From 4736143847a30b42d6be4b0ec2f30f334eb34c39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kitfox5525 <> Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 05:02:31 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add files via upload --- .../en/Text/Story/3_/Arc_3_Chapter_6.txt | 344 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 344 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Story/3_/Arc_3_Chapter_6.txt diff --git a/src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Story/3_/Arc_3_Chapter_6.txt b/src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Story/3_/Arc_3_Chapter_6.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22e9e3b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Story/3_/Arc_3_Chapter_6.txt @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +--chapter 6 titles-- +ジオ・ゲヘナの宴=The Feast of Geo Gehenna +抜け落ちたもの=Something That Fell Away +放浪の三姉妹=The Wandering Three Sisters +ひらめけ! おたんこ探偵=Shine! The Dimwitted Detective +アネモネ観察実験=Anemone Observation Experiment +このストーリーを解放するためには、\n下記の解放条件を満たす必要があります。=To unlock this story, you need to meet the following conditions: +条件内容=The details of the conditions are: +--ch6 part 1-- + +第二の裏世界『ジオ・ゲヘナ』に到着早々、\n六凶・カレイドフェニックスの暴走を食い止めた\n{playername}たち。={playername} and his friends stop the rampage of the Six Evils, Kaleido Phoenix, as soon as they arrive at the second underworld "Geo Gehenna". +妖魔人の居住区『鬼ノ膝元(デビルズステップス)』では、\nプリンセス・ネフィ=ネラのはからいによって、\n盛大な宴が開かれていた。=In Demon's Steps, the Demon's residence, a grand banquet was being held at the request of Princess Nefi-Nera. +はああああ~っ!!? ちょっとお待ちなさいなネフィ!=Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ! ? Wait a moment, Nephi! +ジオ・ゲヘナ~居住区~=Geo Gehenna ~Residence~ +この強く! 気高く! 美しいあたくし様を!\n生まれたての子猫チャンみたいにギブユーフォーユーだなんてっ!\n一体全体どういうお了見なんですのしかもこんなどこぞの馬ボーンにっ!=This strong! Noble! Beautiful me! Give you for you, like a newborn kitten! What on earth did you think of this whole thing, and what kind of horse bone is this? +あー ちなー カリザきゅんはドレーじゃねーから~\nアタシとイッシンドータイだし~?\nや~ん照れるわ~=Ah, China, Kariza-kyun isn't a slave, he is my soul mate. Oh, I'm so embarrassed +うっせェバカ!! いいから早く解放しろぉ~っ!!=You idiot! ! Okay, release me quickly! ! +解放じでぐだざっでありがどうごじゃいまじゅぎじざんんん~っ!!=Thank you for liberating me! ! +ホウオウさま、まずは「チーン」なさってくださいませ。\n主さまが鼻水まみれになってしまいます。=Ho-oh sama, first of all, please do a "chee". my Lord is covered in runny nose. +あたくしのっ!\n話をっ!\n聞きなさいよっこのボケナスビどもお~っ!!=My! Let's talk! Listen up, you idiots! ! +ええっと……ネフィ=ネラさんの言う通り、\nわたしたちまだこの世界に来たばっかりですし。\n案内してくれる人がいたほうが助かるのは間違いないですけど…… Nefi-Nera said, we have only just arrived in this world. There's no doubt that it would be helpful to have someone to guide you... +そのために、カノン様の自由を剥奪してしまうのは\n気が咎めますね……=I feel bad about depriving Kanon-sama of her freedom for that reason... +あーらあらあら?