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Distributed Storage Protocol(DSP)

File metadata and controls

899 lines (704 loc) · 40.7 KB

Distributed Storage Protocol (DSP) Draft-0.1

This document is a proposal of DSP which initialed by DSP Labs and it is still draft.We hope it would represent the consensus of the DSP community and would updated continously by the proposals of public.


The DSP(Distributed Storage Protocol)protocol is a new-generation Internet protocol paradigm based on data file encryption, distribution, storage, sharing and other dimensions. The aim of the DSP protocol is to become the core infrastructure of NGI(Next Generation Internet).

Table of Contents

DSP Protocol Overview

This specification defines the DSP protocol stack,the interfaces, and how it all fits together. DSP aims to be more efficient,safe,decentralized and trustless than current Internet.

The basic storage unit in DSP is a block. All services running in DSP based on the management of blocks. For example, trustd data block storage, exchange under privary control etc.

The core protocol in DSP is account and crypto architecture, which use crypto algorithm in data file encryption, distribution, storage, sharing and other dimensions, protect the transation trusted and data value.

Storage Service ensure that it is possible to efficiently keep data safely and exchangeable. PDP wih proved random draw algorithm support the prove of space and time in services.

Sharing Service ensure the block transmitted between peers and the source of data could get its incentive.

Proxying Service ensure that who don`t have public address can be accessed by others, and support block exchanging between peers.

In order to support peer-to-peer communication efficiently, DSP contain a networking layer design which would help building a more robust P2P network.

Document Organization

The protocol document is split into eight parts:

  1. Account and Crypto Architecture: crypto account management, pledge / unlock, import and export.
  2. Storage Service:including file upload storage, copy between nodes, shared data, delete and other operations.
  3. Sharing Service:Definition of how sharing service start, and block distributing.
  4. Proxying: Assign a proxy address to the request host. Forward data to the request host, and the data from requst host will be forwarded to relative node.
  5. P2P Layers:the underlying communication module for the above services.
  6. Status Code Definitions

The lastest updates of protocol implementation in detail wound be found in DSP-Labs


All numeric values are in network byte order. Values are unsigned unless otherwise indicated.Literal values are provided in decimal or hexadecimal as appropriate.Hexadecimal literals are prefixed with "0x" to distinguish them from decimal literals.

The following terms are used:

client: The endpoint that retrieval in ledger, send transaction, upload or download data file.

ledger Distributed Ledger which record the transactions and crypto assets.

connection: A transport-layer connection between two endpoints.

endpoint: Either the client or server of the connection.

block: The basic unit in storage, transmition, encrption and other service.

peer: An endpoint.When discussing a particular endpoint, "peer" refers to the endpoint that is remote to the primary subject of discussion.

server: The endpoint that accepts connection define in DSP and support service defined in DSP.

FS: An server that support storage service.

SCAN: An server that support data retrieval service

DNS: Distributed Name Service be recorded in ledger.

Proxy: An server that help exchange of block data between two endpoint.

ledger: A ledger help store relative information of service or file information, ensure account balance or validation of storage.


All exchanged message in DSP should be signed with endpoint`s private key. That is the core arthitecture of DSP privace and trustless mechanism. The crypto account is the only valid representative of a endpoint.


After choose a crypto schema, generates a pair of private and public keys.Then endpoint can create a account address as the representative of account.

address_code = byteof publickey + 0xAC
address_hash =  sha256 of address_code
address_ripemd = ripemd160 of address_hash
address_string = byte{0x17} + address_ripemd
suffix_hash  =sha256(sha256(address_string)
address_string = address_string + suffix_hash[0:4]
adderss = base58(address_string)

The string of account created in 7 steps:

  1. byte of public key add byte 0xAC
  2. the calculate the sha256 hash of address_code
  3. calculate ripemd160 byte of address_hash
  4. add byte 0x17 at the beginning of address_ripemd
  5. do twice sha256 hash of address_string
  6. first 4 bytes of suffix_hash add to the end of address_string
  7. base58 create the string of address

Digital Signature

Endpoint in DSP should use crypto private key to create account. At lease one signature mode listed below should be supported in protocol.

  • SHA224withECDSA
  • SHA256withECDSA
  • SHA384withECDSA
  • SHA512withECDSA
  • SHA3-224withECDSA
  • SHA3-256withECDSA
  • RIPEMD160withECDSA
  • SHA512withEdDSA

The support scheme will be increased by the proposals of public.

