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866 lines (677 loc) · 47.9 KB

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866 lines (677 loc) · 47.9 KB

Targeting v0.8.1

Important changes

  • The sparse package is now an optional dependency to help easy installation on some platforms, if required, please install manually, e.g. pip install sparse


  • targ_feats argument in HEPAugFoldYielder renamed to aug_targ_feats


  • plot_feat now shows a bar plot for categorical data
  • bootstrap_stats added median computation
  • IdentBody and IdentTail modules, which are placeholders for the body and tail modules in a network, for use when only a head is needed.
  • NodePredictor a special GraphCollapser which provides a set of predictions per node in a graph, outputting either (batch x predictions x vertices) or (batch x vertices x predictions)
  • Ensemble warns if no ModelBuilder is set when saving
  • agg_methods argument for GravNet
  • absmax aggregation method for GravNet and GraphCollapser
  • 'hard_identity' function to replace lambda x: x when required
  • fold2foldfile, df2foldfile, and add_meta_data can now deal with targets in the form of multi dimensional tensors, and convert them to sparse COO format
  • df2foldfile now has the option to not shuffle data into folds and instead split it into contiguous folds
  • Limited handling of PyTorch Geometric data: TorchGeometricFoldYielder, TorchGeometricBatchYielder, TorchGeometricEvalMetric
  • Make RunningBatchNorm affine transformation optional



  • proc_cats
    • Typo fix in proc_cats affecting the detection of categories in the testing data. (Thanks @yaourtpourtoi)
    • Doc string incorrectly stated that cat_maps mapped categories to codes, whereas it actually maps codes to categories
  • lr_find
    • Fixes to do with the number of batches to expect when running few number of folds than the FoldYielder contains.
    • Correctly implements leave-one-out for the training folds
    • renamed n_folds to n_repeats to more accurately reflect its role.
  • bootstrap_stats corrected computation of central 68% CI: was np.percentile(np.abs(points), 68.2) now (np.percentile(points, 84.135)-np.percentile(points, 15.865))/2
  • Error when trying to initialise SEBlock2d or SEBlock3d
  • Fixed ipython display import to only run if in notebook
  • Bug in multiclass-classification with on a batch of 1 data-point caused by targets being squeezed 2 dimensions, rather than 1.
  • tensor_is_sparse argument for df2foldfile not functioning as expected
  • Possible bug when applying data augmentation using HEPAugFoldYielder to target features, but not supplying target features when initialising the fold yielder
  • Potential bug in NodePredictor when f_final is a hard_identity and f_final_outs is not None.
  • OffsetSelfAttention missing from module __all__
  • Possible bug when building ensembles from results caused by a misalignment between model index in results and model savename
  • Require matplotlib <= 3.4.0


  • GravNetLayer Self attention width corrected to n_lr//4, was previously n_out//4
  • New PDPBox version finally released on PIP, so no longer requires separate installation, however PDPBox is now an optional dependency
  • Relaxed version requirement on statsmodels
  • Removed lambda expressions and locally defined function from NN code to make it compatible with the new torch package export method
  • Extends Model training and inference to instantiate BatchYielders as prescribed by the FoldYielder, allowing users to provide their own BatchYielders in cases where data needs to be split in specific ways
  • Optional plotting for some plot functions.



v0.8.0 - Mistake Not...

Important changes

  • GNN architectures generalised into feature extraction and graph collapse stages, see details below and updated tutorial



  • GravNet GNN head and GravNetLayer sub-block Qasim, Kieseler, Iiyama, & Pierini, 2019
    • Includes optional self-attention
  • SelfAttention and OffsetSelfAttention
  • Batchnorm:
    • LCBatchNorm1d to run batchnorm over length x channel data
    • Additional bn_class arguments to blocks, allowing the user to choose different batchnorm implementations
    • 1, 2, & 3D Running batchnorm layers from fastai (
  • GNNHead encapsulating head for feature extraction, using AbsGraphFeatExtractor classes, and graph collapsing, using GraphCollapser classes
  • New callbacks:
    • AbsWeightData to weight folds of data based on their inputs or targets
    • EpochSaver to save the model to a new file at the end of every epoch
    • CycleStep combines OneCycle and step-decay of optimiser hyper-parameters
  • New CNN blocks:
    • AdaptiveAvgMaxConcatPool1d, AdaptiveAvgMaxConcatPool2d, AdaptiveAvgMaxConcatPool3d use average and maximum pooling to reduce data to specified number sizes per channel
    • SEBlock1d, SEBlock2d, SEBlock3d apply squeeze-excitation to data channels
  • BackwardHook for recording telemetric data during backwards passes
  • New losses:
    • WeightedFractionalMSE, WeightedBinnedHuber, WeightedFractionalBinnedHuber
  • Options for log x & y axis in plot_feat


  • Scheduled removal of depreciated methods and functions from old model and callback system:
    • OldAbsCallback
    • OldCallback
    • OldAbsCyclicCallback
    • OldCycleLR
    • OldCycleMom
    • OldOneCycle
    • OldBinaryLabelSmooth
    • OldBinaryLabelSmooth
    • SequentialReweight
    • SequentialReweightClasses
    • OldBootstrapResample
    • OldParametrisedPrediction
    • OldGradClip
    • OldLsuvInit
    • OldAbsModelCallback
    • OldSWA
    • OldLRFinder
    • OldEnsemble
    • OldAMS
    • OldMultiAMS
    • OldBinaryAccuracy
    • OldRocAucScore
    • OldEvalMetric
    • OldRegPull
    • OldRegAsProxyPull
    • OldAbsModel
    • OldModel
    • fold_train_ensemble
    • OldMetricLogger
    • fold_lr_find
    • old_plot_train_history
    • _get_folds
  • Unnecessary pred_cb argument in train_models