\n少っしは話がおわかりになる方たちもいらっしゃるじゃなぁい?\n『下々オーラ』が出ていないだけのことはありますわね、アナタ。=Oh my god? I'm sure there are some people who can at least understand what I'm talking about. There are times when you just don't have a 'lowly aura', do you, my dear? +えっ……し、しも……?=Huh... lowly...? +やですわご存知なくって? 『下々オーラ』とは\n所作やお言葉遣いの端々に品性のなさと安っぽさをにじませた、\nお貧乏くさい方々の佇まいのことですわ。=No, you don't know? 'A lowly aura' refers to the appearance of poor people who exude a lack of dignity and cheapness in their actions and words. +たとえば──まさに、そちらの若白髪の猫とか!\n脳みそにお栄養の回らないおたんこウサギさんとか!\nさらには落としたパンを拾って美味しそうに食べてるオレンジ頭とかっ!=For example, that young white-haired cat! Like a little rabbit whose brain doesn't get enough nutrients! There's even an orange head that picks up the bread it dropped and eats it looking delicious! +「おたんこウサギさん?」\n「このパンおいひいでふよ☆」\n「何よあんた失礼ねっ!?」="little Rabbit?" "oh bread!" "What are you so rude about!?" +極めつけはそちらのおマント小僧ですわっ!\n『騎士』ですって? ド庶民極まれりーな佇まいのクセして!\nアナタなど騎士どころか、そのお馬! いえ馬ボーンがせいぜいですわ!=The crowning example is that young fellow in the cape! A 'knight,' you say? With such a commoner’s demeanor! You’re not even a knight; you’re at best a horse—no, just a horse bone! +うまぼーん?=Umabon? +たぶん、馬の骨って言いたいんだと思いますけど……=I think you probably want to call it horse bones... +兄様は、馬の骨などではありません。\n万夫不当の英雄でございます……!=My brother is not a horse bone. He is an undeserved hero...! +リリさまのおっしゃる通りです。\nわたくしからも、訂正をお願いいたします。=It's just as riri said. I would also like to request corrections. +ヲーッホッホッ♪ 笑わせないでいただけますかしら?\n立振る舞いを見れば判りますのよ、そちらのお馬ボーンが\n剣の使い手として二流以下だってことくらい!=Woah ho ho ♪ Could you please not make me laugh? Just by looking at his behavior, you can tell that your horse Bone, is a second-rate sword user or even worse! +そのような軟弱ヘナチョコ下々ボーンに、この高貴なるあたくしが!?\n奴隷として所有されるなんて!?\nそのような屈辱、決して受け入れられるコトではありませんですわ!=How could I, a noble person, be owned as a slave by such a weak and pathetic lower-class bone!? Such humiliation is absolutely unacceptable! +っ!\nそっ、それはっ……!=Oh! Oh, that's it...! +受け入れられるかどうか──なんて。\nカノンさんに決める権利、ありません。=I wonder if it will be accepted or not. Kanon-san has no right to decide. +まー・ねー\nおねえちゃんのケッテーてやつだもんねー=Well, you know, it’s just the way my big sister is, right?. +あの……さっきから、とっても気になってたんですが。\nどうしてカノンさんは、\nネフィ=ネラさんの『もの』みたいな扱いをされちゃってるんでしょう?=Um...I've been really curious about this for a while now. Why is Kanon-san being treated like Nefi-Nera san's 'thing'? +プリンセス・ネフィ=ネラが御礼申し上げまする= Princess Nefi-Nera expresses her gratitude. + +さて──宴もたけなわ= Well then, the feast is in full swing. + +約束通り、饗しましょうぞ= Let's feast as promised. + +極上の──= Finest── + +『焼き鳥』を= grilled chicken! + +いやぁー!!= Oh my goodness!! + +ごごごごめんなざいいいいーー!= S-sorry!! + +やめでええええ= Please stop! + +ま、待ってくださいネラさんっ!