Storage Service

Storage Service is the core service in DSP protocol, it is the fundamental of decentralized storage framework.

In Storage service, the endpoint which named FS is the underlying module to provide reliable file storage and efficient file management.

In the DSP ecosystem FS support a variety of scenarios like file uploading, file downloading, and also file sharing.

The latest storage service document could be found in FS

Block Management

  • Block

The basic unit in FS is the Block.

A hash-based Block Identifier could be calculated from the Block data, we call it Block Hash.

A Block can either be a data block whose main purpose is to store data or a non-data block who has no data stored but contains Block Hashes as links to other Blocks.

With a given Block and its Block Hash, it can be easily verified if the Block data has been corrupted. In this way Blocks can be distributed within the DSP with guarantee it's unchanged.

  • File

A File should be chunked into Blocks with defined block size, and it can be saved in local storage with support of different underlying storage types ranging from flat files to KV databases like LevelDB.

The result of file chunking is a tree structure with a Root Block. The leaves of the tree contains the data of the file, and Root Block or other intermediate Blocks contains links to other Blocks.

The chunking method is definitive so the Root Block Hash can be used to identify a specific file, we call it File Hash.

The tree structrue of File should stored on the ledger for the validation of PDP.


Storage Server should support basic FS APIs, which is listed below:

  • AddFile

Add a file to FS after chunking into Blocks.

  • DeleteFile

Delete a file from FS.

  • GetBlockHashesOfFile

Returns all Blocks hashes of a file with a given File Hash.

  • PutBlock

Store a Block in the FS.

  • GetBlock

Get Block with given Hash from FS.

  • GarbageCollect

Manually trigger the garbage collector to remove all Blocks those have no reference/link to them.

FS Message Format

  • FS Information
type NodeInfo struct {
	HostAddr   string
	Account string
  • File Information
type FileInfo struct {
	FileHash       []byte
	FileOwner      common.Address
	FileDesc       []byte
	Privilege      uint64
	FileBlockNum   uint64
	FileBlockSize  uint64
	ProveInterval  uint64
	ProveTimes     uint64
	ExpiredHeight  uint64
	CopyNum        uint64
	Deposit        uint64
	FileProveParam []byte
	ProveBlockNum  uint64
	BlockHeight    uint64 // store file info block height
	ValidFlag      bool
	StorageType    uint64
	RealFileSize   uint64
	PrimaryNodes   NodeList // Nodes store file
	CandidateNodes NodeList // Nodes backup file
	BlocksRoot     []byte
  • Upload Option record on ledger
type UploadOption struct {
	FileDesc        []byte
	FileSize        uint64
	ProveInterval   uint64
	ExpiredHeight   uint64
	Privilege       uint64
	CopyNum         uint64
	Encrypt         bool
	EncryptPassword []byte
	RegisterDNS     bool
	BindDNS         bool
	DnsURL          []byte
	WhiteList       WhiteList
	Share           bool
	StorageType     uint64

more formats can be found in specs

Storage Process

  1. FS should record it information on ledger ensure remote endpoint find it.
  2. Remote endpoint chunked it file into Blocks and submit the file hash tree on ledger, then connect to FS.
  3. After exchange the information of to be saved file, remote endpoint transmit blocks to FS.
  4. FS should submit first PDP on ledger to declare it service has start when all blocks received.
  5. FS should submit PDP according to the requirements of storage task setup on ledger.

Prove of Data Possession

The FS must submit PDP validation to public ledger to prove the safe and integrity of its data.

The PDP should be submited when remote peers initiate a PDP challege or periodically.

The PDP should contain the information from data, not the raw data, it will keep the privacy of who save or use the data. A suggested PDP logic as following

  1. A public challege should be declare on ledger or can be proved calculated from public information.
  2. According to challege and setup PDP algorithm, FS should start calculate the prove of specific blocks.
  3. FS submit prove on ledger on time and the prove is validated, incentive should record for FS.
  4. If FS can not submit the prove on time or prove is invalid, FS should be punished, Recovery should started on other FS server.

Replicator and Recovery

FS should support replicator, that means data would store in more than one FS servers

BLOCKS of to be saved file duplicated to several copies and transmit to different FS address.