  • Bug when trying to use batchnorm in InteractionNet
  • Bug in FoldFile.save_fold_pred when predictions change shape and try to overwrite existing predictions


  • padding argument in conv 1D blocks renamed to pad
  • Graph nets: generalised into feature extraction for features per vertex and graph collapsing down to flat data (with optional self-attention)
  • Renamed FowardHook to ForwardHook
  • Abstract classes no longer inherit from ABC, but rather have metaclass=ABCMeta in order to be compatible with py>=3.7
  • Updated the example of binary classification of signal & background to use the model and training resulting from
    • Also changed the multi-target regression example to use non-densely connected layers, and the multi-target classification example to use a cosine annealed cyclical LR
  • Updated the single-target regression example to use WeightedBinnedHuber as a loss
  • Changed from torch.tensor import Tensor to from torch import Tensor for compatibility with latest PyTorch


  • OldInteractionNet replaced in favour of InteractionNet feature extractor. Will be removed in v0.9


v0.7.2 - All your batch are belong to us - Micro Update

Important changes

  • Fixed bug in Model.set_mom which resulted in momentum never being set (affects e.g. OneCycle and CyclicalMom)
  • now shuffles the fold indices for training folds prior to each epoch rather than once per training; removes the periodicity in training loss which was occasionally apparent.
  • Bugs found in OneCycle:
    • When training multiple models, the initial LR for subsequent models was the end LR of the previous model (list in partial was being mutated)
    • The model did not stop training at end of cycle
    • Momentum was never altered in the optimiser



  • Mish activation function
  • Model.fit_params.val_requires_grad to control whether to compute validation epoch with gradient, default zero, built some losses might require it in the future
  • ParameterisedPrediction now stores copies of values for parametrised features in case they change, or need to be changed locally during prediction.
  • freeze_layers and unfreeze_layers methods for Model
  • PivotTraining callback implementing Learning to Pivot Louppe, Kagan, & Cranmer, 2016
    • New example reimplementing paper's jets example
  • TargReplace callback for replacing target data in BatchYielder during training
  • Support for loss functions being fastcore partialler objects
  • train_models now has arguments to:
    • Exclude specific fold indices from training and validation
    • Train models on unique folds, e.g. when training 5 models on a file with 10 folds, each model would be trained on their own unique pair of folds
  • Added discussion of core concepts in LUMIN to the docs



  • Cases in which a NaN in the metric during training could spoil plotting and SaveBest
  • Bug in Model.set_mom which resulted in momentum never being set (affects e.g. OneCycle and CyclicalMom)
  • Bug in MetricLogger.get_results where tracking metrics could be spoilt by NaN values
  • Bug in train when not passing any metrics
  • Bug in FoldYielder when loading output pipe from Path
  • Bugs found in OneCycle:
    • When training multiple models, the initial LR for subsequent models was the end LR of the previous model (list in partial was being mutated)
    • The model did not stop training at end of cycle
    • Momentum was never altered in the optimiser


  • now shuffles the fold indices for training folds prior to each epoch rather than once per training; removes the periodicity in training loss which was occasionally apparent.
  • Validation and prediction forwards passes now performed without gradient tracking to save memory and time
  • MetricLogger now records loss values on batch end rather than on forwards end
  • on_batch_end now always called regardless of model state



v0.7.1 - All your batch are belong to us - Micro Update

Important changes

  • EvalMetrics revised to inherit from Callback and be called on validation data after every epoch. User-written EvalMetrics will need to be adjusted to work with the new calling method: adjust evaluate method and constructor may need to be adjusted; see existing metrics to see how.


  • eval_metrics argument in train_models renamed to metric_partials and now takes a list of partial EvalMetrics
  • User-written EvalMetrics will need to be adjusted to work with the new calling method: adjust evaluate method and constructor may need to be adjusted; see existing metrics to see how.


  • OneCycle now has a cycle_ends_training which allows training to continue at the final LR and Momentum. keeping at default of True ends the training once the cycle is complete, as usual.
  • to_np now returns None when input tensor is None
  • plot_train_history now plots metric evolution for validation data



  • Model now creates cb_savepath is it didn't already exist
  • Bug in PredHandler where predictions were kept on device leading to increased memory usage
  • Version issue in matplotlib affecting plot positioning