= Wait, Nera-san! + +今のほーちゃん様は、わたくしたちと変わらないお姿ですし= Hou-chan-sama now looks just like us. + +食べてしまうわけには……= I can't eat her... + +じゅるり……= Slurp... + +ゆるじでえええ~~!!= Forgive meeee~~!! + +──ふむ。ま、ようござんしょ= Hm, well done. + +うーんしょっ= Hmm... + +ばああああっ!= Aah! + +ありがどごじゃいまずっ! ぎじざんんん~っ!!= Thank you very much! + +──フン。やかましい連中ね= Such noisy people... + +これだから品の無い人たちは……= That's why uncouth people... + +──そうそう。= That's right. + +忘れる前に、騎士殿に、褒美を贈りましょうや= Before we forget, let's reward the knight. + +右左もわからぬジオ・ゲヘナには、案内役が入り用と存じますれば= In the unfamiliar Geo Gehenna, you need a guide. + +それは助かります= That would be helpful. + +つまりー、ドレーをあげるってコト?= So, does that mean you’re giving them person as a reward? + +どれー?= person? + +然り。丁度、手頃な者が居りまして= Exactly. There's someone suitable here. + +──のう? カノンや= Hmm? kanon? + +ワー! イエー!= Wow! Yeah! + +わぁあ……!= Wow... + +いっただきま~す!= Let's dig in! + +むぐむぐ~!(おいしい!) けっこうイケるわね!= munch munch (Delicious!) This is pretty good! + +主さま、ソースがついております= my Lord, you got sauce on your face. + +~~~~~っ!!= Aah!! + +一緒にどうですか?= Would you like some? + +ヤメローッ! むぐ!= Stop it! munch + +ね~? 美味しいでしょ~? ほれ~ほれほれ~= See? It's delicious, right? Come on, come on... + +ムグ~!!= munch + +あらためて= Once again, + +ランドソルの騎士とそのお仲間よ= Knight of Landsol and their comrades, + +ネフィ=ネラ様が、ジオ・ゲヘナの独裁者として\n強権を振るっているのでしょうか……?\n……いえ、ですが……= Is Princess Nefi-Nera wielding authoritarian power over Geo Gehenna...? No, but... + +集落の連中、ネフィ=ネラと距離感近づけだったし。\n力とか恐怖とかで押さえつけてるってわけじゃないっぽいけど……= The villagers were close to Nefi-Nera. It doesn't seem like she's controlling them with power or fear... + +あ……あたくしたちのイキサツなんて、\nつまらないモノにすぎませんわ。\n何よりそんな過去のハナシ、アナタがたには関係なくってよ──= Our lives are just trivial things. Besides, that past doesn't concern you... + +あっ、ナーナしってるよ?\nカノンちゃんが、けっとーにまけた『はいぼくしゃ』?\nていうのだからなんだって! だよね、カノンちゃんっ?= Oh, I know about Nanna! kanon-chan lost to Ketto in "Yes I'm". + +ちょっとナーナさんっ!?\nどうしてアナタのお口チャックはいっつもガバガバなんですのぉ~っ!?= Hey Nanna! Why is your zipper always open like that?! + +むぉ~ひゃのんひゃんほっひぇひっひゃらなひれ~っっ!= Moooh, hyan hyan hihiehihyar na hire~~~! + +あ。たしかモネちゃんも昨日\n「カノンさんが前に、ネフィ=ネラさんに負けた~」とか\nなんとか言ってましたっけ。= Ah, I think Mone-chan also said yesterday, "kanon-san lost to Nefi-Nera san before," or something like that. + +……\n(……モネちゃん……)= (...Mone-chan...) + +だね~\nまじフルボッコだったわ~\nカリザきゅんがネネカちゃんにボコられたときみたく?= Yeah... It was a total beatdown... Like when Kariza-kun got beaten up by Neneka-chan? + +はっ、忘れたなンな昔のコト!\n……あの脳みそドピンクピエロリババア、\n次あった時にゃ本体もコピーも残さずブチのめしてやるっ……= Hah, forget about that already! That pink brain clown loli gandma, I'll knock ass next time, without leaving a copy or main body... + +カリザのことはさておいて。\nつまりカノンさまは、ネフィ=ネラさまとの決闘に敗北を喫したため\n言うことを聞かざるをえなくなった、という解釈でよろしいでしょうか?= Leaving Kariza aside. So, kanon-sama lost to Nefi-Nera sama in a duel, and therefore had no choice but to obey. Is that the correct interpretation? + +あってます──だいたい。