous article was the bridging that needed to be done within a Rust and C++ glue layer to turn an extern "C" fn pointer into a message_handler_t.

typedef std::function< void (const std::shared_ptr< message > &) > message_handler_t;

For further details on the how and why of doing this bridging see the previous article.

The thing is, in Rust, we can't (normally) just create extern "C" fns at runtime. From what I can tell, there are some workarounds which use unsafe to do some interesting coercions.

Proc macros to generate callback functions

Rust is a fairly complex language, with many language features to support many different domains and styles of development. I like to keep things as simple as I can given the requirements and constraints I'm under.

In this case, I decided to use a Rust proc macro to generate a pool of callback functions. I'd then put some book-keeping around these pool of callback functions to ensure that the same callback function would be used no more than once at a time and released correctly back into the pool if unregistered.

A reason I like this approach is that at the end of the day, the code generation code is still well, mostly just code itself. I tried to use a declarative macro first, but found that the (very) different syntax of declarative macros ultimately made correlating bugs back to the macro more challenging.

Initial prototyping

Rust's great tooling lets us quickly spin up prototypes to test things out. I like to do this in cases where I'm being fairly experimental. In this case I spun up extern_fn_generator and test_extern_fn_generator to prototype.

I'll walk through a couple of phases of the prototyping to highlight a lesson learned. Spoilers: expanding proc macros can be very time and compute intensive in the compile step, so try to minimize the amount of macro expansion as much as possible!

A workable, but rough start

After a few initial iterations, I had the extern_fn_generator crate working! Problem was -- it was horrible slow. I don't have benchmark numbers handy anymore, but from what I recall compilation was taking somewhere on the order of ten minutes or so for generating ~1000 functions. And realistically, we were looking at somewhere between 1000 to 5000 callback functions happening here, as we'd need to be able to support communication with a wide range of mechatronics devices.

I became worried, as this was just plain unworkable from a developer experience perspective. How in the world could I in good conscience ask anyone to contribute to a codebase where each compile took ten minutes or more?

Diving in

Let's dig into generate_extern_fns() to see what it looks like.

I'll leave some PELE comments to walk through what's going on.

extern crate proc_macro;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote, format_ident};
use syn::{LitInt, parse_macro_input};

pub fn generate_extern_fns(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // PELE: We consume a single usize literal in the input and parse it here
    let num_fns = parse_macro_input!(input as LitInt).base10_parse::<usize>().unwrap();

    // PELE: We will use the quote! macro to build up the generated functions in a block
    let mut generated_fns = quote! {};
    // PELE: We will use the quote! macro to build up the match arms to find which
    //   function to call
    let mut match_arms = quote! {};

    // PELE: For the number of functions we were ask to do so
    for i in 0..num_fns {
        // PELE: Create identifiers with the number baked in
        let extern_fn_name = format_ident!("extern_on_msg_wrapper_{}", i);
        let fn_name = format_ident!("on_msg_wrapper_{}", i);

        // PELE: Generate the extern "C" fn for i
        let fn_code = quote! {
            pub extern "C" fn #extern_fn_name(param: u32) {
                println!("Calling extern function #{}", #i);
                // PELE: Obtain the listener ffrom the registry
                let registry = LISTENER_REGISTRY.lock().unwrap();
                // PELE: If there's a listener at this slot
                if let Some(listener) = registry.get(&#i) {
                    // PELE: Clone the listener
                    let listener = Arc::clone(listener);
                    // PELE: and spawn a new task to run the listener in the
                    //   #fn_name function
                    tokio::spawn(async move {
                        #fn_name(listener, param).await;
                } else {
                    println!("Listener not found for ID {}", #i);

            // PELE: The function which will call the UListener's on_msg function
            async fn #fn_name(listener: Arc<dyn UListener>, param: u32) {

        // PELE: Add the fn_code quote!{} to generated_fns

        // PELE: Add the match arm to our match_arms
        let match_arm = quote! {
            #i => #extern_fn_name,

    // PELE: We then make an expanded quote!{} block which contains
    let expanded = quote! {
        // PELE: our generated functions

        // PELE: and a function to look up the appropriate extern "C" fn
        fn get_extern_fn(listener_id: usize) -> extern "C" fn(u32) {
            match listener_id {
                // PELE: based on the #match_arms
                _ => panic!("Listener ID out of range"),


Compilation performance investigation

I dove into the Rust Compiler Development Guide's section on Performance testing and other related resources.

Unfortunately I no longer have these graphs, but signs did point to the macro generation step as being the longest running step by far.