When download file, client of FS would get blocks from all servers who have the blocks of file.

When FS can not submit the PDP correctly, other FS should start Recovery, Recovery would duplicated the file from other replica, after new FS submit the PDP of file, the ledger should record it as the storage supporter and shift the punishment of broken FS to new one.

FS Block Sharing

As mentioned above, a File in the FS is organized as a tree with links to Blocks. It is possible that different files could have some Blocks in common. In the FS, there is only one copy of the Block is saved in storage, and the Block is shared by these files.

Garbage Collection

An Mark-and-Sweep garbage collection mechanism should be used to delete a Block that has no reference/link to it. When a file is deleted, its Root Block Hash will be dereferenced and all the Blocks that no longer referenced will be deleted in next garbage collection.

Garbage collection is costly since it needs to check all the reference/link for all Blocks. It should be performed with caution.

Sharing Service

All roles in DSP protocol could share blocks to others.

Peers could find the block-address pair from SCAN server. After connect to specific address, peers can download blocks they need.

The latest Sharing service information could be found in SDK

Data Discovery

Blocks in different endpoint will record the hash-address pair information on SCAN server,and endpoint could search the block they needed on SCAN discovery service.

Ledger should record a hash-url list to help data sharing via p2p network.

More DNS information can be found in DNS

DNS Registry

DNS(Distributed Name Service) is a distributed and extensible domain name mapping service. Gradually change the data storage paths and extension protocols used by the system to words and abbreviations.

Map specific service entities such as addresses, paths, id, content, etc.

  • DNS format
  • dsp:header

  • urlformultiservices:sharing url

  • Naming

Header:     protocol
URL:        link
Name :      source path
Owner:      owner
Description:name description
BlockHeight:create height
TTL:         Expiration date
Basic Function
  1. Registration service
  2. Management Service
  3. Inquiry service
Registration service

The registration service is responsible for generating connections according to different registration methods, while storing the name owner, TTL and other content. Interfaces:

url registration

  1. Default mode: Use the default protocol and generate url randomly
  2. Custom protocol mode: Use custom protocol and generate url randomly
  3. Custom url mode: Use the default protocol and attach a custom url
  4. Naming mode: both protocol and url are customized

header registration

  • Register a new header
  • Each registered header has an expiration date
  • Can't register system reservation header
  • Register the header mainly in the community governance mode
Management Service
  • Provide services for the transfer, update and deletion of url / header.
  • Management of url / header, which requires name creator or service management account permissions.

Service mode

  1. Transfer: transfer the ownership of the url / header, the account with ownership can update and delete the url / header
  2. Update: update url mapping object path
  3. Delete: delete the url / header. If a header is deleted or expires, all links named by the header cannot be resolved.
Inquiry service

Query the mapping information, owner and TTL stored during header / url registration

SCAN Discovery

SCAN is provides data discovery service in DSP protocol.

Node Mechanism Principles

  1. Joining SCAN network requires mutual authentication, relying on cryptographic identity rather than IP or other identities as the authentication condition.
  2. For the database update and message processing system of hundreds of nodes in the P2P environment in the authentication system, SCAN uses the same algorithm (if not, see principle 3) to execute and get the same result. Able to handle a certain flow peak.
  3. Scan choose trusted peers for connection and synchronization within the authentication system. If there are spoofing and data errors, the challenger finds that the nodes will receive economic reduction penalties.
Content addressing
  1. Endpoint upload the block hash information according to DNS record and its address.
  2. SCAN servers should synchronize the information with each other.
  3. Endpoint send request to SCAN to search specific url or hash.
  4. SCAN return the request answers to endpoint.
  5. Endpoint connect to peers to download blocks of file.
Message Format
message Torrent {
    bytes infoHash = 1;
    uint64 left = 2;
    bytes peerinfo = 3;
    int32 type = 4;

message Endpoint {
    string walletAddr = 1;
    string hostPort = 2;
    int32 type = 3;

Block Sharing

Blocks in FS or other endpoints can be shared according to the permissions recorded on ledger.

A list setup on ledger will declare which account could download the specific file blocks or which one coundn`t.

The blocks will builded as a merkle tree, then this hash tree information would be exchanged before sharing start. Endpoint used this hash tree to check the validation of blocks.