= That's right... more or less. + +ぐっ!\nぐぬぬぬっ……!= Guh! Nnngghh...! + +おっしゃる通り!?\nあたくしはネフィに惜しくも! 紙一重で!\nお敗北いたしましたわっ!= Exactly as you say!? I... unfortunately! Lost by a hair! I'm defeated! + +……な、なんだか、かわいそうな感じが……= ...Somehow, it feels a bit pitiable... + +同情は、無用です。\n負けるほうが悪いので。= pity is unnecessary. It's her fault for losing. + +誤解なきよう言い添えるなら。\nあの折わっちが敗れ申さば、わっちはカノンに命を取られ候。\nとどのつまり、勝者が敗者の生殺与奪を預かるは世の定めにありんす。= To avoid any misunderstanding, let me add: If I had lost at that time, I would have had my life taken by Kanon. Ultimately, it is the way of the world that the victor holds the power over the life and death of the defeated. + +であろ?\n『媛』の称号を求め、わっちと覇を競わんとした鵺の娘よ。= Isn't that so? The daughter of the demon who sought the title of "Princess" and competed with me for dominance.. + +うぐぐぐっ……!\nた、たしかにあの決闘であたくしが勝っていれば\nネフィのお命を頂戴していたのは紛うコトなき事実ですわ。= Ugh...! If I had won that duel, it is an undeniable fact that I would have claimed Nefi's life. + +……ですけど。ですけどぉっ……!= ...But, but...! + +叶うなら──\nわっち自ら、騎士殿らを案内したき所存でありんすが。\n鳳凰騒ぎの後始末で、然様な暇もござんせん。= If possible, I would have liked to guide the knights myself. However, I am too busy dealing with the aftermath of the phoenix commotion. + +ぅぐっ……= Ugh... + +さりとて我が妹子は、放蕩者で享楽家。\n案内などには向かぬ由。\n……本意気さえ発せば、力は指折りなのだが喃。= However, my younger sister is a profligate and a pleasure-seeker. She is not suited for guiding. ...Although she is strong when she puts her mind to it. + +えっへへ~♡\nホメられちった~= Ehehe~ ♡ I was praised~ + +ちげーだろボケ、どー考えても……= No, that's not it, you idiot, no matter how you think about it... + +かてて加えて。\n我が従者にして、近侍たるモネは──= Moreover, my attendant and close retainer Mone... + +──やです。= + +とまあ人見知り極まる故、こちらも案内など能ず。\nかかる無作法、許したもれよ。= ...since she is extremely shy, she is also unable to guide. Please forgive this rudeness. + +ナーナはっ?\nナーナは~っ?= What about Nanna? Nanna~? + +ナーナさんは──弱いので。= Nanna is... weak. + +うわぁ~んっ!\nモネちゃん正論ぱんちだよぅ~!= Waaah! Mone-chan’s being so reasonable! + +カノンちゃん、おねーちゃんに挑むだけあって\nけっこーウデも立つし?\nこの世界のこともそれなりに詳しいしねー= kanon-chan, as expected, is quite skilled and knowledgeable about this world. + +斯様な事情であり申さば。\nカノンはお前さまらの案内を務めるに、うってつけかと思いまして喃。\n無論、弾除けにするも良し。飯炊きにするも良しでありんす。= Given these circumstances. I think kanon is well-suited to guide you. Of course, she can also be used as a shield or a food. + +あ、主さま。いけませんよ。\n「遠慮は無沙汰」とは申しますが、\nなんでもいただいてしまうというのは……= Oh, Master. That's not good. While it is said that "discretion is a thing of the past," taking everything... + +それに今のランドソルでは、奴隷制は認めてないですからね。\n奴隷として連れ帰っちゃうわけにもいかないです。獣人族のひとたちの\nあいだにあったようなイザコザは、繰り返したくないですし。= Also, slavery is not recognized in current Landsol. I cannot take her back as a slave. We do not want to repeat the conflicts like those among beastmen. + +それにうちの連中、食いしん坊だらけだかんねー\n今よりもっと食費がかさんじゃったら、そのうち破産よ破産。