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File metadata and controls

342 lines (264 loc) · 13.4 KB
Alma Mater Studiorum Logo


This is my attempt at making a parametric pandemic simulation. Given a map (a bitmap image with highlighted points of interest) and a list of people, this program will attempt to simulate the evolution of a pandemic.

The goal I set for this project was to try and emulate a human-like behaviour for the people in my simulation, instead of relying on a random-based approach. I also wrote my code with expandability in mind: adding additional behaviour rules or simulation features is easy and it can be done by working directly on the existing code.

This is the second part of my coding exam final project at University of Bologna, year one physics course. All the code in this project (excluding external libraries) is written entirely by me (Matteo Bonacini).

This is a GIF of this program running with 1000 entities in the city of Bologna (click to enlarge).

Program running



Make sure to install all the required dependencies before continuing.

The preferred way to build this code is by using CMake. Although it is recommended to build the program in Release configuration for better performance, only the Debug configuration satisfies all the requirements imposed by the project assignment (-g and -fsanitize="address" flags are only present in the latter).

# Clone the repo
git clone

# Create and cd to build directory
take pandemic-simulation/build

# Prepare build files. Use "Debug" instead of "Release" to build in debug mode.
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

# Build everything

This will configure all the needed files. Three executables will be generated (see Running for additional information on what they do).

pandemic  # Pandemic simulation executable

seed      # Tool to randomly generate a list of people for the simulation
test      # Run tests


(tl;dr at the end of this section for a quick, automatic setup).

For the simulation to run, it requires a background and a entities file. background (or map) is an image which contains points of interest (often referred as POIs in code and comments) such as houses, parks and shops. entities is a text file, which contains specific information for every person (or entity) in the simulation. To keep things simpler, I already included an example background file, but you can go ahead and create your own if you prefer. You do not need to create a entities file, since it will be generated automatically (see below).

You can learn how to create a background and an entities file manually by looking at background file and entities file.

The following sections will teach you how to launch the simulation correctly. Every command assumes that you have successfully built the program and are in the build directory (see Building).

This code was tested and running on Mac OS X 10.14.6 Mojave and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (running on WSL with X server enabled).

Generate a list of people

The entities file can be written manually, extrapolated from real world data or generated randomly. For this project, I included an utility (seeder) that can generate an arbitrary number of entities to use in the simulation.

# Show help on how to run the seeder
./seed --help

# Example command (generate 1000 entities, based on background.sample.bmp)
./seed -b background.sample.bmp -t 1000 -i 5 -o entities.txt

The background file that the seeder requires is the same that will be used later to launch the simulation. The reason for this is that the seeder needs to have a way to know where POIs are located, and the background image contains precisely this information.

Even though this might seem redundant, I purposely chose this approach because of many reasons. Most notably, I wanted to keep the simulation engine and simulation data parts of my project separated. This way, one can have different ways to generate the entities list for the same map.

Launch the simulation

Once you have your entities and background files ready, you can run the simulation.

./pandemic --background background.sample.bmp --entities entities.txt

Make sure to check the console for additional output and to have an X server available to display the graphics.

Once the simulation is running, you can input some additional commands by typing on your keyboard while the windows is in focus:

  • L key toggles lockdown status. While lockdown is active, parks will be closed and entities will go outside less frequently.
  • D key cycles window framerate. An higher framerate will use more CPU time to draw on the screen, but a lower framerate will skip some simulation loops between each frame.
  • K key toggles daylight cycle.


To run tests, run



Since there are many steps to running this program, I added an helper script to quickly setup everything. After building, run


from the CMake build directory. (Make sure the file is executable, if needed use chmod +x


What follows is a quick overview of every component of this project. More information can be found in code comments. I didn't include a detailed description of every class method, since the comments in the code do a sufficiently good job at explaining just that.


Class that handles drawing the simulation to screen, input and output. This is responsible for:

  • Printing output to the console
  • Creating and updating the rendering window
  • Drawing the daylight cycle tint
  • Stepping forward the simulation
  • Handling user input

For now, this is mostly just a wrapper for SFML-related code, but it can be expanded with more features. Some possible upgrades are:

  • Print message directly on the screen instead of the console
  • Add a proper GUI instead of relying on keyboard-based input

Follows a small legend for the entities display color.