  • V0.8:
    • All EvalMetrics depreciated with metric system. They have been copied and renamed to Old* for compatibility with the old model training system.
    • OldEvalMetric: Replaced by EvalMetric
    • OldMultiAMS: Replaced by MultiAMS
    • OldAMS: Replaced by AMS
    • OldRegPull: Replaced by RegPull
    • OldRegAsProxyPull: Replaced by RegAsProxyPull
    • OldRocAucScore: Replaced by RocAucScore
    • OldBinaryAccuracy: Replaced by BinaryAccuracy


v0.7.0 - All you batch are belong to us

Important changes

  • Model training and callbacks have significantly changed:
    • now expects to perform the entire training proceedure, rather than just single epochs.
    • A lot of the functionality of the old training method fold_train_ensemble is now delegated to
    • A new ensemble training method train_models has replaced fold_train_ensemble. It provied a similar API, but aims to be more understandable to users.
    • is now 'stateful': a fit_params class is created containing all the information and data relevant to training the model and trainig methods change their actions according to fit_params.state ('train', 'valid', and 'test')
    • Callbacks now have greater potential: They have more action points during the training cycle, where they can affect training behaviour, and they have access to fit_params, allowing them to modify more aspects of the training and have indirect access to all other callbacks.
    • The "tick" for the training loop is now one epoch, i.e. validation loss is computed after the entire use of the training data (as opposed to after every sub-epoch), cyclic callbacks now work on the scale of epochs, rather than sub-epochs. Due to the data being split into folds, the concept of a sup-epoch still exists, but the APIs are now simplified for the user (previously they were a mixture of sup-epoch and epoch arguments).
    • For users who do not wish to transition to the new model behaviour, the existing behaviour can still be achieved by using the Old* models and classes. See the depreciations section for the full list.
  • Input masks (present if e.g using feature subsampling in ModelBuilder`)
    • BatchYielder now takes an input_mask argument to filter inputs
    • Model prediction methods no longer take input mask arguments, instead the input mask (if present) is automatically used. If users have already filtered their data, they should manually remove the input mask from the model (i.e. set it to None)
  • Callbacks which take arguments related to (sub-)epochs (e.g. cycle length, scale, time to renewal. etc. for CycleLR, OneCycle, etc. and SWA) now take these arguments in terms of epochs. I.e. a OneCycle schedule with 9 training folds, running for 15 epochs would previously require e.g. lenghts=(45,90) in order to complete the cycle in 15 epochs (135 subepochs). Now it is specified as simply lenghts=(5,10). Additionally, these arguments must be integers. Floats will be coerced to integers with warning.
  • lr_find now runds over all training folds, instead of just 1


  • Heavy renaming of methods and classes due to changes in model trainng and callbacks.


  • __del__ method to ForwardHook class
  • BatchYielder:
    • Now takes an input_mask argument to filter inputs
    • Now takes an argument allowing incomplete batches to be yielded
    • Target array can now be None
  • Model:
    • now takes a bs argument for evaluate
    • predictions can now be modified by passing a PredHandler callback to pred_cb. The default one simply returns the model predicitons, however other actions could be defined by the user, e.g. performing argmax for multiclass classifiers.


  • Model:
    • Now no longer takes callbacks and mask_inputs as arguments for evaluate
    • evaluate_from_by removed, just call evaluate
  • Callbacks no longer take model and plot_settings arguments during initialisation. These should be added by calling the relevant setters. Model will call them when relevant.


  • Potential bug in convolutional models where checking the out size of the head would affect the batchnorm averaging
  • Potential bug in plot_sample_pred to do with bin ranges
  • ForwardHook not working with passed hook functions


  • BinaryLabelSmooth now only applies smoothing during training and not in validation
  • Ensemble
    • from_results and build_ensemble now no longer take location as an argument. Instead, results should contain the savepath for the models
    • _build_ensemble is now private
  • Model:
    • predict_array and predict_folds are now private
    • fit now expects to perform the entire fitting of the model, rather than just one sup-epoch. Additionally, validation loss is now computed only at the end of the epoch, rather that previously where it was computed after each fold.
  • SWA renewal_period should now be None in order to prevent a second average being tracked (previously was negative)
  • Some examples have been renamed, and copies using the old model fitting proceedure and old callbacks are available in examples/old
  • lr_find now runds over all training folds, instead of just 1


  • V0.8:
    • Many classes and methods depreciated with new model. They have been copied and renamed to Old*.
    • OldAbsModel: Replaced by AbsModel
    • OldModel: Replaced by Model
    • OldAbsCallback: Replaced by AbsCallback
    • OldCallback: Replaced by Callback
    • OldBinaryLabelSmooth: Replaced by BinaryLabelSmooth
    • OldSequentialReweight: Will not be replaced
    • SequentialReweightClasses: Will not be replaced
    • OldBootstrapResample: Replaced by BootstrapResample
    • OldParametrisedPrediction: Replaced by ParametrisedPrediction
    • OldGradClip: Replaced by GradClip
    • OldLsuvInitL Replaced by LsuvInit
    • OldAbsCyclicCallback: Replaced by AbsCyclicCallback
    • OldCycleLR: Replaced by CycleLR
    • OldCycleMom: Replaced by CycleMom
    • OldOneCycle: Replaced by OneCycle
    • OldLRFinder: Replaced by LRFinder
    • fold_lr_find: Replaced by lr_find
    • fold_train_ensemble: Replaced by train_models
    • OldMetricLogger: Replaced by MetricLogger
    • AbsModelCallback: Will not be replaced
    • OldSWA: Replaced by SWA
    • old_plot_train_history: Replaced by plot_train_history
    • OldEnsemble: Replaced by Ensemble


