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Interoperability with C

Fortran 2003 introduced facilities to allow a Fortran program to interact with C in a standardised way.

The instrinsic module iso_c_binding

Fortran has introduced the idea of interoperable entities, which have declarations which have an analogue in C. (Strictly C, not C++. However, as there is a subset of C which is also valid C++, one can also communicate with C++.)

Facilities for ensuring that data objects and procedures are interoperable are provided by the inrinsic module iso_c_binding

Numeric data types

For integer, real and complex types, iso_c_binding provides names for constants which are the relevant kind parameters for Fortran. For example, integer interoperable types include:

  !  declaration                                       ... interoperable with ...
  integer (c_int)                 :: i_int             ! C "int"
  integer (c_short)               :: i_short_int       ! C "short int"
  integer (c_long)                :: i_long            ! C "long int"
  integer (c_size_t)              :: i_size_t          ! C "size_t

The value can be -1 (no interoperable Fortran type) or -2 (no corresponding C type). Recall size_t is usually an unsigned type in C. There is still no direct ananlogue of unsigned types in Fortran, although an interoperable type is almost certainly available.

For real types, the full list is:

  ! declaration                                        ... interoperable with ...
  real (c_float)                  :: r_float           ! C "float"
  real (c_double)                 :: r_double          ! C "double"
  real (c_long_double)            :: r_long_double     ! C "long double"

If the value of the C name is -1 (e.g., c_long_double) then Fortran does not provide a precision equal to that of C type (long double). Other negative values indicate unavailabillity for different reasons.

For complex types, the full list is:

  ! declaration                                        ... interoperable with ...
  complex (c_float_complex)       :: z_float_complex   ! C "float _Complex"
  complex (c_double_complex)      :: z_double_complex  ! C "double _Complex"
  complex (c_long_double_complex) :: z_ldc             ! C "long double _Complex"

The precision for complex numbers relates to the precision for each of the real and imaginary parts.

Logical data types

There is one interoperable logical type:

  ! declaration
  logical (c_bool)                :: logical_c_bool    ! C "_Bool"

As logical operations in C are often performed using integer types, an integer type may be appropriate in a given context.

Example (1 minute)

A program is provided which prints out a full list of the symbols from iso_c_binding illustrated above.

$ ftn print_iso_c_binding.f90

Characters and strings

An interoperable character type is expected to be available:

  ! declaration                                  ... interoperable with ...
  character (kind = c_char, len = 1) :: char     ! C "char"

To pass strings to C, rather than single characters, it is usually necessary to think about a string in Fortran as being an assumed size array of characters of len = 1.

Named constants for the following C special characters are provided: c_null_char (\0), c_alert (\a), c_backspace (\b), c_form_feed (\f),c_new_line (\n), c_carriage_return (\r), c_horizontal_tab (\t), and c_vertical_tab (\v).

Fortran code receiving strings from C may wish to discard the c_null_char at the end of the string.

Calling C from Fortran

Suppose we wish to call the standard C library function

int atoi(const char * str);

from Fortran. To do this, we will write a Fortran interface to reflect the need for interoperable arguments. This might be:

    function c_atoi(str) bind(c, name = "atoi") result(i)
      use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_char, c_int
      character (kind = c_char, len = 1), intent(in) :: str(*)
      integer (kind = c_int)                         :: i
    end function c_atoi
  end interface

The bind(c) declaration indicates that this interface relates to a C function. If the name is present, it can be used to associate the C name with the Fortran interface declaration. If the name is not present, the C name will be taken to be the Fortran name (in lower case). Here, the function could be called from Fortran via, e.g.,

   integer (c_int) :: i
   i = c_atoi("-23")

The arguments of the function, and the return type, should all be relevant interoperable types.

A C function with void return type should have an interface defining a subroutine rather than a function.

Arguments passed by value

Many C functions have non-pointer dummy arguments, e.g.,

double hypot(double x, double y);

where actual arguments would be passed by value.

An appropriate Fortran interface can provide information on such scalar arguments via the value attribute:

    function c_hypot(x, y) bind(c, name = "hypot") result(z)
      use iso_c_binding, only : c_double
      real (c_double), value :: x, y
      real (c_double)        :: z
    end function c_hypot
  end interface

The value attribute takes the place of intent(in) (they cannot occur together). If a scalar argument does not have the value attribute, it means that C expects a pointer.

The value attribute can also be used in a normal Fortran context, where it is a signal to the compiler that the value should be copied in, whereon it may be changed, but not copied out again.

Example (10 minutes)

Suppose we have a C function with prototype

int c_snprintf_float(char * str, size_t nsz, const char * format, float x);

which we wish to call from Fortran. The function uses the standard C library call snprintf() to write the value of the float argument to a string str with C format specification format. The maximum number of characters to be written is nsz. The return value is the number of characters actually written to the string (not including the \0 terminating character).