Sharing Message Format

  • File

handshake messga for sharing file

message File {
   string sessionId = 1;
   string hash = 2;  
   repeated string blockHashes = 3;
   int32 operation = 4;
   bytes prefix = 5;
   int32 chunkSize = 6;
   Tx tx = 8;
   Breakpoint breakpoint = 9;
   uint64 totalBlockCount = 10;
   Chain chainInfo = 11;
   string blocksRoot = 12;
  • BlockFlights

batch transmit blocks between peers

message BlockFlights{
   int64 TimeStamp = 1;
   repeated Block blocks = 3;
  • Progress

progress for sharing data

message Progress {
   string id = 1;
   string hash = 2;  
   int32 operation = 3;
   string sender = 4;
   repeated ProgressInfo infos = 5;


Proxying service help setup a mapping address for endpoint who don`t have public address, then remote peers can connect to specific address mapped by proxy ,and exchange data with a intranet endpoint.

The general proxying steps are as follows:

Firstly, send a proxy request message to the proxy service port;

After internal processing, proxy will assign a proxy address to the request host;

When other hosts connect to the proxy address, the data will be forwarded to the request host and the data from requst host will be forwarded to relative peer.

The latest Proxying document could be found in Proxying

Proxying Message Format

  • Proxy message

When endpoint want to apply for a PROXY IP, it must to send ProxyRequest to proxy server. If server receive the proxy request, proxy server allocate the IP:Port to node and send ProxyResponse Message back.

message ProxyRequest {
    string origin_address = 1;
    string proxy_address = 2;

message ProxyResponse {
    string origin_address = 1;
    string proxy_address = 2;
  • Keepalive In order to keep alive between peers and proxy server, keepalive message should be sent to server each 15s by default.
message Keepalive {

message KeepaliveResponse {

Proxying Connection

Start proxying service, then listen on a special IP:PORT, which is known to all peers.

Endpoint send ProxyRequest message to the server. If Endpoint has been request before, the server will send back the allocated proxy ip:port, or porxy server will send back a new address pair.

Server sends back ProxyResponse message, which contains the proxy IP:port allocated by server.

The endpoint will send Keepalive message to proxy server each 15s by default, and the server will send back keepalive response at the same time.

The allocated proxy IP:Port will be cached by proxy server for 180 min by default. That means, if a endpoint disconnect with server and reconnect between 180 min, it will get the same proxy ip:port as well.

Data Exchange

endpoint1 establish connection with proxy server, named Main-Connection-1;

endpoint2 establish connection with proxy server, named Main-Connection-2;

Proxy server start a proxy server listening on allocated ip:port for endpoint1, named Proxy-Server-1;

Proxy server start a proxy server listening on allocated ip:port for endpoint2, named Proxy-Server-2;

When endpoint1 want to exchange message with endpoint2, endpoint1 need to establish a connection with Proxy-Server-2 named connection-3 and endpoint2 need to establish a connection with Proxy-Server-1 named connection-4;

endpoint1 send message by connection-3 and proxy will transfer the data received from connection-3 to Main-Connection-2;

When endpoint2 send back message, it must use connection-4 and Main-Connection-1;

P2P Layer

P2P layer ensure the underlying communication more efficiently, robustly and expandable.

The latest P2P document could be found in P2P Layer


P2P layer in DSP should following component:

  1. cryptographic primitives (Ed25519, AES-256,etc.),
  2. message serialization/deserialization schemes (byte-order little endian, protobuf, msgpack etc.),
  3. network timeout/error management (on dial, on receive message, on send buffer full),
  4. network-level atomic operations (receive-then-lock),
  5. and NAT traversal support(NAT-PMP, UPnP).

P2P Interface

Application layer can define interface by themself,following is the default design:

type P2PInterface interface {
	// Callback for when the network starts listening for peers.
	Startup(net *Network)
	// Callback for when an incoming message is received. Return true
	// if the Component will intercept messages to be processed.
	Receive(ctx *ComponentContext) error
	// Callback for when the network stops listening for peers.
	Cleanup(net *Network)
	// Callback for when a peer connects to the network.
	PeerConnect(client *PeerClient)
	// Callback for when a peer disconnects from the network.
	PeerDisconnect(client *PeerClient)

The P2P protocol suppose there are five kinds of activities in network layer, application can use the default design or setup their own interface.