v0.6.0 - Train and Converge Until it is Done

Important changes

  • auto_filter_on_linear_correlation now examines all features within correlated clusters, rather than just the most correlated pair. This means that the function now only needs to be run once, rather than the previously recommended multiple rerunning.
  • Moved to Scikit-learn 0.22.2, and moved, where possible, to keyword argument calls for sklearn methods in preparation for 0.25 enforcement of keyword arguments
  • Fixed error in patience when using cyclical LR callbacks, now specify the number of cycles to go without improvement. Previously had to specify 1+number.
  • Matrix data is no longer passed through np.nan_to_num in FoldYielder. Users should ensure that all values in matrix data are not NaN or Inf
  • Tensor data:
    • df2foldfile, fold2foldfile, and 'add_meta_data` can now support the saving of arbitrary matrices as a matrix input
    • Pass a numpy.array whose first dimension matches the length of the DataFrame to the tensor_data argument of df2foldfile and a name to tensor_name. The array will be split along the first dimension and the sub-arrays will be saved as matrix inputs in the resulting foldfile
    • The matrices may also be passed as sparse format and be densified on loading by FoldYielder


  • plot_rank_order_dendrogram now returns sets of all features in cluster with distance over the threshold, rather than just the closest features in each cluster


  • Addition of batch size parameter to Ensemble.predict*
  • Lorentz Boost Network (
    • LorentzBoostNet basic implementation which learns boosted particles from existing particles and extracts features from them using fixed kernel functions
    • AutoExtractLorentzBoostNet which also learns the kernel-functions during training
  • Classification Eval classes:
    • BinaryAccuracy: Computes and returns the accuracy of a single-output model for binary classification tasks.
    • RocAucScore: Computes and returns the area under the Receiver Operator Characteristic curve (ROC AUC) of a classifier model.
  • plot_binary_sample_feat: a version of plot_sample_pred designed for plotting feature histograms with stacked contributions by sample for background.
  • Added compression arguments to df2foldfile, fold2foldfile, and save_to_grp
  • Tensor data:
    • df2foldfile, fold2foldfile, and 'add_meta_data` can now support the saving of arbitrary matrices as a matrix input
    • Pass a numpy.array whose first dimension matches the length of the DataFrame to the tensor_data argument of df2foldfile and a name to tensor_name. The array will be split along the first dimension and the sub-arrays will be saved as matrix inputs in the resulting foldfile
    • The matrices may also be passed as sparse format and be densified on loading by FoldYielder
  • plot_lr_finders now has a log_y argument for logarithmic y-axis. Default auto set log_y if maximum fractional difference between losses is greater than 50
  • Added new rescaling options to ClassRegMulti using linear outputs and scaling by mean and std of targets
  • LsuvInit now applies scaling to nn.Conv3d layers
  • plot_lr_finders and fold_lr_find now have options to save the resulting LR finder plot (currently limited to png due to problems with pdf)
  • Addition of AdamW and an optimiser, thanks to @kiryteo
  • Contribution guide, thanks to @kiryteo
  • OneCycle lr_range now supports a non-zero final LR; just supply a three-tuple to the lr_range argument.
  • Ensemble.from_models classmethod for combining in-memory models into an Ensemble.


  • FeatureSubsample
  • plots keyword in fold_train_ensemble


  • Docs bug for due to missing ipython in requirements
  • Bug in LSUV init when running on CUDA
  • Bug in TF export based on searching for fullstops
  • Bug in model_bar update during fold training
  • Quiet bug in 'MultHead' when matrix feats were not listed first; map construction indexed self.matrix_feats not self.feats
  • Slowdown in ensemble.predict_array which caused the array to get sent to device in during each model evaluations -Model.get_param_count now includes mon-trainable params when requested
  • Fixed bug in fold_lr_find where LR finders would use different LR steps leading to NaNs when plotting in fold_lr_find
  • plot_feat used to coerce NaNs and Infs via np.nan_to_num prior to plotting, potentially impacting distributions, plotting scales, moments, etc. Fixed so that nan and inf values are removed rather than coerced.
  • Fixed early-stopping statement in fold_train_ensemble to state the number as "sub-epochs" (previously said "epochs")
  • Fixed error in patience when using cyclical LR callbacks, now specify the number of cycles to go without improvement. Previously had to specify 1+number.
  • Unnecessary warning df2foldfile when no strat-key is passed.
  • Saved matrices in fold2foldfile are now in float32
  • Fixed return type of get_layers methods in RNNs_CNNs_and_GNNs_for_matrix_data example
  • Bug in model.predict_array when predicting matrix data with a batch size
  • Added missing indexing in AbsMatrixHead to use torch.bool if PyTorch version is >= 1.2 (was uint8 but now depreciated for indexing)
  • Errors when running in terminal due to trying to call .show on fastprogress bars
  • Bug due to encoding of readme when trying to install when default encoder is ascii
  • Bug when running Model.predict in batches when the data contains less than one batch
  • Include missing files in sdist, thanks to @thatch
  • Test path correction in example notebook, thanks to @kiryteo
  • Doc links in hep_proc
  • Error in MultiHead._set_feats when matrix_head does not contain 'vecs' or 'feats_per_vec' keywords
  • Compatibility error in numpy >= 1.18 in bin_binary_class_pred due to float instead of int
  • Unnecessary second loading of fold data in fold_lr_find
  • Compatibility error when working in PyTorch 1.6 based on integer and true division
  • SWA not evaluating in batches when running in non-bulk-move mode
  • Moved from normed to density keywords for matplotlib


