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Authors and Related Publications

  • Fernando Garcia Redondo,
  • Pranay Prabhat
  • Mudit Bhargava

Thanks to Cyrille Dray and Milos Milosavljevic for his helpful discussions.

The following frameworks have been presented at

  • A Compact Model for Scalable MTJ Simulation, IEEE International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design, SMACD 2021.
  • A Fokker-Planck Solver to Model MTJ Stochasticity European Solid-State Device Research Conference, ESSDERC 2021.


Introduction to MRAM technologies

Since it was discovered in 1975, Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) has been actively investigated. Since 2000s, the advances in process technologies have made possible the miniaturization of the Magnetic-Random-Access-Memories (MRAMs) based on TMR devices, together with its integration into traditional CMOS processes.

MRAM Cell Figure 1. MRAM Structure

As depicted in Figure 1, the basic MTJ structure is composed of two ferromagnetic materials insulated by a (traditionally) oxide layer. The atom spins in each layer constitute the layer magnetization. The pinned-layer's magnetization is fixed, but the free-layer's magnetization can be altered. The resistivity of the cell is determined by the magnetization direction of the two layers. The resistance between the two terminals is minimum when both FL and PL magnetizations are parallel, (P State) and maximum when anti-parallel (AP State).

The discovery and later industrial manufacturing of Spin-Transfer-Torque (STT) MRAMs, coming with enough endurance, retention, scalability and lower power consumptions, postulated MRAM as the replacement of FLASH as the near future dominant Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) technology.

In STT MRAMs the writing current flowing through the device produces a torque momentum over the FL magnetization, flipping it should the current be large enough. Figure 2 describes how the magnetization vector evolves through time, from a z ~ +1, to z ~ -1.

MRAM Magnetization during switching Figure 2. MRAM Magnetization during switching

Bottom graph describes the x, y, z components magnetization, which we will use throughout this article. The temporal evolution of the MTJ magnetization m as a monodomain nanomagnet, influenced by external and anisotropy fields, thermal noise and STT, is described by the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert- Slonczewsky (s-LLGS) equation [OOMMF].

MRAM Magnetization during switching MRAM Magnetization during switching Figure 3. s-LLGS equations

Where the effective field, Heff, is determined by the external field, the anisotropy field (uniaxial and demagnetization), the voltage controlled anisotropy field, and the thermal field. The STT spin term is defined by the MRAM characteristics and the current applied between the two cell terminals.

MRAM stochasticity

The random thermal noise induced field, Hth, converts the deterministic LLGS differential equation into a stochastic differential system (s-LLGS). Leaving process/voltage/temperature (PVT) variations out of the picture, this stochasticity translates into uncertainty during operations. The same cell, written at two different moments in time, behaves differently. Consequently an MRAM cannot be considered a deterministic system, but a stochastic one.

In the next figure, we represent the x, y, z magnetization components during two different write operations, occurring on the same cell. Even though no PVT variations are present, we see how in two writing iterations (0 in blue, 1 in orange), the writing time (z flipping sign) varies considerably.

MRAM Magnetization and stochasticity Figure 4. Stochasticity causes two different write operations in the same cell to behave differently

Translated to the circuit domain, the periphery surrounding the MRAM cell should be aware of this behavior, and designed accordingly to be able to reliably write/read the MRAM cells incurring into low Write/Read Error Rates (WER and RER respectively). Therefore the circuit design relies then on the accurate modeling and simulation of the stochastic behavior of MRAM cells.

Moreover, the simulation of stochastic differential equation (SDE) systems require the use of Ito or Stratonovich calculus [P. Horley, S. Ament]. Standard methods are not applicable, and the simulation of SDEs becomes a problem that involves myriad of simulations using of small time step, requiring huge computational resources.

In these document, related to the works presented at "A Compact Model for Scalable MTJ Simulation", SMACD 2021, and "A Fokker-Planck Solver to Model MTJ Stochasticity" ESSDERC 2021, we present the solutions to the following two problems:

  • how to reliably and efficiently simulate circuits with MRAM compact models, including stochasticity?
  • how to efficiently analyze stochasticity?

In the following sections we present the solutions we developed answering these questions.

Arm's MRAM Simulation Framework

We present a framework for the characterization and analysis of MRAM stochasticity, and a compact model and framework for the efficient and scalable simulation of circuits with MRAMs.

We provide Verilog-A and Python compact models, able to emulate the behavior of MRAMs switching at significant statistic events. To calibrate the models for such stochastic based events, we implemented and analyzed two FPE solvers (numerical FVM and analytical), and presented an optimization module that orchestrates the efficient computation of MRAM statistics and parameter regression.

