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Admin rest api

The api endpoints to configure different streams. Currently, they have no impact on the working of the server, this has yet to be implemented. The given description details the eventual purpose of the endpoint.


Endpoint url Method Description
Get eventstreams {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams GET Get the configuration of all eventstreams with their metadata if present
Post eventstream {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams POST Add a new eventstream to the server
Get eventstream {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name} GET Get the configuration of an eventstream with the given name with its metadata if present
Delete eventstreams {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name} DELETE Remove an eventstream with the given name
Get shape {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/shape GET Get the SHACL shape the eventstream
Put shape {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/shape PUT Add a SHACL shape to an eventstream or change it if one is already present
Get views {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views GET Get all the views of the eventstream with their metadata if present
Post view {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views POST Add a new view to the eventstream
Get view {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views/{viewName} GET Get the view with the given name of the chosen eventstream with its metadata if present
Delete view {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views/{viewName} DELETE Remove a view with the given name from the chosen eventstream

Input data

The body of any post or put request must contain a rdf model in the turtle format. Otherwise, a BAD REQUEST status is returned. Every resource describing a stream, shape or view can exist solely of a name. The server will add its own prefix based on the hostname.

Ex. <collectionName> a ldes:EventStream ; with "https://myldes" as hostname will have the name: http://myldes/collectionName

LDES config SHACL shape validation

When a POST request is sent to add the config of the event streams, the SHACL shape of this config in the request body will be validated by LdesConfigShaclValidator.validate. Nothing will be returned if this input is valid, otherwise a LdesShaclValidationException will be thrown with the validation report within.

Important to note is that contrary to other SHACL validators, a LdesShaclValidationException will also be thrown if the input data is not of the type the validator is expecting to receive. This is a feature of the provided SHACL shapes, not of the validator itself.

The files with the required SHACL shapes can be found in this folder.

LDES Event stream

The most important part for the event stream validation, is that a shape is required. The timestampPath and versionOfPath are optional here. Extra fields/properties are prohibited in this validation, which means a new event stream cannot have views already.

An example of a valid LDES Event stream can be found here:

@prefix ldes: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix tree: <>.
@prefix sh:   <> .
@prefix example:   <> .

<collectionName> a ldes:EventStream ;
    ldes:timestampPath dcterms:created ;
    ldes:versionOfPath dcterms:isVersionOf ;
    tree:shape [
        sh:targetClass <https://exampleMembertType> ;
        sh:closed true;
        a sh:NodeShape ;
    ] .


In the shape of the SHACL shape are none of the properties required to be provided, but no extra properties can be provided then those that are included in the following example.

@prefix sh:   <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .

[] a sh:NodeShape;
  sh:targetClass <> ;
  sh:closed true;
  sh:ignoredProperties (rdf:type) ;
  sh:property [
    sh:class sh:NodeShape;
    sh:description "The schema all elements of the eventstream must conform to."@en;
    sh:maxCount 1;
    sh:minCount 1;
    sh:name "shape"@en;
    sh:path <>
  ], [
    sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
    sh:description "The object property of the members that idicates how members relate to each other from the time perspective."@en;
    sh:maxCount 1;
    sh:name "timestampPath"@en;
    sh:path <>
  ], [
    sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
    sh:description "The object property that indicates the object identifier in a version object."@en;
    sh:maxCount 1;
    sh:name "versionOfPath"@en;
    sh:path <>
  ] .

LDES view

There is no SHACL shape for the LDES view provided yet. But the following example was used in the tests as a valid view

@prefix tree: <> .
@prefix ldes: <> .

<view1> a ldes:View ;
  tree:viewDescription [
    tree:fragmentationStrategy  () ;
    tree:pageSize               "100"^^<> .
] .

DCAT endpoints


Endpoint url Method Description
Get server DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/dcat GET Get the DCAT of the server, all eventstreams and views
Post server DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/dcat POST Add the DCAT of the server
Put server DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/dcat/{catalogId} PUT Update the DCAT of the server
Delete server DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/dcat/{catalogId} DELETE Remove the DCAT of the server
Post eventstream DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/dcat POST Add DCAT to a given eventstream
Put eventstream DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/dcat PUT Update the DCAT of a given eventstream
Delete eventstream DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/dcat DELETE Remove the DCAT of a given eventstream
Post view DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views/{viewName}/dcat POST Add a DCAT to a given view
Put view DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views/{viewName}/dcat PUT Update the DCAT of a given view
Delete view DCAT {server_url}/admin/api/v1/eventstreams/{collection_name}/views/{viewName}/dcat DELETE Remove the DCAT of a given view

To DCAT data of an eventstream or view can be retrieved on their normal GET endpoints together with their configuration.

Server DCAT

The DCAT of a LDES server is of the type A valid DCAT must contain a blank node of this type and contain only properties of this type, excluding relations to nodes of the type dcat:Dataset or dcat:DataService.

@prefix dct:   <> .
@prefix dcat:  <> .

[] a dcat:Catalog ;
  dct:title "My LDES'es"@en ;
  dct:description "All LDES'es from publiser X"@en .

Eventstream DCAT

The DCAT of an eventstream is of the type A valid DCAT must contain a blank node of this type and contain only properties of this type, excluding relations to nodes of the type dcat:Catalog or dcat:DataService.

@prefix dct:   <> .
@prefix dcat:  <> .
@prefix foaf:  <> .
@prefix org:   <> .
@prefix legal: <> .
@prefix m8g:   <> .
@prefix locn:  <> .

[] a dcat:Dataset ;
  dct:title "My LDES"@en ;
  dct:title "Mijn LDES"@nl ;
  dct:description "LDES for my data collection"@en ;
  dct:description "LDES vir my data-insameling"@af ;
  dct:creator <> .

<> a legal:LegalEntity ;
  foaf:name "Data Company" ;
  legal:legalName "Data Company BV" ;
  m8g:registeredAddress [
    a locn:Address ;
    locn:fullAddress "My full address here"
  ] ;
  m8g:contactPoint [
    a m8g:ContactPoint ;
    m8g:hasEmail ""
  ] .


The DCAT of an eventstream is of the type A valid DCAT must contain a blank node of this type and contain only properties of this type, excluding relations to nodes of the type dcat:Catalog or dcat:Dataset.

@prefix dct:   <> .
@prefix dcat:  <> .

[] a dcat:DataService ;
  dct:title "My geo-spatial view"@en ;
  dct:description "Geospatial fragmentation for my LDES"@en ;
  dct:license [
    a dct:LicenseDocument ;
  ] .