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Type-bound procedures

Many languages use the term "methods" to refer to functions or operations that are associated with particular objects.

Methods are referred to as type-bound procedures in Fortran. They provide a mechanism to perform operations which are appropriate for a given (dynamic) type.

Type-bound procedures

A type-bound procedure is a fixed entity associated with the declaration of the type, and appears after the contains statement in the definition. For example, consider again the simple object_t. Say we wished to add a function to compute the volume of an object:

  type, public ::object_t
    ! ... components ...
    ! ... procedure bindings ...
    procedure, pass :: volume => object_volume
  end type object_t

The pass attribute specified in the procedure binding indicates that the object to which the procedure is bound will be passed as the first argument of the call of the type-bound procedure. This argument is called the passed object dummy argument.

Note there is no pointer attribute: this is a type-bound procedure.

We must provide a function

  function object_volume(self) result(volume)

    class (object_t), intent(in) :: self
    real                         :: volume

    ! ...

  end function object_volume

Where we might expect to see a type declaration for the dummy argument (self), this has been replaced by class. This is to allow that the call may be made in a context in which the type has been extended, i.e., class permits polymorphism.

To invoke the new type-bound procedure, e.g.:

  type (object_t) :: a = object_t()

  print *, "Volume is ", a%volume()

Here, the declaration of a remains type rather than class. There is no polymorphism involved at this point. The object a in this context is associated with the passed object dummy argument (self).

Exercise (5 minutes)

Using the template object_type.f90 add the type-bound procedure volume() in the object_t type (only). Provide an implementation which sets the volume to zero. Using the accompanying program example1.f90 check you can call new volume() procedure for an object_t.

$ ftn object_type.f90 example1.f90

Can you also use the same type-bound procedure for the sub-type sphere_t?

Overriding a specific procedure

Types which extend a base type will inherit type-bound procedures from their parent. If we wish to relate a different volume computation with a given object type, we may override the object_volume() implementation with a new implementation.

This can be done by merely re-declaring the procedure binding in the extending type with the same name, e.g.,:

  type, extends(object_t), public :: sphere_t
    ! ...
    procedure, pass, non_overridable :: volume => sphere_volume
  end type sphere_t

Here, the non_overridable attribute to the binding specifies that the same name cannot be further overriden by types which extend sphere_t.

An overriding procedure must have exactly the same interface as the relevant procedure in the parent type, bar the type of the object reference itself.

Exercise (3 minutes)

Check you can add this specific function in the sphere_t type. Re-run the example1.f90 to check that objects of different type obtain an appropriate result.

What happens if you try to override the volume() procedure in the charged_sphere_t having declared it non_overridable?

Binding attributes

The form of the type-bound procedure definition in this context is:

  procedure [, binding-attr-list] :: type-bound-name [ => specific-name ]

where there is a comma-separated list of attributes which may include

  1. One of public or private indicating scope;
  2. non_overridable indicating this type-bound-name may not be re-defined in types which extend the current type;
  3. pass or nopass.

The default is that type-bound-procedure receives the passed object dummy argument as the first dummy argument. There is an optional argument

  pass [ (arg) ]

which can be used to specify which dummy argument is associated with the invoking object (required if it's not the first dummy argument).

Generic type-bound procedures

If one wishes to overload type-bound procedures, an additional step is required:

  type, public :: my_type
    ! ...
    procedure, pass :: add_real32
    procedure, pass :: add_real64
    generic, public :: add => add_real32, add_real64
  end type my_type

Here, the single generic name add is intended to be used, and must be asociated with distinguishable alternatives. As before, this may be used for assigment, operators, generic names, or derived type i/o.

Procedure pointer as type component

It is possible to declare a type which has a procedure pointer as a component:

  type, public :: my_pp_t
    procedure (interface_pp), pointer :: p
  end type my_pp_t

Such a procedure pointer is part of the data associated with an instance of a type. Different instances of the object may contain pointers to different procedures as the value is determined at run time. Note that an interface definition may be required in this context.

Exercise (5 minutes)

Add an extra type-bound procedure to the sphere_t to compute the sphere's mass using the density and the type-bound volume() function. Check this produces a reasonable result.