"A Compact Model for Scalable MTJ Simulation", or how to reliably and efficiently simulate circuits with MRAM, including stochasticity

Motivation for a new Verilog-a/Python Compact model

Many MTJ models have been presented, from micro-magnetic approaches to macro-magnetic SPICE and Verilog-A compact models for circuit simulations. Compact models present in the literature account for different behavioral aspects: a better temperature dependence, a more accurate anisotropy formulation for particular MTJ structures, or the integration of Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT) for three-terminal devices, for example.

These prior works focus on the ability to model a specific new behavior for the simulation of a single or a few MTJ devices in a small circuit. A product-ready PDKs requires not only research contributions capturing novel device behavior, but also optimization stages enabling circuit design.

Coordinate Systems and Implications

STT-MRAM circuit design needs the complex device dynamics to be incorporated into the standard SPICE-like solvers. And doing it efficiently is not an easy task. The s-LLGS system resolution can easily lead to artificial oscillations if solved in a Cartesian reference system when using the Euler, Gear and Trapezoidal methods provided by circuit solvers. In [S. Ament] it is studied how MTJ devices benefit from resolution in spherical coordinates, specially when using implicit midpoint and explicit RK45 methods. Additionally, Cartesian methods require a non-physical normalization stage for the magnetization vector [S. Ament].

Integration Mechanism and Solver

Secondly, MTJ Verilog-A models present in the literature use a naive Euler/Trapezoidal methods to integrate the magnetization vector

m(t) = m(t − dt) + dmdt (2)

However, Equation 1 causes m_φ to exceed the [0, 2π) physically allowed range, and grow indefinitely over time, leading to unnatural voltages that eventually prevent simulator convergence. Our solution is to use the circular integration idtmod function provided by Spectre solvers, which wraps m_φ at 2π preventing it from increasing indefinitely.

More importantly, there is a hard trade-off when simulating m_θ on Equation (1) between its accuracy, the integration method and the minimum timestep used. Vector m_θ represents the binary state of the MTJ data bit and is the most critical component to accurately model MTJ switching.

MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 5. Solver/time-step and accuracy trade-off.

The naive integration of m_θ directly encoding Equation 1 in the Verilog-A description incurs a substantial error during a switching event, as shown in Figure 5. Reducing the timestep improves the RMS error (against OOMMF reference) but at the cost of a large increase in computational load. Our solution is to use the idt function for the circuit solvers provided by Spectre, which adapt the integration based on multiple evaluations of the differential terms at different timesteps, leading to better accuracy.

Regarding scalability, if a larger circuit is to be simulated and fixed timesteps banned, it is essential to manage the tolerance/timestep scheme, Otherwise during the computation of the m_φ component the asymptote dmφ/dt → ∞ at m_θ = 0. This precession mechanism acceleration, described by the next figure, requires the solver to accordingly increase its resolution. Thus, an appropriate tolerance scheme is to be used. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 6. Asymptote simulation requires smaller time steps to ensure convergence.

Thermal Noise effects and Damping

H_th follows a Wiener process in which each x, y, z random component is independent of each other and previous states. This implies that the computation of H_th requires large independent variations between steps, hindering the solver’s attempts to guarantee signal continuity under small tolerances. Under default solver tolerances aiming for circuit accuracy, the simulation leads to computational errors, and excessive computational load under 1 ps bounded time steps, and require from user-defined Stratonovich Heun/RK extra steps.

Three solutions have been proposed in the literature. First, to emulate the random field by using an external current or resistor-like noise source. However, SPICE simulators impose a minimum capacitance on these nodes filtering the randomness response, therefore preventing a true Wiener process from being simulated, as they are later integrated using deterministic methods. Second, to bound a fixed small timestep to the solver, but as described before this is not feasible for large circuits. Third, to only consider scenarios where the field generated by the writing current is much larger than H_th , forcing H_th = 0.

This has strong implications when moving from single to multiple successive switching event simulations. Under no H_th thermal field, the magnetization damping collapses m_θ to either 0 or π. s-LLGS dynamics imply that the smaller the m_θ the harder it is for the cell to switch, and if completely collapsed, it is impossible.

MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 7. m_z collapses m_θ=0 due to dampening under no thermal noise field presence, Making impossible to simulate multiple-writes or long simulations

The above picture depicts this artificial effect, which does not have an equivalent in reality, as H_th != 0 imposes a random angle. Design, validation and signoff for large memory blocks with integrated periphery and control circuits requires the simulation of sequences of read and write operations, with each operation showing identical predictable and switching characteristics. However, the damping artifact discussed above prevents or slows down subsequent switches after the first event, since the subsequent events see an initial θ value vanishingly close to zero.