There are serveral definations in DSP.

ID used to communication with each other.

Message core unit used in underlying communication.

Keepalive to find other peers whether online or not.

Proxy used in communication with proxy server.

MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE max package size in p2p layer is 1024 * 64.


Message Format

  • Message
message Message {
    bytes message = 1;

    // Sender's address and net key.
    ID sender = 2;

    // Sender's signature of message.
    bytes signature = 3;

    // request_nonce is the request/response ID. Null if ID associated to a message is not a request/response.
    uint64 request_nonce = 4;

    // message_nonce is the sequence ID.
    uint64 message_nonce = 5;

    // reply_flag indicates this is a reply to a request
    bool reply_flag = 6;

    // opcode specifies the message type
    uint32 opcode = 7;

    uint32 netID = 8;
    string MessageID = 9;
    bool need_ack = 10;
  • ID
message ID {
    // net_key of the peer (we no longer use the public key as the peer ID, but use it to verify messages)
    bytes net_key = 1;
    // address is the network address of the peer
    string address = 2;
    // id is the computed hash of the net key
    bytes id = 3;
    //used in communication with proxy server
    bytes connection_id=4;

Serialization and Deserialization

The message is serializd to a raw bytes packet before send it out, and receiver of the packet will deserializd it to a protocol readable struct.The default serialization and deserialization schema in P2P layer is protobuf.

The schema could setup freely, but if endpoint want to connect to others, the schema in peers should be the same.

Payload Format

|Network ID(4) | CompressINFO(2) |Message Length(4)| Message(...)| |---|---|---|---|---| |ID | Compress Information | raw data length | raw data|

Message Compression

P2P layer could compress the raw package when it exceed the config size which setup before the P2P started. The flag is in CompressINFO.

  • Compress Information

16bits : CompressEnable << 8 |Compress Algorithm

  • Compress Algorithm List
algo code

All code encoded as 16bits length


For each message,must registe an opcode for special message to build a opcode-message pairing.Default opcode for special message as follow:

type Opcode uint32
const (
	UnregisteredCode       Opcode = 0x00000 // 0
	BytesCode              Opcode = 0x00001 // 1
	KeepaliveCode          Opcode = 0x00002 // 2
	KeepaliveResponseCode  Opcode = 0x00003 // 3
	ProxyResponseCode      Opcode = 0x00009 // 9
	PingCode               Opcode = 0x0000a // 10
	PongCode               Opcode = 0x0000b // 11
	LookupNodeRequestCode  Opcode = 0x0000c // 12
	LookupNodeResponseCode Opcode = 0x0000d // 13
	DisconnectCode         Opcode = 0x0000e // 14
	ProxyRequestCode       Opcode = 0x0000f // 15
	MetricRequestCode      Opcode = 0x00010 // 16
	MetricResponseCode     Opcode = 0x00011 // 17
	AckResponseCode        Opcode = 0x00012 // 18

	ApplicationOpCodeStart Opcode = 1000


Connection in DSP should be setup by serveral transport protocol, and the session could be setup many streams to handle different transmissions

Connection Establishment

The common processes of establishing a connection with others as follow:

  1. Setup transport protocol, for example: TCP/UDP/QUIC and so on
  2. Endpoint start listening with a speciall IP/Port, which will be connectd from outbound
  3. Outbound connect to speciall address(IP:Port)
  4. Connection will be managed in P2P layer
  5. Only ONE connection between peers


Connection would be destoried under follow situations:

  • EOF msg received
  • receiving an ERROR message
  • Peerdisconnect action be called
  • Relative resource will be recycled in PeerClose flow
  • rebuild a new connection immediatelly after disconnectiong
  • When service quit, all connection will disconnect automatically


P2P layer should use FIFO to process message queue which ensure the stream layer write all data correctly.

There are both stream level write operation and connection level write operation in the upper layer, so the connection will only be used by one write operation at onetime.

When stream close abnomally, packets related to the stream will be discarded, and the packets that have entered the retransmission process will be removed from the retransmission queue.

If the same data in the link layer is not processed, and the same package comes from the upper layer again, the bottom layer will ignore it; if it has been processed, it will be processed as a new package.

If connection close or broken, all streams are closed; all resources related to stream are released; all packets based on the connection are discarded; and the upper layer get a failure notify from P2P layer.