= Besides, our people are gluttons. If the food expenses increase any more, we'll eventually go bankrupt. + +黙って聞いてりゃお待ちなさいなっ!?\n人を大飯食らいみたいにおっしゃらないでくださる!?= Just listen quietly, will you!? Don’t talk about me like I'm a glutton! + +ン~\nそんじゃ、騎士きゅんたちはカノンちゃんいらねーカンジか~\nお礼シッパイだねーおねえちゃんー= Hmm, so it seems like the knights don’t really want kanon-chan, huh? Looks like the thanks didn't work out, big sis. + +いと悲し。\nならばカノンや、汝は焼けた集落の後片付けを手伝うやうに。= It is very sad. Then kanon, help with cleaning up the burned village. + +フンっ、そうさせていただきますわ!\nアナタがたと話していると、下々オーラが移ってしまいそうですしっ!?= Hmph, I will do as you say! Talking with you all makes me feel like I'm catching some of that lower-class aura! + +あんま、気にせんときー\nカノンちゃん、だいたいいっつもあーだから。\nてかー= Don't worry about it. kanon-chan is usually like that. By the way... + +ンフフ♪\nカノンちゃん、なにしても反応おもしれーから。\nついからかいたくなんだよね~♪= Hehe♪ kanon-chan's reactions are so entertaining, I just want to tease her~♪ + +……行ってしまいましたね。\nずいぶんと、怒らせてしまったようですが……= ...She left. It seems I really upset her... + +あっ、カノンちゃ~んっ!\nまってまって~!= Ah, kanon-chaaaan! Wait, wait! + +ほんに、しょうのない妹子でありけむ。\n……ま、カノンの道化ぶりは、飛び切りであるが故。\nわからないでもないが喃。= Truly, she's a troublesome younger sister. ...Well, kanon's clownishness is exceptional. I can't deny that. + +チッ、性悪姉妹がよォ……= Tch, those mean-spirited sisters... + +あたしの3倍以上は食べてるけどね……= Though she eats more than three times what I do... + +フゥム。\nお口に合わなんだかの?= Hm. Was it not to your taste? + +ふるふる= Shaking... + +……ごちそうさま。= ...Thank you for the meal. + +あれっ?\nプレシアちゃん、まだいつもの半分くらいしか食べてないですよ?= Huh? Prescia-chan, you’ve only eaten about half of what you usually do? + +ええと……その。\n少々、辛いものが多かったかもしれませんが……= Well... um. There might have been a bit too much spicy food... + +でも、とっても美味しかったですよ。\nプレシアちゃんも、このくらいの辛さなら大丈夫なはずですし。\n……でも……= But it was very delicious. Prescia-chan should be fine with this level of spiciness. ...But... + +……? そういえば……\nリリさまもクリアさまも、あまり箸が進んでいらっしゃらないご様子。\nご加減が、優れないのでしょうか……= ...? Speaking of which... It seems that both riri-sama and quria-sama aren't eating much. Are they not feeling well? + +あーねー\nリリちゃんら、シャドウ出すのムリしてたぽいし?\n見た目のケガは治っても、ハンドー? あんじゃね?= I see... It seemed like riri-chan was forcing herself to use Shadow. Even if her visible injuries are healed, maybe she still has hand issues? + +ったく……!\nやっぱ相当無茶しまくってたんじゃないっ。\nてかキツイならキツイって言いなさいよねもーっ!= Seriously...! They must have really pushed themselves. If it's tough, just say it's tough! + +ジオ・テオゴニアでいっぱい戦ったあとに\nこっちに来てすぐまた恐竜の魔物と追いかけっこしたり。\nカレイドフェニックスを止めるために、ずっと全力全開でしたもんね。= After fighting so much in Geo-Theogonia, they immediately came here and chased after dinosaur monsters. They were going full throttle to stop Kaleido Phoenix. + +ゔっ……\n(これってもしかしなくても、\n私のせい……ですよね……)= Ugh... (Could this, perhaps, be my fault...?) + +どうしたの、ほーちゃん?= What’s wrong, Hou-chan? + +あ゙っ!\nえっと、えっと……!