Proposed Framework and Compact Model

MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 8. Proposed compact model and Framework methodology.

The above Figure describes the implemented compact model and model analysis/calibration procedure and validation against OOMMF. First, given a set of MRAM parameters, initial non-stochastic simulations are compared against OOMMF simulation results. The tolerances are adjusted till the results match. At this point, the model is frozen and exported to Verilog-A. The subsequent simulation validates the tolerances needed for the required accuracy. Finally, the coefficients of the thermal noise emulation mechanism explained bellow are regressed and the Verilog-A model library finalized.

The model is composed of two modules: the Conduction and Dynamics modules. The conduction scheme describing the instantaneous MTJ resistance is dependent on the foundry engineered stack. Our modular approach allows foundry-specific conduction mechanisms to complement the basic Tunnel-Magneto-Resistance (TMR) scheme. The Dynamics module describes the temporal evolution of the MTJ magnetization m.

The compact model has been implemented in Python and Verilog-A. Python model supports traditional Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and SDE solvers, for the simulation of H_th as a pure Wiener process [S. Ament, P. Horley]. The parallel Python engine enables MC and statistical studies. The Verilog-A implementation uses idt /idtmod integration schemes with parameterizable integration tolerances. The following Figure describes our Verilog-A model once parameterized validated against OOMMF. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 9. Validation against OOMMF

To enable the efficient simulation of the effects caused by the stochastic H_th two solutions are proposed. The purpose is to be able to simulate being simulate the mean switching behavior, and those switchings related to given error rate WER_i behaviors. Thus, enabling the analysis of how a given circuit instantiating that MRAM device would behave statistically with negligible simulation performance degradation.

Windowing Function Approach: Our first objective is to provide a mechanism for m_θ to saturate naturally to the equilibrium value given by H_th during switching events. By redefining the evolution of m on its θ component we are able to saturate its angle at θ_0 , the second moment of the Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution of m_θ under no external field [OOMMF]

This function slows down the magnetization evolution when reaching the angle c_wi θ_0, therefore saturating m_θ and avoiding m from collapsing over z. Moreover, by using c_wi we are able to define the angle that statistically follows different stochastic behaviors corresponding to different write error rates.

Emulated Magnetic Term Approach The expansion of s-LLGS equation after its expression in spherical coordinates describes m_θ evolution as proportional to H_eff_φ + αH_eff_θ ~ H_eff_φ. We propose to add a fictitious term H_fth_φ with the purpose of emulating the mean/WER_i H_th contribution that generates θ_0 (θ_0_i for WER_i).

Thanks to the proposed approaches we can efficiently extract the mean/WER_i behaviors, and generate the corresponding and calibrated Verilog-A models ready to be efficiently simulated. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 10. Stochastic SDE simulations requiring high computational resources and proposed H_fth simulation, matching the mean stochastic behavior of the cell

1-Mb MRAM Macro Benchmark and Conclusions

To validate scalability on a commercial product, the model is instantiated into the 64 × 4 memory top block of the extracted netlist from a 1-Mb 28 nm MRAM macro [E. M. Boujamma], and simulated with macro-specific tolerance settings. The emulated magnetic term enables the previously impossible capability of simulating successive writes with identical transition times due to non-desired over-damping.

The following Figure –resistance/voltage units omitted for confidentiality– describes a writing operation 10 µs after power-on sequence. We combine the s-LLGS OOMMF validated dynamics with foundry-given thermal/voltage conductance dependence, providing the accurate resistance response over time. Compared to using fixed resistors, there is an overhead of 3.1× CPU time and 1.5× RAM usage. In return, circuit designers can observe accurate transient switching behaviour and read disturbs. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 11. Magnetization, BL, WL, SL and resistance of a cell writen within a 1Mb Macro

"A Fokker-Planck Solver to Model MTJ Stochasticity", or how to efficiently analyze stochasticity in MRAM.

As seen in Figure 10, the computation of
WER/RER with s-LLGS simulations requires a large number of random walks, especially for the low error rates (<< 1ppm) required for volume production.

For example, the simulation of 10000 random walks solving the SDE using Stratonovich Heun algorithm in Cartesian coordinates system (0.1ps time step) for the write error rate computation seen in Figure 12 took ~1150 hours. The characterization of a given MRAM cell for WER=1e-8 would require a non-manageable amount of time and computational resources. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 12. WER simulation. 10000 SDE simulations using Stratonovich Heun method, solved for cartesian coordinates system and 0.1ps time step took ~1150 hours. Taking advantage of the presented python framework and multi-thread capabilities, this computation time was reduced to ~18h (64 threads). The Fokker-Plank WER computation is solved in seconds, providing the analytical solution.