Color Meaning
purple Alive
red Infected
black Dead
cyan Immune


Class that handles the simulation world. This class contains the list of entities in the simulation, and has access to the map image. Entities can query the world to get POI coordinates, current time of day and current day of the week. This class also handles virus spread.

The simulation can be stepped forward by calling the World::loop() method, which will advance the time, call the Entity::loop() method for every entity and spread the virus. Every World::loop() call will advance the time by one minute (arbitrary unit). After a configurable number of minutes, a day passes.

At the end of each day, some additional calculations are performed: World will call Entity::dayLoop() method for each entity and it will handle quarantine logic. Infected entities will be put into quarantine, and quarantined entities that defeated the virus will be put out of quarantine.


Each simulation entity represents a person. This class handles everything related to that. Each Entity instance needs to be created inside a World object and holds a pointer to it.

One person needs to have a home, a work location and a set of behaviour rules (referred to as AI in the code). The work location can actually refer to three different things:

  1. Actual work location
  2. University location
  3. School location

and each entity AI variant will handle this accordingly. I chose this approach because one person cannot be both a student or a working person at the same time, so there is no conflict in having a single variable for all of these POIs. In case this was not clear, I provided some examples:

  1. A person with an university student AI will have its work location set to an university location. Its AI will call the goWork() method when the person needs to go to university.
  2. A person with a working man AI will have its work location set to a generic working location. Its AI will call the goWork() method when the person needs to go to work.

Every entity also contains some additional virus-related stats (virus spread chance, symptoms resistance, infection resistance, infected and infective status).


Class that handles pathfinding for entities. By pathfinding, I mean generating the list of steps an entity needs to take to get from a point to another point in the map. Each entity has its own pathfinder instance which can be used to query this data.

Right now, the pathfinding algorithm is very simple: the entities can move horizontally, vertically or diagonally, and they go directly to the destination. There are neither obstacles, nor preferred paths.

The original idea for this component was to implement an actual pathfinding algorithm, but I found it unfeasible to develop in reasonable time. I wrote an unfinished implementation using the A* algorithm (see #5), but it was too computationally intensive for even a small number of entities. This goal can certainly be achieved with another method, but I had to discard it for now.


Class that holds simulation-related parameters and handles RNG. Every World object needs a reference to a Config object.

As of right now, there is no way to change the configuration values besides editing the code directly, but this class could be expanded by allowing the user to edit the configuration values before the simulation starts, or even while it is already running.


This is an helper program that generates a entities file, given a background file. See Generate a list of people for usage and background file for background file specifications.

In order to generate the entities, the program looks for all the available housing and working spots on the map. Then, for every house, it selects a random house configuration and generates people accordingly. In the end, it selects people at random until there are no more people left or until the target number of people is reached. All of the selected people are written in the entities file.


I used two methods of testing for this project:

  1. Doctest unit tests
  2. assert statements

To run unit tests, see Testing. asserts statements are active only while running in Debug mode.

Additional notes

On code correctness

I used several tools to make sure that my code is correct, clean and consistent. Namely:

  1. Clang-Format to check code formatting (.clang-format).
  2. Clang-Tidy to check for common bad-practice warnings (CLion default configuration).
  3. to check for some additional details that Clang-Tidy could not pick up (Google styleguide).

I also run the code through Valgrind Memcheck and I made sure that there are no memory-related errors in my code.

SIR model fitting

My colleague Giuseppe developed an interesting project for this same assignment. His program can, given some data, find out which SIR Model parameters best fit said data. We thought it would be interesting to see how the data generated by my program would suit this particular model. This is the result we got (click to enlarge):

Program running

This graph contains the number of susceptible, infected and removed (immune or dead) people for each day of the simulation. The dots represent the data obtained from my program, and the lines are the best possible fit of my data using the SIR model.

Given that the SIR model has already been proven to work for real-world pandemic data, I can confidently state that my simulation can mimic well a real-world pandemic (given the right circumstances).

See Giuseppe's work here.