= Ah! Um, um...! + +……こほん。= ...Ahem. + +異界の騎士よ。\nそれに皆の者、今回の活躍、大変お見事でした。\n褒めてつかわしましょう。= the Knight of the Otherworld. And everyone, your performance this time was truly remarkable. I shall commend you. + +い、いきなり何よ?= W-What is this all of a sudden? + +お話の前に、ホウオウさま。\n口元に、ケバブサンドのソースがべっとりでございます。\n拭いて差し上げますね。= Before we talk, hoou-sama. There is kebab sauce all over your mouth. Let me wipe it off for you. + +むぎゅむぎゅ……ぷはっ。\n……あ、ありがとございます……= Munch munch... Phew ...Ah, thank you... + +って、そうではなくってですねっ!\n助けてもらっちゃったお礼……でもなくって……!\nそう、褒美をとらせます!= But that’s not it! It’s not a thank you for the help...! I will give you a reward! + +ほーび?= Reward? + +はい!\n五色絢爛にして神聖なるこの私──\n煉華の鳳凰が授ける、癒しの加護を!= Yes! I, the radiant and divine Phoenix of Lenca, shall bestow upon you the blessing of healing! + +かご?= Blessing? + +神聖……ということは、ホウオウさまは神さまなのですか?\nアストルムにおける、アメスさまのように。= Divine... Does that mean hoou-sama is a deity, like Ameth-sama in Asturam? + +はい、そうです!\n実は私、とってもとっても偉いんです。えっへん♪= Yes, that’s right! Actually, I’m very, very important. Proudly + +正確には、「神と呼ばれるほどの実力者」であるが喃。\n……されど──= To be precise, she is a "powerful being called a god." ...However... + +私の加護をその身に受ければですね、\n無病息災、食欲増進、恋愛成就間違いなし!\n【アルターメイデン】さんの不調も、あっという間に治せるはずです!= If you receive my blessing, you will have no illness, increased appetite, and guaranteed success in love! I should also be able to heal Alter Maiden’s ailments in no time! + +わぁ~、すごいですね!\nぜひぜひお願いします♪= Wow, that’s amazing! Please, please do it♪ + +お、お願いいたしますっ……!\n(……恋愛成就……!)= Oh, please do it...! (...Success in love...!) + +ったく。\nそんな便利なコトができるんならさっさとしなさいよ。= Seriously. If you can do something so convenient, just do it already. + +ではではみなさん!\nそんな偉くてすっごい私を崇め奉るのです!\n頭がたかーい! ……ですよっ!= Well then, everyone! Worship me, how great and amazing I am! Bow down! ...Yes! + +ははぁー!= Ha ha! + +……むむむっ!\nわずかながら、信仰が戻ったのを感じます……!\nそれじゃ、みなさんに癒しの加護をっ……= ...Hmm! I can feel a bit of faith returning...! Now, I will bestow healing blessings upon everyone... + +加護を……= The blessing... + +……あ、あれっ……?= ...Huh, what...? + +えーっと……?= Um...? + +へんか。\nなし。= nothing... changed. + +お、おおおおかしいですねっ?\nほんとならこうやって気持ちを込めて舞えば、\n「ぽ~っ」て炎が出て「ぱ~っ」てなるはずなんですけどっ……= I-It’s really strange. If it were true, I should be able to dance like this and create flames and then a burst... + +とり。\nさん?= Excuse me? + +……まだ気づいておらぬかえ、鳳凰の。\n転生してからこちら、汝の本来持つはずの力が\nごっそり抜け落ちておることに。= ...Haven’t you noticed, Phoenix? Since your reincarnation, the power you should have naturally possessed has completely drained away. + +ええええ~っ!!?\nな、なんですかこの格好は~っ!!?= Eeeeeh!? W-What is this outfit!? + +──ぽんっ!= Pop! + +まぁ、ほーちゃん様のお姿がっ……?= Wh-What happened to Hou-chan-sama’s appearance...? + +ち、力!\n神力、出ろでろ!\nえいえい! え~いっ!= Come on, power! Divine power, come forth! Hey, hey! + +そ、そ、そ……= N-N-N... + +「そんな~っ!!」