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如果您正在考虑向自己的学校或就职机构提出使用TeX(或LaTeX, XeLaTeX等)的提议,但是却不知道如何着手,那么这份文档也许可以帮到您:

  • 文档思路清晰,论证充分;
  • 文档内有大量的调查数据和图表;
  • 文档内提供了很多参考链接和文献;
  • 文档中具体讨论了提议原因、依赖条件和实施措施;
  • 最重要的是,文档由LaTeX语言写成,本身就是一个使用TeX的例子。


本文档从介绍排版系统TeX的背景和特点开始,从研究生期刊论文投稿以及毕业生毕业论文排版工作这两个维度阐述了引入TeX作为一种与Office Word平行的写作系统的优势和必要性,最终提出一套基于重庆大学实际情况、有效可行的实施方案。

Here are the original source code and necessary attachment of Proposal for Offering TeX Courses and Relevant Resources in Chongqing University.

This proposal could be helpful if one is considering suggest his/her university or company to use TeX(or, LaTeX, XeLaTeX) as typesetting system, especially for Chinese universities and companies.

The present proposal mainly explains the importance and necessity of introducing TeX, a typeset system often used in academic writing, to students and teachers as the counterpart of Microsoft Word. This proposal starts from a brief introduction of TeX, then steps further into its fascinating application on academic writing and dissertation formatting. In the end, a set of possible implementation strategies with regard to the proper introduction of TeX and relevant resources to our university, is proposed.


  • Proposal with clear thinking and full reasoning;
  • Lots of survey data and charts;
  • A number of links and reference documents;
  • Analysis with Reasoning, Dependencies and Detailed Measures;
  • Most importantly, the proposal is written in LaTeX, which is an example of TeX use itself.

文档目录 / Table of Contents

# 中文 English 页码 / Page
1 引言 Introduction 1
2 我们需要TeX Need for TeX 2
2.1 什么是TeX,以及它能做什么 TeX, and the Talent Show 2
2.2 期刊投稿对TeX的需求 TeX in Academic Writing 9
2.3 撰写毕业论文对TeX的需求 Dissertation Typesetting with TeX 9
2.4 TeX的其他典型运用环境 Other Typical Application of TeX 14
3 接受使用TeX撰写的毕业论文 Advices on Acceptance for Dissertation Typesetting with TeX 14
3.1 提议原因 Reasoning 14
3.2 依赖条件 Dependencies 17
3.3 具体措施 Detailed Measures 18
4 开设TeX选修课程 Advices on Offering TeX Courses and Resources 18
4.1 提议原因 Reasoning 18
4.2 依赖条件 Dependencies 19
4.3 具体措施 Detailed Measures 19
5 建立重庆大学CTAN镜像 Advices on Setting Up a CTAN Mirror 19
5.1 提议原因 Reasoning 20
5.2 依赖条件 Dependencies 20
5.3 具体措施 Detailed Measures 21
6 结语 Conclusion 21
参考文献 Reference 22
关键词索引 Index 23

文档下载 / PDF Download


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Source code available at:

引用本文档 / Cite as

LI Zhennan, WU Chenyu, LIU Chunlei, & ZHAO Pinyong. (2016, September 20). Proposal for Offering TeX Courses and Relevant Resources in Chongqing University. Zenodo.

致谢 / Acknowledgement


The author would like to acknowledge these contributors / projects for their efforts and, essentially, beautiful mind:

内容许可 / License

本项目中的排版结果(即项目输出的PDF文件)使用Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 许可;余下用于指定格式和进行排版的源代码使用MIT 许可。源代码中附带的附件(即包含的图形、PDF文件)使用Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 许可。使用以下是一份普通人可以理解的许可协议概要 (但不是替代) :


  • 您尊重我们的署名权,在行使权力时(包括但不限于对本作品部分或全部的转载、复制、引用、演绎)向我们致谢,并附上文章链接
  • 您不能在行使权力时使用技术手段影响这份内容许可的效力;
  • 您同意,我们不应该也不会为您的任何行为负责。

The content of this project itself(i.e. the PDF output of this project) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and all the underlying source code used to format and display that content are licensed under the MIT license. All the attachment(graphs, PDFs, etc.) provided are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.