Status Code Definitions

This document establishes definitions for DSP status codes.Include task API error code, transmission process status code, RESTful API error code.

The latest definition could be found in Code Definitions.

Task Error Code

Error Code Content Meaning
40000 INVALID_PARAMS The parameter is wrong
40001 INTERNAL_ERROR internal error
50000 NEW_TASK_FAILED Failed to create task
50001 PREPARE_UPLOAD_ERROR Abnormal data processing before uploading
50002 TASK_INTERNAL_ERROR Abnormal task
50003 UPLOAD_TASK_EXIST Upload task already exists
50004 SHARDING_FAIELD Sharding failed
50005 FILE_HAS_UPLOADED The file has been uploaded
50006 GET_STORAGE_NODES_FAILED Failed to obtain storage node
50007 ONLINE_NODES_NOT_ENOUGH The number of storage nodes in the entire network is insufficient
50008 PAY_FOR_STORE_FILE_FAILED File upload failed
50009 SET_FILEINFO_DB_ERROR File database save failed
50010 ADD_WHITELIST_ERROR Failed to add whitelist
50011 GET_PDP_PARAMS_ERROR Failed to obtain PDP proof parameters
50012 GET_ALL_BLOCK_ERROR Abnormal access to file block data
50013 SEARCH_RECEIVERS_FAILED Failed to find storage node
50014 RECEIVERS_NOT_ENOUGH Insufficient number of online storage nodes
50015 RECEIVERS_REJECTED Storage node refuses to respond
50016 TASK_WAIT_TIMEOUT Task wait timeout
50017 FILE_UPLOADED_CHECK_PDP_FAILED File has been uploaded and the storage node failed to submit the PDP prove
50018 GET_SESSION_ID_FAILED Failed to obtain SessionID
50019 FILE_UNIT_PRICE_ERROR File download price is abnormal
50020 TOO_MANY_TASKS The task has reached the limit
50021 FILE_NOT_FOUND_FROM_CHAIN File information chain does not exist
50022 DOWNLOAD_REFUSED Download rejected
50023 CHAIN_ERROR Abnormal main chain request
50024 TASK_PAUSE_ERROR Task pause failed
50025 GET_FILEINFO_FROM_DB_ERROR Failed to get file information from database
50026 DOWNLOAD_FILEHASH_NOT_FOUND File Hash not found
50027 NO_CONNECTED_DNS No DNS connected
50028 NO_DOWNLOAD_SEED No downloadable data source
50029 GET_DOWNLOAD_INFO_FAILED_FROM_PEERS Failed to obtain information from the download node
50030 PREPARE_CHANNEL_ERROR Failed to prepare Channel before downloading
50031 FILEINFO_NOT_EXIST File information does not exist
50032 PAY_UNPAID_BLOCK_FAILED Failed to pay for unpaid file blocks
50033 CREATE_DOWNLOAD_FILE_FAILED Failed to create download file
50034 GET_UNDOWNLOAD_BLOCK_FAILED Failed to get undownloaded file block
50035 DOWNLOAD_BLOCK_FAILED Failed to download file block
50036 GET_FILE_STATE_ERROR Failed to obtain file information
50037 WRITE_FILE_DATA_FAILED Failed to write data to file
50038 FS_PUT_BLOCK_FAILED Failed to save file block to FS
50039 ADD_GET_BLOCK_REQUEST_FAILED Failed to add request file block task
50040 DECRYPT_FILE_FAILED Decryption failed
50041 RENAME_FILED_FAILED File rename failed
50042 DOWNLOAD_FILE_TIMEOUT File download timeout
50043 DOWNLOAD_FILE_RESUSED Download file refused
50044 UNITPRICE_ERROR Failed to get file download unit price
50045 DOWNLOAD_TASK_EXIST Download task already exists
50046 DECRYPT_WRONG_PASSWORD Wrong decryption password
50047 DELETE_FILE_HASHES_EMPTY Deleted file Hash is empty
50048 NO_FILE_NEED_DELETED No files need to be deleted
50049 DELETE_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED No permission to delete files