  • ParametrisedPrediction now accepts lists of parameterisation features
  • plot_sample_pred now ensures that signal and background have the same binning
  • PlotSettings now coerces string arguments for savepath to Path
  • Added default value for targ_name in EvalMetric
  • plot_rank_order_dendrogram:
    • Now uses "optimal ordering" for improved presentation
    • Now returns sets of all features in cluster with distance over the threshold, rather than just the closest features in each cluster
  • auto_filter_on_linear_correlation now examines all features within correlated clusters, rather than just the most correlated pair. This means that the function now only needs to be run once, rather than the previously recommended multiple rerunning.
  • Improved data shuffling in BatchYielder, now runs much quicker
  • Slight speedup when loading data from foldfiles
  • Matrix data is no longer passed through np.nan_to_num in FoldYielder. Users should ensure that all values in matrix data are not NaN or Inf



  • RFPImp still imports from sklearn.ensemble.forest which is depreciated, and possibly part of the private API. Hopefully the package will remedy this in time for depreciation. For now, future warnings are displayed.

V0.5.1 - The Gradient Must Flow - Micro Update

Important changes

  • New live plot for losses during training (MetricLogger):
    • Provides additional information
    • Only updates after every epoch (previously every subepoch) reducing training times
    • Nicer appearance and automatic log scale for y-axis



  • New live plot for losses during training (MetricLogger):
    • Provides additional information
    • Only updates after every epoch (previously every subepoch) reducing training times
    • Nicer appearance and automatic log scale for y-axis



  • Fixed error in documentation which removed the ToC for the nn module



  • plots argument in fold_train_ensemble. The plots argument is now depreciated and ignored. Loss history will always be shown, lr history will no longer be shown separately, and live feedback is now controlled by the four live_fdbk arguments. This argument will be removed in V0.6.


V0.5 - The Gradient Must Flow

Important changes

  • Added support for processing and embedding of matrix data
    • MultiHead to allow the use of multiple head blocks to handle input data containing flat and matrix inputs
    • AbsMatrixHead abstract class for head blocks designed to process matrix data
    • InteractionNet a new head block to apply interaction graph-nets to objects in matrix form
    • RecurrentHead a new head block to apply recurrent layers (RNN, LSTM, GRU) to series objects in matrix form
    • AbsConv1dHead a new abstract class for building convolutional networks from basic blocks to apply to object in matrix form.
  • Meta data:
    • FoldYielder now checks its foldfile for a meta_data group which contains information about the features and inputs in the data
    • cont_feats and cat_feats now no longer need to be passed to FoldYielder during initialisation of the foldfile contains meta data
    • add_meta_data function added to write meta data to foldfiles and is automatically called by df2foldfile
  • Improved usage with large datasets:
    • AddedModel.evaluate_from_by to allow batch-wise evaluation of loss
    • bulk_move in fold_train_ensemble now also affects the validation fold, i.e. bulk_move=False no longer preloads the validation fold, and validation loss is evaluated using Model.evaluate_from_by
    • bulk_move arguments added to fold_lr_find
    • Added batch-size argument to Model predict methods to run predictions in batches


  • FoldYielder.get_df() now returns any NaNs present in data rather than zeros unless nan_to_num is set to True
  • Zero bias init for bottlenecks in MultiBlock body


  • __repr__ of Model now detail information about input variables
  • Added support for processing and embedding of matrix data
    • MultiHead to allow the use of multiple head blocks to handle input data containing flat and matrix inputs
    • AbsMatrixHead abstract class for head blocks designed to process matrix data
    • InteractionNet a new head block to apply interaction graph-nets to objects in matrix form
    • RecurrentHead a new head block to apply recurrent layers (RNN, LSTM, GRU) to series objects in matrix form
    • AbsConv1dHead a new abstract class for building convolutional networks from basic blocks to apply to object in matrix form.
  • Meta data:
    • FoldYielder now checks its foldfile for a meta_data group which contains information about the features and inputs in the data
    • cont_feats and cat_feats now no longer need to be passed to FoldYielder during initialisation of the foldfile contains meta data
    • add_meta_data function added to write meta data to foldfiles and is automatically called by df2foldfile
  • get_inputs method to BatchYielder to return the inputs, optionally on device
  • Added LSUV initialisation, implemented by LsuvInit callback



  • FoldYielder.get_df() now returns any NaNs present in data rather than zeros unless nan_to_num is set to True
  • Various typing fixes`
  • Body and tail modules not correctly freezing
  • Made Swish to not be inplace - seemed to cause problems sometimes
  • Enforced fastprogress version; latest version renamed a parameter
  • Added support to df2foldfile for missing strat_key
  • Added support to fold2foldfile for missing features
  • Zero bias init for bottlenecks in MultiBlock body


  • Slight optimisation in FullyConnected when not using dense or residual networks
  • FoldYielder.set_foldfile is now a private function FoldYielder._set_foldfile
  • Improved usage with large datasets:
    • AddedModel.evaluate_from_by to allow batch-wise evaluation of loss
    • bulk_move in fold_train_ensemble now also affects the validation fold, i.e. bulk_move=False no longer preloads the validation fold, and validation loss is evaluated using Model.evaluate_from_by
    • bulk_move arguments added to fold_lr_find
    • Added batch-size argument to Model predict methods to run predictions in batches