To alleviate this issue, Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) tools such as the Fokker–Planck Equation (FPE) statis- tically analyze the MTJ magnetization and provide a simplified solution with sufficient accuracy to analyze such error rates [Tzoufras], [Y. Xie], [W. H. Butler]. Compared against a set of s-LLGS random-walk transient simulations, the FPE accurately evolves an initial MTJ magnetization probability through time based on the cur- rent and external fields. Instead of independent transients, the FPE computes the probability distribution of the magnetization at a given instant, thus capturing the statistical behavior of the MTJ cell. Figure 12 highlights how FPE is able to solve in seconds what otherwise requires huge computational resources (myriads of s-LLGS simulations).

The problem magnifies when fitting to measured silicon data. Silicon measurement needs low error rates to be captured accurately from finite memory arrays without compromising test throughput in volume production, requiring high currents to allow extrapolation from higher, more easily measurable error rates. As a result, foundry data could consist of a set of data points with the error rate spanning orders of magnitude.

Addressing both problems, the proposed stochastic framework for the characterization and analysis of MRAM stochastic effects is described, and the fitting of the complex set of MRAM parameters onto such heterogeneous data points through a case study with published foundry data.

With the proposed solution, we are able to generate WER/RER in seconds, enabling the search of the set of physical parameters that best fit a collection of ER points as a function of a current pulse width and amplitude.

Fokker-Plank Equation

The advection-diffusion or Fokker-Plank equation has been widely used to analyze the evolution over time of the probability density function of the magnetization of an MRAM cell: MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 13. Fokker-Plank equation

Prior work numerically solves the FPE through finite differences or finite volume methods (FVM) or analytical solutions. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 14. Computational load comparison of a single s-LLGS random walk and different FPE solvers In the above Figure we characterize the computational load required to simulate a single s-LLGS stochastic random walk, different FVM FPE simulations using different time and spatial resolutions, and various analytical FPE simulations varying the number of coefficients of the expansion series used. First, it can be clearly seen how computing millions of s-LLGS is simply unmanageable. Second, while FVM FPE approaches are a good method for small amount of WER/RER computations, should multiple simulations be required, like it is the case on the design space exploration occurring during MRAM parameters fitting, the faster yet accurate analytical solutions approach is required.

It is important to highlight that even FVM FPE solutions constituted a reasonable solution enabling statistical analyses otherwise impossible using billions of s-LLGS, the simulation time is directly proportional at the writing pulse width being simulated. Therefore longer simulated times, required to characterize low-current regimes, still involve huge computational resources. On the contrary, the analytical FPE approach otherwise requires constant time to simulate longer pulse widths.

The following Figure describes how the different resolutions and number of coefficients used affect the accuracy of the computation of the magnetization probability evolution. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 15. Accuracy comparision for different resolution/number of coefficients.

Presented Solution Framework

Complementing the compact model and simulation framework that enable the efficient simulation of circuits with MRAMs, the MRAM characterization framework focus on the MRAM behavior statistical analysis.

As described in the following Figure, it enables the otherwise impossible MRAM parameter set regression from foundry WER curves. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 16. Proposed framework and methodology

At the end of the process, the circuit designer obtains a set of MRAM compact models, ready to be simulated in traditional circuit simulators, that have been accurately calibrated to represent the mean/WER_i cell behavior.

As a case of study, we take the two stack processes presented in [G. Hu], where a set of current/mean switching time points are provided. First the most computing intensive tasks, regressing the MRAM parameters set that best describe the provided stochastic behaviors takes place. Our framework finds the proper parameters in reasonable time (< 3 days), a task otherwise completely impossible using s-LLGS simulations, and much slower (almost impractical) using FVM approaches. MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 17. Current/switching time fitting for two MRAM stack processes without any prior knowledge

At this point, as circuit designers we can easily compare the error rates on both stacks, and determine the appropriate operating points, based on results as the shown in the following Figure: MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods Figure 18. WER/RER analyses for the regressed stacks

With the physical parameters set found, we make use of the compact model presented at "A Compact Model for Scalable MTJ Simulation" section, and compute the H_fth_i parameters that enable circuit designers to accurately simulate the required MRAM cell at the significant WER_i statistical events: MRAM Simulation and Integration Methods


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