Transmission Status Code

Status code Content Meaning
0 None None
1 TaskPause Task pause
2 TaskDoing Mission continues
3 TaskUploadFileMakeSlice Start sharding
4 TaskUploadFileMakeSliceDone Sharding completed
7 TaskUploadFileCommitWhitelist Submit whitelist information
8 TaskUploadFileCommitWhitelistDone Complete whitelist information submission
9 TaskUploadFileFindReceivers Find storage nodes
10 TaskUploadFileFindReceiversDone Finding the storage node is complete
11 TaskUploadFileGeneratePDPData Generate PDP certification data
12 TaskUploadFileTransferBlocks Start transferring file block data
13 TaskUploadFileTransferBlocksDone Transfer file block data is complete
14 TaskUploadFileWaitForPDPProve Waiting for storage node to submit PDP certificate
15 TaskUploadFileWaitForPDPProveDone The storage node submits the PDP certificate to complete
16 TaskUploadFileRegisterDNS Register information to DNS node
17 TaskUploadFileRegisterDNSDone Registration information is completed to the DNS node
18 TaskDownloadFileStart Start downloading files
19 TaskDownloadSearchPeers Find nodes for download
20 TaskDownloadFileDownloading File downloading
21 TaskDownloadRequestBlocks Download data block
22 TaskDownloadReceiveBlocks Data block received
23 TaskDownloadPayForBlocks Pay the download fee for the data block
24 TaskDownloadPayForBlocksDone Complete the download fee for the data block
25 TaskDownloadFileMakeSeed File download is complete, submit sharing information to DNS node