Targeting V0.4 Hypothetically Useful But Of Limited Actual Utility

Important changes

  • Moved to Pandas 0.25.0
  • Moved to Seaborn 0.9.0
  • Moved to Scikit-learn 0.21.0



  • rf_check_feat_removal method to check whether one of several (correlated) features can safely be ignored
  • rf_rank_features:
    • n_max_display to rf_rank_features to adjust number of features displayed in plot
    • plot_results, retrain_on_import_feats, and verbose to control printed outputs of function
    • Can now take preset RF params, rather than optimising each time
  • Control over x-axis label in plot_importance
  • repeated_rf_rank_features
  • get_df function to LRFinder
  • Ability to use dictionaries for
  • plot_rank_order_dendrogram:
    • added threshold param to control plotting colour and return
    • returns list of paris of correlated features
  • FoldYielder
    • Method to list columns in foldfile
    • option to initialise using a string or path for the foldfile
    • close method to close the foldfile
  • New methods to hep_proc focussing on vectoriesed transformations and operatins of Lorentz Vectors
  • subsample_df to sub sample a data frame (with optional stratification and replacement)
  • Callbacks during prediction:
    • on_pred_begin and on_pred_end methods added to AbsCallback which are called during Model.predict_array
    • Model.predict, Model.predict_folds, Model.predict_array now take a list of instantiated callbacks to apply during prediciton
    • Ensemble.predict, Ensemble.predict_folds, Ensemble.predict_array now take a list of instantiated callbacks to apply during prediciton
  • ParametrisedPrediction callback for setting a single parameterisation feature to a set value during model prediction
  • y-axis limit argument to plot_1d_partial_dependence
  • auto_filter_on_linear_correlation
  • auto_filter_on_mutual_dependence


  • Passing eta argument to to_pt_eta_phi: now inferred from data
  • Embedder renamed to CatEmbedder
  • cat_args and n_cont_in arguments in ModelBuilder: Use cat_embedder and cont_feats instead
  • callback_args argument in fold_train_ensemble: Use callback_partials instead
  • binary_class_cut renamed to binary_class_cut_by_ams
  • plot_dendrogram renamed to plot_rank_order_dendrogram


  • Remove mutable default paramert for get_opt_rf_params
  • Missing n_estimators in call to get_opt_rf_params to rf_rank_features
  • Added string interpretation check when loading ModelBuilder saved in pre-v0.3.1 versions
  • rf_rank_features importance cut now >= threshold, was previously >
  • plot_rank_order_dendrogram now clusters by absolute Spearman's rank correlation coeficient
  • feat_map to self.feat_map in MultiBlock.__init__
  • Bias initialisation for sigmoids in ClassRegMulti corrected to zero, was 0.5
  • Removed uncertainties from the moments shown by plot_feat when plotting with weights; uncertainties were underestimated


  • Improved plot_lr_finders
  • Moved to Pandas 0.25.0
  • Moved to Seaborn 0.9.0
  • Moved to Scikit-learn 0.21.0
  • model_builder.get_model now returns a 4th object, an input_mask
  • Feature subsampling:
    • Moved to ModelBuilder rather than FeatureSubsample callback: required to handle MultiBlock models
    • Now allows a list of features to always be present in model via ModelBuilder.guaranteed_feats
  • plot_1d_partial_dependence and plot_2d_partial_dependence now better handle weighted resampling of data: replacement sampling, and auto fix when wgt_name specified but no sample_sz


  • FeatureSubsample in favour of guaranteed_feats and cont_subsample_rate in ModelBuilder. Will be removed in v0.6.


V0.3.1 Tears in Rain - micro update

Important changes



  • bin_binary_class_pred
    • Ability to only consider classes rather than samples when computing bin edges
    • Ability to add pure signal bins if normalisation uncertainty would be below some value
  • plot_bottleneck_weighted_inputs method for interpretting bottleneck blocks in MultiBlock
  • Online documentation:
  • Default optimiser notice
  • Can now pass arbitary optimisers to the 'opt' value in opt_args. Optimisers still interpretable from strings.
  • Expanded advanced model building example to include more interpretation examples and diagrams of network architectures


  • weak decorators for losses


  • CatEmbedder.from_fy using features ignored by FoldYielder
  • bottleneck_sz_masks to bottleneck_masks in MultiBlock
  • SWA crahsing when evaluating targets of type long, when loss expects a float (model.evaluate now converts to float when objective is not multiclass classification)
  • Doc string fixes
  • Fixed model being moved to device after instantiating optimiser (sometimes leads to an error). Models now moved to device in ModelBuilder.get_model rather than in Model.__init__




V0.3 Tears in Rain

Important changes

  • norm_in default value for get_pre_proc_pipes is now True rather than False
  • layer width in dense=True FullyConnected now no longer scales with input size to prevent parameter count from exploding
  • Biases in FullyConnected linear layers are now initialised to zero, rather that default PyTorch init
  • Bias in ClassRegMulti linear layer is now intitialised to 0.5 if sigmoid output, zero if linear output, and 1/n_out if softmax, unless a bias_init value is specified


