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Transparency Log Cosignatures

A cosignature is a statement by a transparency log witness that it verified the consistency of a checkpoint. Log clients can verify a quorum of cosignatures to prevent split-view attacks before trusting an inclusion proof.

— Az3grlgtzPICa5OS8npVmf1Myq/5IZniMp+ZJurmRDeOoRDe4URYN7u5/Zhcyv2q1gGzGku9nTo+zyWE+xeMcTOAYQ8=
— jWbPPwAAAABkGFDLEZMHwSRaJNiIDoe9DYn/zXcrtPHeolMI5OWXEhZCB9dlrDJsX3b2oyin1nPZ\nqhf5nNo0xUe+mbIUBkBIfZ+qnA==

Conventions used in this document

Data structures are defined according to the conventions laid out in Section 3 of RFC 8446.

U+ followed by four hexadecimal characters denotes a Unicode codepoint, to be encoded in UTF-8. 0x followed by two hexadecimal characters denotes a byte value in the 0-255 range. || denotes concatenation.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC 2119 RFC 8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.


Concretely, a cosignature is a note signature applied to a checkpoint.

Per the signed note format, a note signature line is

— <key name> base64(32-bit key ID || signature)

The key name SHOULD be a schema-less URL that identifies the witness. Like the checkpoint origin line, this is for disambiguation, and MAY match a publicly reachable endpoint or not.

The key ID MUST be

SHA-256(<name> || "\n" || 0x04 || 32-byte Ed25519 witness public key)[:4]

Clients are configured with tuples of (witness name, public key, supported cosignature version) and based on that they can compute the expected name and key ID, and ignore any signature lines that don't match the name and key ID.

Future cosignature formats MAY reuse the same witness public key with a different key ID algorithm byte (and a different signed message header line).

The signature MUST be a 72-byte timestamped_signature structure.

struct timestamped_signature {
    u64 timestamp;
    u8 signature[64];

"timestamp" is the time at which the cosignature was generated, as seconds since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00 UTC).

"signature" is an Ed25519 (RFC 8032) signature from the witness public key over the message defined in the next section.

Signed message

The signed message MUST be two newline (U+000A) terminated lines (one header line and one timestamp line) followed by the whole note body of the cosigned checkpoint (including the final newline, but not including any signature lines).

The header line MUST be the fixed string cosignature/v1, and provides domain separation.

The timestamp line MUST consist of the string time, a single space (0x20), and the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch encoded as an ASCII decimal with no leading zeroes. This value MUST match the timestamped_signature.timestamp.

time 1679315147

Semantically, a v1 cosignature is a statement that, as of the specified time, the consistent tree head with the largest size the witness has observed for the log identified by the origin line has the specified root hash.

Extension lines MAY be included in the checkpoint by the log, and if present MUST be included in the cosigned message. However, it's important to understand that the witness is asserting observation of correct append-only operation of the log based on the first three lines of the checkpoint; no semantic statement is made about any extension lines, and consensus between witnesses on the extension lines SHALL NOT be assumed.