RESTful API Error Code

Error Code Content Meaning
0 SUCCESS Success
40001 INTERNAL_ERROR Internal Server Error
40002 INVALID_PARAMS Incorrect parameter (missing)
40003 NO_DSP Service not instantiated
40004 NO_DB Database initialization failed
40005 CONTRACT_ERROR Contract call failed
40006 INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE Insufficient balance
40007 NO_ACCOUNT No account
40008 ACCOUNT_EXIST Account already exists
40009 NO_DNS No DNS node connected
40010 INVALID_WALLET_ADDRESS Wallet address is illegal
50000 CHAIN_INTERNAL_ERROR Internal error
50001 CHAIN_GET_HEIGHT_FAILED Failed to get current height
50002 CHAIN_GET_BLK_BY_HEIGHT_FAILED Failed to get block
50003 CHAIN_WAIT_TX_COMFIRMED_TIMEOUT Timeout waiting for transaction confirmation
50004 CHAIN_UNKNOWN_BLOCK Unknown block
50005 CHAIN_UNKNOWN_TX Unknown transaction
50007 CHAIN_UNKNOWN_SMARTCONTRACT_EVENT Unknown contract event
50008 CHAIN_UNKNOWN_ASSET Unknown asset
50009 CHAIN_TRANSFER_ERROR Transfer failed
50013 WALLET_FILE_NOT_EXIST Wallet file does not exist
50014 ACCOUNTDATA_NOT_EXIST Wallet account data does not exist
50015 ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_WRONG wrong password
50016 CREATE_ACCOUNT_FAILED Account creation failed
50017 ACCOUNT_EXPORT_FAILED Account export failed
54001 FS_GET_SETTING_FAILED Failed to obtain FS contract configuration
54002 FS_GET_USER_SPACE_FAILED Failed to obtain user space
54003 FS_GET_FILE_LIST_FAILED Failed to get file list
54004 FS_UPDATE_USERSPACE_FAILED Failed to update user space
54005 FS_CANT_REVOKE_OF_EXISTS_FILE Can't revoke space for storing files
54006 FS_NO_USER_SPACE_TO_REVOKE There is no room to revoke
54007 FS_USER_SPACE_SECOND_TOO_SMALL Increased seconds are too small
54008 FS_USER_SPACE_PERMISSION_DENIED No permission to update
54009 FS_UPLOAD_FILEPATH_ERROR Error in file upload path
54010 FS_UPLOAD_INTERVAL_TOO_SMALL The verification period for uploading calculated fee is too short
54011 FS_UPLOAD_GET_FILESIZE_FAILED Failed to calculate file fee to get file size
54012 FS_UPLOAD_CALC_FEE_FAILED Failed to calculate file fee
55000 DSP_INIT_FAILED DSP initialization failed
55001 DSP_START_FAILED DSP failed to start
55002 DSP_STOP_FAILED DSP stop failed
55010 DSP_UPLOAD_FILE_FAILED File upload failed
55011 DSP_USER_SPACE_EXPIRED User space expired
55012 DSP_USER_SPACE_NOT_ENOUGH Insufficient user space
55013 DSP_UPLOAD_URL_EXIST The file URL already exists
55014 DSP_DELETE_FILE_FAILED Failed to delete file
55015 DSP_CALC_UPLOAD_FEE_FAILED Failed to calculate upload cost
55016 DSP_GET_FILE_LINK_FAILED Failed to get file link
55017 DSP_ENCRYPTED_FILE_FAILED File encryption failed
55018 DSP_DECRYPTED_FILE_FAILED File decryption failed
55019 DSP_WHITELIST_OP_FAILED Whitelist operation failed
55020 DSP_GET_WHITELIST_FAILED Failed to get whitelist
55021 DSP_UPDATE_CONFIG_FAILED Failed to update system configuration
55022 DSP_UPLOAD_FILE_EXIST File uploaded
55023 DSP_PAUSE_UPLOAD_FAIELD Upload pause failed
55024 DSP_RESUME_UPLOAD_FAIELD Continue upload failure
55025 DSP_RETRY_UPLOAD_FAIELD Retry upload failed
55026 DSP_PAUSE_DOWNLOAD_FAIELD Failed to pause download
55027 DSP_RESUME_DOWNLOAD_FAIELD Continue download failed
55028 DSP_RETRY_DOWNLOAD_FAIELD Retry download failed
55029 DSP_CANCEL_TASK_FAILED Failed to cancel the task
55030 DSP_NODE_REGISTER_FAILED Node registration failed
55031 DSP_NODE_UNREGISTER_FAILED Node logout failed
55032 DSP_NODE_UPDATE_FAILED Node update failed
55033 DSP_NODE_WITHDRAW_FAILED Node withdrawal failed
55034 DSP_NODE_QUERY_FAILED Node query failed
55040 DSP_URL_REGISTER_FAILED URL registration failed
55041 DSP_URL_BIND_FAILED URL binding failed
55050 DSP_DNS_REGISTER_FAILED DNS node registration failed
55051 DSP_DNS_UNREGISTER_FAILED DNS node logout failed
55052 DSP_DNS_UPDATE_FAILED DNS node update failed
55053 DSP_DNS_WITHDRAW_FAILED DNS node withdrawal failed
55054 DSP_DNS_QUIT_FAILED DNS node exit failed
55055 DSP_DNS_ADDPOS_FAILED DNS node failed to add mortgage
55056 DSP_DNS_REDUCEPOS_FAILED DNS node failure to reduce mortgage
55057 DSP_DNS_GET_NODE_BY_ADDR Query DNS node failed
55058 DSP_DNS_QUERY_INFOS_FAILED Query all DNS node information failed
55059 DSP_DNS_QUERY_INFO_FAILED Failed to query information about a single DNS node
55060 DSP_DNS_QUERY_ALLINFOS_FAILED Query all DNS node information failed
55061 DSP_DNS_GET_EXTERNALIP_FAILED Query DNS node to obtain IP information failed
55062 DSP_USER_SPACE_PERIOD_NOT_ENOUGH Insufficient time in user space
55063 DSP_CUSTOM_EXPIRED_NOT_ENOUGH Not enough storage time for upload settings
55100 DSP_FILE_INFO_NOT_FOUND No file information found on the chain
55101 DSP_FILE_NOT_EXISTS file does not exist
55102 DSP_FILE_DECRYPTED_WRONG_PWD Wrong decryption password
58000 DSP_TASK_NOT_EXIST Operational task does not exist
59000 DB_FIND_SHARE_RECORDS_FAILED Database query sharing revenue failed
59001 DB_SUM_SHARE_PROFIT_FAILED Database statistics sharing revenue failure
59002 DB_FIND_USER_SPACE_RECORD_FAILED Database query adjustment space record lost败
59003 DB_ADD_USER_SPACE_RECORD_FAILED Database addition adjustment space record is missing败
59004 DB_GET_FILEINFO_FAILED Failed to obtain file information
59100 NET_RECONNECT_PEER_FAILED Node reconnection failed


Thank you for considering contributing to DSP. We welcome any individuals and organizations on the Internet to participate in this open source project.