  • Changed order of arugments in AMS and MultiAMS and removed some default values
  • Removed default for return_mean in RegAsProxyPull and RegPull
  • Changedsettings to plot_settings in rf_rank_features
  • Removed some default parameters for NN blocks in ModelBuilder
  • ModelBuilder model_args should now be a dictionary of dictionaries of keyword arguments, one for head, body, and tail blocks, previously was a single dictionary of keyword arguments
  • Embedder.from_fy now no longer works: change to CatEmbedder.from_fy
  • CatEmbHead now no longer has a n_cont_in argument, instead one should pass a list of feature names to cont_feats


  • Added n_estimators parameter to rf_rank_features and get_opt_rf_params to adjust the number of trees
  • Added n_rfs parameter to rf_rank_features to average feature importance over several random forests
  • Added automatic computation of 3-momenta magnitude to add_mass if it's missing
  • n_components to get_pre_proc_pipes to be passed to PCA
  • Pipeline configuration parameters to fit_input_pipe
  • Ability to pass an instantiated Pipeline to fit_input_pipe
  • Callbacks now receive model_num and savepath in on_train_begin
  • Random Forest like ensembling:
    • BootstrapResample callback for resampling training and validation data
    • Feature subsambling:
      • FeatureSubsample callback for training on random selection of features
      • Model now has an input_mask to automatically mask inputs at inference time (train-time inputs should be masked at BatchYielder level)
  • plot_roc now returns aucs as dictionary
  • growth_rate scaling coefficient to FullyConnected to adjust layer width by depth
  • n_in parameter to FullyConnected so it works on arbitray size inputs
  • freeze_tail to ModelBuilder and ClassRegMulti
  • Abstract blocks for head, body, and tail
  • cont_feats argument to ModelBuilder to allow passing of list of named features, eventually allowing more advanced methods based on named outputs of head blocks.
  • CatEmbHead now computes a mapping from named input features to their outputs
  • body blocks now expect to be passed a dictionary mapping from named input features to the model to the outputs of the head block
  • Model and AbsBlock classes now have a method to compute total number of (trainable) parameters
  • MultiBlock body, providing possibility for multiple, parallel body blocks taking subsets of input features
  • Explicit initialisation paramater for bias in ClassRegMulti
  • plot_1d_partial_dependence now takes pdp_isolate_kargs and pdp_plot_kargs to pass to pdp_isolate and pdp_plot, respectively
  • plot_2d_partial_dependence now takes pdp_interact_kargs and pdp_interact_plot_kargs to pass to pdp_interact and pdp_interact_plot, respectively
  • ForwardHook class
  • plot_multibody_weighted_outputs an interpration plot for MultiBlock models
  • Better documentation for methods and classes


  • Some default values of arugments in AMS and MultiAMS
  • Default for return_mean in RegAsProxyPull and RegPull


  • Missing bbox_inches in plot_embedding
  • Typing for cont_feats and savename in fit_input_pipe
  • Typing for targ_feats and savename in fit_output_pipe
  • Moved predictions to after callback on_eval_begin
  • Updated from_model_builder class method of ModelBuilderto use and CatEmbedder
  • Hard coded savename in Model during save to hopefull solve occaisional permission error during save
  • Typing for val_fold in SWA
  • 'lr' to 'momentum' in Model.set_mom
  • Model.get_mom now actually returns momentum (beta_1) rather than lr
  • Added catch for infinite uncertainties being passed to uncert_round
  • Added catch for plot_roc with bootstraping when resamples data only contains one class
  • Error when attempting to plot categorical feature in plot_1d_partial_dependence
  • layer width in dense=True FullyConnected scaling with input size
  • Fixed lookup_act for linear function
  • plot_1d_partial_dependence not using n_points parameter
  • Errors in plot_rocs when passing non-lists and when requesting plot_params and bootsrapping
  • Missing to_device call when exporting to ONNX on a CUDA device


  • to_pt_eta_phi now infers presence of z momentum from dataframe
  • norm_in default value for get_pre_proc_pipes is now True rather than False
  • fold_train_ensemble now always trains n_models, and validation fold IDs are cycled through according to fy.n_folds % model_num
  • FoldYielder.set_ignore changed to FoldYielder.add_ignore
  • Changed HEPAugFoldYielder.rotate and HEPAugFoldYielder.reflect to private methods
  • compute method of RegPull now private
  • Renamed data to fy in RegPull.evaluate and RegAsProxyPull.evaluate
  • Made get_layer in FullyConnected private
  • Made get_dense and load_embeds in CatEmbHead private
  • Made build_layers in 'ClassRegMulti` private
  • Made parse methods and build_opt in ModelBuilder private
  • Made get_folds private
  • Changed settings to plot_settings in rf_rank_features
  • Dense layer from CatEmbHead removed and placed in FullyConnected
  • Swapped order of continuous and categorical embedding concatination in CatEmbHead in order to match input data
  • arr in plot_kdes_from_bs changed to x
  • weighted partial dependencies in plot_1d_partial_dependence are now computed by passing the name of the weight coulmn in the dataframe and normalisation is done automatically
  • data argument for plot_binary_class_pred renamed to df
  • plot_1d_partial_dependence and plot_2d_partial_dependence both now expect to be passed a list on training features, rather than expecteing the DataFrame to only contain the trainign features
  • rfpimp package nolonger requires manual installation


  • Passing eta argument to to_pt_eta_phi. Will be removed in v0.4
  • binary_class_cut renamed to binary_class_cut_by_ams. Code added to call binary_class_cut_by_ams. Will be removed in v0.4
  • plot_dendrogram renamed to plot_rank_order_dendrogram. Code added to call plot_rank_order_dendrogram. Will be removed in v0.4
  • Embedder renamed to CatEmbedder. Code added to call CatEmbedder. Will be removed in v0.4
  • n_cont_in (number of continuous input features) argument of ModelBuilder depreciated in favour of cont_feats (list of named continuous input features). Code added to create this by encoding numbers as string. Will be removed in v0.4.