\n(恋愛成就はっ……?)= "No way!!" (...Success in love...?) +ナーナしってるよ?\nカノンちゃんが、けっとーにまけた『はいぼくしゃ』?\nていうのだからなんだって! だよね、カノンちゃんっ!= Nana knows, right? The 'highboku-sha' that Kanon-chan lost to, you know? So, what’s that all about! Right, Kanon-chan? + +集落の連中、ネフィ=ネラと距離感近げだったし。\n力とか恐怖とかで押さえつけてるってわけじゃないっぽいけど……= The villagers seemed quite close to Nephi-Nera. It doesn't seem like they’re being suppressed by power or fear, though... + +ですけどっ!\nだからといって!\nあたくしの誇りまで差し出した記憶など、ございませんでしてよ!?= But! Even so! I have no memory of offering up my pride! + +……? そういえば……\nリリさまもクリアさまも、あまり箸が進んでいらっしゃらないご様子。\nご加減が、優れないのでしょうか……= ...? Now that you mention it... It seems both Riri-sama and quria-sama aren't eating much. Is something wrong? + +あーねー\nリリちゃんら、シャドウ出すのムリしてたぽいし?\n見た目のケガは治っても、ハンドー? あんじゃね?= I see. It looked like Riri-chan and the others were forcing themselves to use Shadow, right? Even if their visible injuries are healed, they might still be struggling? + +ホウオウ・リリ= Hoou Riri + +おっしゃる通り!?\nあたくしはネフィに惜しくも! 紙一重で!\nお敗北いたしましたわっ!= Is that so!? I, regrettably, lost to Nephi-nera by a hair's breadth! + +な゙っ……!? ア、アナタ正気でして!?\nこの見目麗しく香しく、さらには甘い毒をほんのり潜ませた絶世の美女!\nあまたの魔物のイイトコ取りしたあたくし様を「いらない」だなんて……= Wh…!? Are you in your right mind!? This peerless beauty, lovely and fragrant, with a hint of sweet poison! How could you say that you 'don’t need' someone as exceptional as me, who took the best traits from countless demons...? + +ハッ!?\nもしや女性というものにお興味がないとでも!?\nいえそうではありませんわねそんなにも女性を侍らせているのですし──= Hah!? Could it be that you’re not interested in women!? No, that can’t be, considering how many women you surround yourself with── + +あぁ成程わかりましたわあたくし様の美貌があまりに\nエックセレンッすぎるために近寄ることすら恐れ多いということですのね\nそれならしょうがなくってよヲーッホッホ♪= Ah, I see. It must be that my beauty is so exquisite that it’s intimidating to even approach. If that’s the case, there’s nothing to be done about it. Oh-ho-ho♪ + +んなッ……ど、同情ですの!?\nアナタのような馬ボーンが、このあたくし様に向かって……!= What... Sympathy!? A horse bone like you, toward someone like me...! + +ありがどごじゃいまずっ! ぎじざんんん~っ!!= Thank you so much! kwishi-san~!! + +──のう? カノンや= ──Well? Kanon? + +いらないです。= I don’t need it. + +そうじゃないけど、かわいそうなので……= It’s not that, but it’s a bit pitiable... +ワー! イエー!= Woooow! Yeaaaaah! + +むぐむぐ~!(おいしい!) けっこうイケるわね!= Munch munch~! (Delicious!) This is quite good! + +あっ、ナーナしってるよ?\nカノンちゃんが、けっとーにまけた『はいぼくしゃ』?\nていうのだからなんだって! だよね、カノンちゃんっ?= Oh, Nanna knows, right? The 'highboku-sha' that Kanon-chan lost to? What’s that all about! Right, Kanon-chan? + +水を!= Water! + +ヤメローッ! むぐ!= Stop it! Munch! + +ね~? 美味しいでしょ~? ほれ~ほれほれ~= See? It’s delicious, right? Here, here, here~ + +ジオ・ゲヘナを代表して= On behalf of Geo-Gehenna + +鳳凰の暴走を食い止めた一同は、ネフィ=ネラたちと共に宴を楽しむ。そ\nの折、ホウオウは戦いで衰弱しているリリたちに対し、癒しの力の発動を\n試みる。だが失敗し、小鳥のような姿になってしまうのだった。