The C function is supplied in the current directory; it needs to be compiled (not linked) with the relevant C compiler, e.g.,

$ cc -c c_snprintf.c

which will produce an object c_snprintf.o.

Write a program which includes an interface which allows the C function to be called with appropriate arguments. If the program is called f_snprintf.f90, we should be able to compile this with the C object via:

$ ftn c_snprintf.o f_snprintf.f90

Note this is the Fortran compiler.

What can you say about the length of the string returned in Fortran compared with the number of characters written indicated by the return value?

If you were to implement interfaces for both the c_snprintf_float() and c_snprintf_double() versions, you might wonder whether you could overload the specifc names with a generic name.


Fortran arrays of non-zero size are interoperable if the data type is interoperable, and the array has an explicit shape or an assumed size (the * notation).

As an example of an explicit shape consider the C function with prototype

void c_array1(int nlen, double * data);

As usual, one would expect the array to be indexed from zero in C.

An appropriate Fortran interface might be

    subroutine c_array1(nlen, data) bind(c)
      use iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_double
      integer (c_int), value         :: nlen
      real (c_double), intent(inout) :: data(nlen)
    end subroutine c_array1
  end interface

A Fortran allocatable array should be declared as assumed size in the interface. The relevant current size of the allocation will typically need to be passed as well, as above.

For arrays of rank 2, we must remember that the array element order is reversed in C relative to Fortran. That is, the Fortran declaration

   integer (c_int) :: array(m, n)

would need to correspond an array array[][m] or array[n][m] to be interoperable. The Fortran interface would specify dimension (m,*) or dimension(m,n), respectively.

Exercise (10 minutes)

The accompanying C file c_array.c holds a function with prototype

void c_array(int mlen, int nlen, int [][mlen]);

intended to be interoperable with a Fortran array declared (mlen,nlen). The C function simply prints out the values of the elements.

Write a Fortran program that passes a small array of shape (2,3) to C. Initialise the values consistent with Fortran array element order (e.g., indicative of increasing address).


Derived types c_ptr and c_funptr are provided for interoperability with C pointer types. A number of functions are provided to manage the translation of Fortran entities to and from these new types.

  • c_loc(x) returns the c_ptr type which C can use as the address of the argument. The argument can be a scalar, an contiguous array of non-zero size (or allocated non-zero size), or an associated pointer. The argument must be of interoperable type. The argument must be a pointer or a data object with target attribute.

  • c_funloc(p) can return the address of an interoperable procedure.

  • c_associated(c_ptr1 [, c_ptr2]) if an analogue of the associated() intrinsic which returns .true. if the first argument is not c_null_ptr. If the second argument is present, the function will return .true. if both arguments are the same.

  • c_f_pointer(c_ptr, fptr [, shape]) provides functionality to tranlate a c_ptr type into a Fortran pointer. A rank 1 integer array shape is required if fptr is an array.

  • c_f_procpointer(c_funptr, fptr) provides similar functionality for a procedure pointer.

Derived types

To be interoperable, a Fortran derived type must map to a plain C struct with interoperable compments. This means the Fortran type must have no type-bound procedures, cannot be extended, cannot have components that have either the allocatable or pointer attributes,

The type should be declared as bind(c), e.g.,

  type, bind(c), public :: my_type
    integer (c_int) :: icomponent
    real (c_float)  :: fcomponent
  end type my_type

The presence of the bind(c) means the type cannot be extended.

Calling Fortran from C

Let us suppose we have a C program whioch defines a struct

typedef struct array_s {
  int nlen;
  float * data;
} array_t;

to aggregate the information on an array of float which is to be allocated by the program. Further, we wish to call a subroutine declared in C as

void f_subroutine(const array_t * a);

which we wish to write in Fortran.

A corresponding subroutine in Fortran requires the definition of the interoperable structure, i.e.,

  type, bind(c) :: array_t
    int (c_int)  :: nlen
    type (c_ptr) :: data
  end type array_t

where we have used a c_ptr type to represent the C pointer component.

An interoperable subroutine declared bind(c) might be

  subroutine f_subroutine(a) bind(c)

    type (array_t), intent(in) :: a
    real (c_float), pointer    :: data(:)

    call c_f_pointer(a%data, data, [ a%nlen ])

    ! ... perform operations with data(:) ...

  end suroutine f_subroutine

The information that the C data is of type float appears in the declaration of the Fortran pointer used to access the array. This must be initialised by a call to c_f_pointer() before it can be used.

Exerise (10 minutes)

Check you can construct a working example based on the above outline. Initialise some sample values and chcek you can recover the values in the Fortran subroutine.

Try using either the C or the Fortran compiler to perform the link stage.