V0.2 Bonfire Lit

Important changes

  • Residual mode in FullyConnected:
    • Identity paths now skip two layers instead of one to align better with arXiv:1603.05027
    • In cases where an odd number of layers are specified for the body, the number of layers is increased by one
    • Batch normalisation now corrected to be after the addition step (previously was set before)
  • Dense mode in FullyConnected now no longer adds an extra layer to scale down to the original width, instead get_out_size now returns the width of the final concatinated layer and the tail of the network is expected to accept this input size
  • Fixed rule-of-thumb for embedding sizes from max(50, 1+(sz//2)) to max(50, (1+sz)//2)


  • Changed callbacks to receive kargs, rather than logs to allow for great flexibility
  • Residual mode in FullyConnected:
    • Identity paths now skip two layers instead of one to align better with arXiv:1603.05027
    • In cases where an odd number of layers are specified for the body, the number of layers is increased by one
    • Batch normalisation now corrected to be after the addition step (previously was set before)
  • Dense mode in FullyConnected now no longer adds an extra layer to scale down to the original width, instead get_out_size now returns the width of the final concatinated layer and the tail of the network is expected to accept this input size
  • Initialisation arguments for CatEmbHead changed considerably w.r.t. embedding arguments; now expects to receive a CatEmbedder class


  • Added wrapper class for significance-based losses (SignificanceLoss)
  • Added label smoothing for binary classification
  • Added on_eval_begin and on_eval_end callback calls
  • Added on_backwards_begin and on_backwards_end callback calls
  • Added callbacks to fold_lr_find
  • Added gradient-clipping callback
  • Added default momentum range to OneCycle of .85-.95
  • Added SequentialReweight classes
  • Added option to turn of realtime loss plots
  • Added from_results and from_save classmethods for Ensemble
  • Added option to SWA to control whether it only updates on cycle end when paired with an AbsCyclicalCallback
  • Added helper class CatEmbedder to simplify parsing of embedding settings
  • Added parameters to save and configure plots to get_nn_feat_importance, get_ensemble_feat_importance, and rf_rank_features
  • Added classmethod for Model to load from save
  • Added experimental export to Tensorflow Protocol Buffer



  • Added missing data download cell for multiclass example
  • Corrected type hint for OneCycle lr_range to List
  • Corrected on_train_end not being called in fold_train_ensemble
  • Fixed crash in plot_feat when plotting non-bulk without cuts, and non-crash bug when plotting non-bulk with cuts
  • Fixed typing of callback_args in fold_train_ensemble
  • Fixed crash when trying to load model trained on cuda device for application on CPU device
  • Fixed positioning of batch normalisation in residual mode of FullyConnected to after addition
  • rf_rank_features was accidentally evaluating feature importance on validation data rather than training data, resulting in lower importances that it should
  • Fixed feature selection in examples using a test size of 0.8 rather than 0.2
  • Fixed crash when no importnat features were found by rf_rank_features
  • Fixed rule-of-thumb for embedding sizes from max(50, 1+(sz//2)) to max(50, (1+sz)//2)
  • Fixed cutting when saving plots as pdf


  • Moved on_train_end call in fold_train_ensemble to after loading best set of weights
  • Replaced all mutable default arguments


  • Callbacks:
    • Added callback_partials parameter (a list of partials that yield a Callback object) in fold_train_ensemble to eventually replace callback_args; Neater appearance than previous Dict of object and kargs
    • callback_args now depreciated, to be removed in v0.4
    • Currently callback_args are converted to callback_partials, code will also be removed in v0.4
  • Embeddings:
    • Added cat_embedder parameter to ModelBuilder to eventuall replace cat_args
    • cat_args now depreciated to be removed in v0.4
    • Currently cat_args are converted to an Embedder, code will also be removed in v0.4


V0.1.1 PyPI am assuming direct control - micro update


  • binary_class_cut now returns tuple of (cut, mean_AMS, maximum_AMS) as opposed to just the cut
  • Initialisation lookups now expected to return callable, rather than callable and dictionary of arguments. partial used instead.
  • top_perc in binary_class_cut now treated as percentage rather than fraction


  • Added PReLU activation
  • Added uniform initialisation lookup



  • uncert_round converts NaN uncertainty to 0
  • Correct name of internal embedding dropout layer in CatEmbHead: emd_do -> emb_do
  • Adding missing settings for activations and initialisations to body and tail
  • Corrected plot annotation for percentage in binary_class_cut
  • loss history plot not being saved correctly


  • Removed the BatchNorm1d automatically added in CatEmbHead when using categorical inputs; assuming unit-Gaussian continuous inputs, no a priori resaon to add it, and tests indicated it hurt performance and train-time.
  • Changed weighting factor when not loading loading cycles only to n+2 from n+1



V0.1.0 PyPI am assuming direct control

Record of changes begins