= The group that stopped the Phoenix’s rampage and started enjoying the feast with Nefi-Nera and others. At that time, Hoou attempts to activate healing powers for the weakened riri and others after the battle. However, it fails, and she ends up in a Chicken form. +--ch6 part2-- From 2d8a9535fb890a7dd4bf37303a61bdb2e8f8eb20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kitfox5525 <> Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 05:26:33 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add files via upload --- .../en/Text/Home Screen/SheffyP_HS.txt | 16 ++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+) create mode 100644 src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Home Screen/SheffyP_HS.txt diff --git a/src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Home Screen/SheffyP_HS.txt b/src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Home Screen/SheffyP_HS.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea67679a --- /dev/null +++ b/src/BepInEx/Translation/en/Text/Home Screen/SheffyP_HS.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--psheffy*3 +今の私には、こんなに綺麗で\n大きな翼があるんだもの\n今度は私が抱き留めてあげる= I have such beautiful and large wings now, so this time, I will catch you in my embrace. +…私、涙もろくなったみたい\nあなたの顔を見られただけで\n胸がいっぱいになってしまうの=...It seems I’ve become more emotional. Just seeing your face makes my heart overflow. +もう一度この手を掴んでくれる?\nそうしたら、二度と離さないわ\nあなたは私の…大切な人だもの=Will you hold my hand again? If you do, I’ll never let go. You’re my... precious person. +これがプリンセスフォーム…\nあなたとの絆の証なのね\n今まで以上に一緒に戦ってる\n気がして、勇気がもらえるわ=This is my princess form... It's proof of my bond with you. I feel like we're fighting together more than ever, and it gives me courage. +待っててくれて、信じてくれて\n本当にありがとう\nだから何度だって言うわ\n─ただいま!=Thank you so much for waiting and believing in me. I’ll say it as many times as it takes—I'm home! +--psheffy*1 +あなたといる時間は\n決して当たり前じゃないって\n改めて気づけたわ\nだからこそ、大事にしたいの=I've realized once again that the time I spend with you is never something to be taken for granted. That's why I want to cherish it even more. + +迎えに来てくれてありがとう\nもう二度と会えないって\n私自身覚悟してたから…\nこんな奇跡があるなんてね=Thank you for coming to get me. I had resigned myself to never seeing you again... I never thought such a miracle could happen. + +正直、戻ってきた実感は\nまだあまりないのだけど…\nあなたの顔を見ると、\nやっぱりほっとするわね=To be honest, it still doesn't quite feel real that I've returned... but when I see your face, I do feel relieved. + +今一番みんなとしたいのは\nやっぱり食べ歩きの旅かしら\n…そのためにも、頑張って\n世界を救わなきゃね=What I want to do most with everyone right now is probably a food-tasting journey... But to make that happen, I have to do my best to save the world. + +みんなが捜してくれたって聞いて\nすごくうれしかったの\n今度は私がこの力で\nみんなを守る番ね=I was so happy to hear that everyone was looking for me. This time, it's my turn to use this power to protect everyone.