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AB Tech Tracker

The tech tracker is a specialized web application used internally by Carnegie Mellon University's Activities Board Technical Committee. Its major features are event planning/organization, incoming email management, financial tracking, and membership management (including payroll and timecard generation). It was originally written in ~2003 in perl-style Rails 1.x, and through the years has been taken over and upgraded by various techies.

The current version of Tracker uses Ruby 2.7.5 and Rails 6.1.7. The OS sendmail is used for sending emails, and Sphinx is used for searching events.

Development Notes

Work on large new features should be done in branches and/or forks; smaller changes can be done in master. The production branch should always be deployable.

A Devise configuration file is required for the membership model. One can be generated with the command rails g devise Member. The generated configuration (and therefore, the membership data in the database) may not be compatible with production Tracker. If using a copy of the production database, this may mean you will either have to edit some records with rails c to allow you to log in, or request a copy of the production Devise configuration file. See setup instructions below.

You must install Sphinx if you wish to use the event search feature. You can then generate an index by running the command rails ts:index on the server.

You must install and configure a sendmail provider if you wish to send emails from Tracker.

Development Setup

  1. Clone the repo and checkout the intended branch.
  2. Install MySQL.
  3. Install rbenv and initialize it.
  4. rbenv install
  5. gem install bundler (ensure this runs in your rbenv environment)
  6. rbenv rehash
  7. RAILS_ENV=development bundle install
  8. rbenv rehash
  9. EDITOR=nano ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails credentials:edit. If you want to test out email or Slack integrations, then copy in the example at config/credentials/credentials.example.yml and update the values for your specific instance.
  10. Install Node and Yarn (included in recent versions via corepack).
  11. yarn install
  12. RAILS_ENV=development rails assets:precompile
  13. Create MySQL databases abtt_development_master and abtt_test. Use an existing user or create a new user and give it access to these databases. Update config/database.yml to match your local install for both the development and test environments. Be sure not to commit this file with your specific environmental changes.
  14. RAILS_ENV=development rails db:schema:load
  15. RAILS_ENV=development rails db:seed
  16. Run the rails console to create an initial user: RAILS_ENV=development rails c
    Member.create(namefirst: "Sam", namelast: "Abtek", email: "", phone: "5555555555", password: "password", password_confirmation: "password", payrate: 0.0, tracker_dev: true)
  17. Start the development server: RAILS_ENV=development puma


The intended directory structure is as follows. /srv/abtech-tracker may be moved anywhere if you override the systemd service/socket files, and the production-01 and staging-01 may be any name (these are the instance names).

├── abtech-tracker
│   ├── production-01
│   │   ├── corepack
│   │   ├── pids
│   │   ├── rbenv
│   │   ├── repo
│   │   ├── run
│   │   └── tracker.env
│   └── staging-01
│       ├── corepack
│       ├── pids
│       ├── rbenv
│       ├── repo
│       ├── run
│       └── tracker.env
  1. Determine an instance name (like production-01) and create the above directory path. Clone into the repo folder and change to that directory.
  2. Copy tracker.env to the parent of repo. Change any variables inside that need to be changed.
  3. From the repo directory as root: set -o allexport; source ../tracker.env; set +o allexport
  4. rbenv install
  5. ../rbenv/shims/gem install --no-document bundler
  6. rbenv rehash
  7. Create a user deploy-abtech-tracker. This user does not need sudo, a home folder, or a default shell.
  8. Create a MySQL user deploy-abtech-tracker authenticated via UNIX socket. Create a database abtech_tracker_<instance name>. Grant all permissions on the database to the user.
  9. Now login as the deploy-abtech-tracker user: sudo -u deploy-abtech-tracker /bin/bash
  10. As deploy-abtech-tracker: set -o allexport; source ../tracker.env; set +o allexport
  11. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle config set --local deployment 'true'
  12. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle install
  13. As deploy-abtech-tracker: Copy in the production or staging master key and run EDITOR=nano ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails credentials:edit --environment production (or staging) and make sure it looks right. Ensure it is up to date with the example at config/credentials/example.yml.
  14. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=production
  15. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails db:create (may already exist)
  16. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails db:schema:load
  17. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails db:seed
  18. As deploy-abtech-tracker: yarn install
  19. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails assets:precompile
  20. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails ts:index
  21. As deploy-abtech-tracker: ../rbenv/shims/bundle exec rails c
    Member.create(namefirst: "Sam", namelast: "Abtek", email: "", phone: "5555555555", password: "password", password_confirmation: "password", payrate: 0.0, tracker_dev: true)
  22. Now as root:
    systemctl enable abtech-tracker@production-01.socket abtech-tracker@production-01.service abtech-tracker-ts@production-01.service abtech-tracker-email-idle@production-01.service abtech-tracker-ts-index@production-01.timer abtech-tracker-slack-notify@production-01.timer
  23. As root:
    systemctl start abtech-tracker-ts@production-01.service abtech-tracker@production-01.socket abtech-tracker@production-01.service abtech-tracker-email-idle@production-01.service

Email pulling

Tracker includes a rake task called email:idle which will connect to a Gmail account and continuously pull email from it in the background. To do so, you need to get a client ID/secret from Google, and generate a refresh token for the Gmail account you want to authenticate with. Note: if you do not use the email:idle task, the following instructions are unnecessary.

  1. Go to the Google APIs console, select "APIs & auth > Credentials", and click Create new Client ID.

  2. Choose "Installed Application", and then "Other". If you are requested to set up a Consent screen, enter an email address and a product name, and continue.

  3. Once you have a Client ID and Client secret, download the tool.

  4. python --generate_oauth2_token --client_id=CLIENT_ID --client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET

    Make sure to replace CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET with the appropriate values.

  5. Among the output will be a value labeled "refresh token". Use this and the client ID and secret to update your secrets file (see the credentials:edit task in the development and deployment instructions above). An example can be found at config/credentials/example.yml.