I found this answer by dtolnay about compilation with a macro taking 5 (!) hours.

I found his suggestion enlightening:

LLVM is not good at big functions, I have seen this before as well. One of the functions you are generating is almost 100,000 lines of Rust code including tons of internal control flow: starting here 357, repeated 300× in the definition of VANILLA_ID_MAP. You should reorganize define_blocks to break this one function up into 300 individual functions and it will compile in minutes.

So I set out to improve how I structured the macro.

New and improved (faster!)

Here's the new macro, see if you can spot the difference!

extern crate proc_macro;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote, format_ident};
use syn::{LitInt, parse_macro_input};

pub fn generate_extern_fns(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let num_fns = parse_macro_input!(input as LitInt).base10_parse::<usize>().unwrap();

    let mut generated_fns = quote! {};
    let mut match_arms = Vec::with_capacity(num_fns);

    for i in 0..num_fns {
        let extern_fn_name = format_ident!("extern_on_msg_wrapper_{}", i);

        let fn_code = quote! {
            pub extern "C" fn #extern_fn_name(param: u32) {
                call_shared_extern_fn(#i, param);


        let match_arm = quote! {
            #i => #extern_fn_name,

    let expanded = quote! {

        fn call_shared_extern_fn(listener_id: usize, param: u32) {
            println!("Calling extern function #{}", listener_id);
            let registry = LISTENER_REGISTRY.lock().unwrap();
            if let Some(listener) = registry.get(&listener_id) {
                let listener = Arc::clone(listener);
                tokio::spawn(async move {
                    shared_async_fn(listener, param).await;
            } else {
                println!("Listener not found for ID {}", listener_id);

        async fn shared_async_fn(listener: Arc<dyn UListener>, param: u32) {

        fn get_extern_fn(listener_id: usize) -> extern "C" fn(u32) {
            match listener_id {
                _ => panic!("Listener ID out of range"),


Yes, indeed, the change was drastically reducing the amount of code contained within the quote!{} block that we're generating thousands of.

Digging into the change

Here's the key change:


        let fn_code = quote! {
            pub extern "C" fn #extern_fn_name(param: u32) {
                println!("Calling extern function #{}", #i);
                let registry = LISTENER_REGISTRY.lock().unwrap();
                if let Some(listener) = registry.get(&#i) {
                    let listener = Arc::clone(listener);
                    tokio::spawn(async move {
                        #fn_name(listener, param).await;
                } else {
                    println!("Listener not found for ID {}", #i);


        let fn_code = quote! {
            pub extern "C" fn #extern_fn_name(param: u32) {
                call_shared_extern_fn(#i, param);

Note the major changes here to reduce macro expansion time. Calling a single function with a parameter within the body allows the Rust compiler to avoid having to do any of a bunch of things.

  • removal of interactions with any variables, so no scope checking
  • removal of spawning tasks, so no need to check whether we can move the listener and param
  • removal of control flow

By doing this, much less needs to be checked by the compiler during macro expansion, resulting in a more pleasant developer experience.

I have since lost the plots, but we saw a decrease of ~10 minutes for 1000 functions to roughly ~20 seconds. Because the procedural macro would be in its own crate and not need to be tinkered with and recompiled often, I snapped the chalk line and called this good enough.

Integration into up-transport-vsomeip-rust

I detailed a bit more of the integration in another post, but I'll touch on it a bit here.

The proc macro crate

The vsomeip-proc-macro is more-or-less similar to the second, more performant example I showed above. There's a bit more machinery around spawning a tokio task to call the UListener which I could go into, but I'll leave this for another day.


As I mentioned earlier we now have a pool of these extern "C" fns that we want to ensure are used at most once for the duration they are registered.

I concentrated the mechanisms for this within I'll walk through the key portions:

I'll pause just short of walking us through the management of the pools of extern "C" fns to keep us focused on the procedural macro usage and revisit that in detail another day.

And that's it

To recap! Use the least powerful tool for the job as it's likely the easiest to understand.

However -- in our case the vsomeip needed and we must provide an extern "C" fn in order to ping that callback when a message is received. In order to provide good ergonomics around those for most of the codebase of up-transport-vsomeip-rust I used Rust's procedural macros to generate a pool of these functions and a management mechanism around them to ensure that we use each function no more than once and return to the pool when finished with it.

All-in-all I found writing Rust proc macros to be a fairly easy and mundane affair. The syn and quote crates make constructing proc macros out of more-or-less normal Rust code really nice.

Thanks for reading and happy Rust macro usage!